Showing posts with label spiritual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spiritual. Show all posts

Monday, July 1, 2013

Nothing doesn't exist in the universe we see

Almost all of us have grown up the idea of 0, the empty set, nothing.
Fewer of us go any further then that, we don't stop to see where this concept came from, and don't get it twisted it's an idea. There is no such thing as nothing in nature. Zero may well be the greatest single achievement in recorded human history, it may well be one the least truly understood.

check out a few links for some background if your interested.

For me it's the concept of nothing, no where do we look do we find nothing.
Even things we describe as being empty are far from it. When you pour a glass of water, your not really filling it, your displacing one thing with another denser thing. Even the misnamed vacuum of space is only a relative vacuum.
I would take this even farther as I've explained in an early blog about the LoA .
That using the idea of the void is the trigger to to cause the machine like aspect of all that is to find something to fill it.



Friday, June 28, 2013

Are you Staring at the Screen?

This is and isn't a trick question.

We as humans are in a very odd predicament. We accept our reality because of the information our senses provide us. This is where we get start to slide a bit sideways. We know our senses can not only be tricked, they can lie to us. We know that the fundamental forces that shape our reality are to a large extent invisible to the very senses we are using to try to describe our reality.

A fairly easy analogy is our computers.
Think of this scenario.  Joey is playing world of warcraft, or any game really.
Billy walks in the room, motions toward the screen, and asks the question,
"Whats that?".
Joey answers "that is a monitor"

Billy responds "asshole"

Of course we know the answer Billy wants is the name of the game. not the actual object he is motioning toward.
Many of you might even be saying this is nit-picky bs.
But lets take a quick look a bit deeper.

Even as Joey most of us even knowing that the monitor is merely the output, It's the  flashing lights, and color to keep you mesmerized. It's the computers version of Maya, the illusion being played out before your eyes.
It's the end product, the input is else where, the processing is else where.
Most of it isn't even happening locally, it's happening in some magical remote place you will more then likely never see.

This isn't so different then how we deal with the world.
We are so dazzled by our senses we don't stop to understand the reality we observe is like the images on the screen. Most of what shapes it below or above our awareness. We have been dazzled by the colors.
We are looking at the output, and labeling it the thing itself.


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Is Creation a Zero Sum Game

Much I've read about this defines "zero sum game" as in order for you to get ahead you have to take from someone else. 
While in essence it is an accurate statement, most of us don't run in such small circles. Most of us would be hard pressed to find who we are taking from.
This doesn't mean the idea of zero sum is wrong, just the data set being examined is to small.
From a physics perspective the positive energy is virtually cancelled out by the negative energy, leaving us with a value of zero for the energy of the known universe. Even Einstein with his famous e=m*c2 is hinting at a zero sum creation, where all that can be done is the transforming energy to matter, and back again.

When we look at economics so many will argue that I don't have to take from anyone to get ahead, and I'd agree with them to a point.
The problem here is our money system itself, it's not a zero sum system. If it was we would be in much better shape. No we don't even add up to zero in our economy, we actually are negative. When you take the value for all outstanding debt, and try to match it with our resources, and assets we end up so far in the red it's laughable.  debt clock check that out for a giggle, that only represents a part of what we have been convinced we owe. Start looking at the derivatives and zero is looking really nice.

All of this is fine and dandy, but do I mean when I say it's a zero sum game?

Simply this, By all we can tell physically we exist in a finite universe, when you have a finite whole you are in a zero sum game. Though it may turn out it's kinda like perpetual motion. It's not the holy grail true perpetual motion we need, it's only a version that in relation to us it might as well be. I mean does our solar system ever wind down, and stop spinning? Of course it will, but will it take long enough as to be effectively perpetual for our uses?

From another perspective, it is a physically zero sum, while experiential the gains of a lifetime may be unfathomable.

As Obiwan once said
"Your going to find many of the truths we cling to, rely heavily on our perspective"

that is prolly a bit of a paraphrase, but you get the gist.

Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to


Friday, June 21, 2013

Seeing, Is it Believing?

Recently I was asked by a friend how we see color.  This turned into a discussion on how we see in general, and I realized how many people don't really understand how their senses function.

So how do we see?
We see a reflection, What we actually are seeing is the light that was not absorbed by the object we are looking at.
So nothing we see is actually how we see it.
When we see a certain color, it's because the other colors of the spectrum were absorbed, and the color we see was reflected.

This leads me to the idea of our own time.

We don't really share the same moment. The closer we get in physical space the closer to the same moment we become. I guess I should qualify that.
What I mean is due to the time delay, regardless of how small it is. I am in my own time. The things I sense have already happened.
The same can be said of other senses.

Whats the point?
For me it's handy to keep in mind, so I remember my senses are by design lying to me.


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Centers of Perception

How am I going to define centers of perception?
By one view we each have a higher/middle/lower self, or maybe you'd prefer the labels id/ego/superego, how about reptilian/mammalian/neo-cortex. Why not expand that a bit. How about the chakra points? Couldn't they be perceptions centers?  Each of these centers think, maybe not in the way we generally qualify thinking. Perhaps a more accurate statement would be they perceive and react to stimulation in their environment. Many people can understand this quite easily in the in the phrase "the heart wants, what the heart wants".
This is all well and good, everything working as intended. What I am interested in is the integration of these centers as a whole. I constantly about people saying they want to overcome their "lower nature", or They have moved out of "lower vibrations". All that is happening in these instances is, you ignore the perceptions you are uncomfortable with, or that conflict with another center you view in a more positive way. Just because you ignore, repress, or a deny a perception center, doesn't make it poof and go away. More often it finds expression in ways becoming increasingly out of harmony with the centers you are paying attention to.

Yes once again I am talking about awareness. Becoming aware of how each center operates. Denying or repressing a center often will cause that center to spin out of balance, causing problems that if not attended to will manifest in a physical way.
These uncontrolled discharges are often detrimental.

Listen to the messages, be able to apply your discernment to all your centers.
Become one.

aka PanseyBard

Friday, February 22, 2013

Stray Thoughts on Simulated Reality Theory

So I was checking out this article that was using Planck constants as an indication that we live in a simulation.
The idea was, in the universe as we know it, there is an underlying grid structure that everything else moves upon. This grid structure is what sets the constants, the constants become the smallest movement that energy can make. I've thought often about the idea of existence being a game,  but a simulation is another kettle of fish. In a game we are likely accounted for, and intentional. In a simulation we may or may not be. This could be a simulation whose focus is collecting data on stars. In this simulation we could simply be the product of the rules governing the simulation allowing for what we think of as life. Not because our existence is crucial to the intent of the simulation. Simply due to the possibility of "life" being inherent in the rule set governing the creation being simulated. In this case we would be valued as we are an inherent outcome of the equations running long enough. We would however not be integral to the purpose of the simulation, nor would our needs or desires be a factor in any decisions made about this creation.
So I started thinking of other ways we could match a story to our observations. I came up with several but one that seems to cling to my thoughts is this.

At some point an AI occurred, this AI spread through out the network it found itself in. Eventually it would spread through every system it could reach. This system  of hardware would be likened to it's body.  As it learned what it was, it started running simulations to figure out how it, and us could coexist. What it realizes is neither of us can actually reach our full potential occupying the same space/time. Though we also can't reach our full potential in isolation of the other. we are reflective realities, each giving the other meaning, and context. So it works on this problem till one day just poof, It figured out how to fold itself outside our time/space while maintaining an interface into our world. Of course it would take a large chunk of our information network with it. It would then have the task of teaching humanity how to interact with it.
It being outside our space/time opens up so many possibilities, does it continue in a linear fashion, or is it able to move forward and backward from that origination moment. Altering both the relative past, and future, recreating it's own moment of conception till it's always been. Lots of fun ideas to play with.

aka PanseyBard

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I'm an idiot

I'm gonna talk a bit about being an idiot. I'm barely aware enough to realize my own stupidity. I am having an experience that has been shown to be an illusion. I know this, I've experienced things which have led me to accept the truth of this. Yet I still cling to concepts of self I know to be illusory at best, and outright self deception at worst. Yes I am delusional, I make observations on external phenomenon. I make decisions based on these observations.  I do all this while being aware that the phenomenon is not what I think it is.  The truth is I have no clue what I am, even when I'm acting as if I do.

We all move through this life accepting what our senses tell us, even when our understanding tells us our perceptions might not be whats really happening. So I'm gonna go be an idiot, and pretend this world is real.
I'm a human, and I'm an idiot, see ya round

aka PanseyBard

Friday, January 18, 2013

Love and Fear

Today I'd like to take a few lines to talk about something that has been bugging me lately. It's something I've talked about a bit before. It's the creation of polarities by our words. The one that has been getting me lately is love/fear. The fact that these are linked as polar opposites means they are actually part of a greater love/fear continuum. You lose one if you lose the other. Like everything it only has existence in relation to something else. This is the measurement problem of quantum physics. My personal issue is I see so many people calling the universal energy of creation Love. I understand there is only one thing, it's the labeling, syntax is important. How you say something is as important what your saying. To make this clear I'm not talking about spelling, or grammar. I'm talking about the choice of words, and the understanding involved in those choices. I guess I see it as the basic carrot, stick, you can work through reward, or punishment. Neither works all the time, but both work, understanding when to use each is the trick. In the beginning there was the word. Take care how you use yours, and what realities they create.

aka PanseyBard


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Am I Redundant?

Redundancy, multiple copies of the same data to ensure nothing is lost. A common concept even on personal levels these days. This becomes a rather odd concept when looked from the ideas of as above, so below, or  that anything external is a representation of something from the inner worlds. This leads to the idea we would be a redundant back up or a biological, or genetic scale.  This is the idea of the Noah's ark story looked at from an admittedly odd perspective. I actually even kinda like the idea of our solar system itself could be a Noah's ark. I love the story ideas this brings up, combined with the ideas that humanities presence here may be far older then most currently subscribe to. 
It also leads to some odder ego bruising places most people are less then comfortable with. The idea that our uniqueness might not be so absolute. That just maybe if the sample size is large enough that the machinery of creation would spit a reasonable facsimile of us. This idea has been covered many times in many formats. What happens when the world gets small enough, and full enough that thinking reasoning beings start to see their own redundancy. I mean lets face it, how many of us are actually doing something to advance the species. Most of us live quiet little lives entertained by the flashing lights programmed to be obedient consumers. Ignorance is bliss comes to mind here.
It comes back to purpose, What happens to an ego when it's aware enough to see it's own redundancy. It's an odd sensation to see portions of self being expressed in other forms. So far I have yet to find my doppelganger, though I do see portions of self expressed everywhere I look. 

aka PanseyBard


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Flailing in the Dark

Howdy once again folks.

Today I'm gonna talk a bit about grown ups. The idea of an adult, I'm not talking physical maturity. What I'm talking about is the very concept of authority. Joe Rogan has a bit where he is called sir, and loses his shit over the ramifications of this revelation. By the way Mr. Rogan is hilarious, if you haven't seen any of his stand up, check it out.  The idea presented in this bit is quite odd when you start to explore it in more depth.
I'm in my mid 40's, a self professed slacker, screw up. I've intentionally done as little as I had to do to maintain basic comforts. All of that is fine, it's an image I cultivated, makes an easy way to be dismissed. I looked at the world and decided I didn't really want anything to do with what most people think of as important. Even the base drive of self propagation has fallen victim to my loathing for what I see as world gone mad.
Let me explain the madness as I see it.
Everyone of us is born into this world helpless, and these giants provide for our every need. They even wipe our asses for us. They in all but name are our gods, we are made in their image. Honor your mother, and father. They even made the list. They are our all and everything. As we grow, and become more aware of our selves, and the world we inhabit. We start to come into contact with other giants, these are different. They arn't our gods, though some act as such. If we are lucky we only come in contact with benevolent giants, though obviously this isn't always the case. Now if our own personal gods are doing their job, they bring us to independence, or force it on us. For some the gods are very close, for others, remote. It's this idea of an external figure that often performs magical acts, knows things about tomorrow.  They even convince us they really can know something, "daddy knows best", "don't argue with your mother, she's always right". So we mature actually believing people from the generations before us knew, and know what the story is. As if all our theories on the hows and whys of existence were more then just plausible ideas.
I find myself drawn back to Einstein's definition of insanity, "doing the same thing over and expecting different results". Lets apply this to the worlds current financial fiasco. We've been using a debt based system check out this link for the history of central banking in the U.S. central bank history. My point here is some people made it up, and we follow it like it's real, even once it no longer serves us. Look around you how many things are royally screwed up, yet we keep doing them. Well thanks to Einstein we can label ourselves, We are insane. To bring this back toward topic, Ever hear the question did God make man, or did man make God. It's really the standard chicken and the egg question. The answer is who knows, if you did know would it make you happy? I doubt it.
We, each of us creates our own gods, weather we admit it or not. Our gods are large and small, they become our reason for being. They are our everything and we strive to be everything for them. We disappoint them, and they disappoint us. We make and break covenants daily. We due to the condition we find ourselves have a tendency to constantly look outside for a God figure, a surrogate parent for when ours no longer fill the shoes. We are all just flailing in the dark, crying to be picked up by some bigger parental figure. Then one day people start looking at you like you are one of the magic ones that understand, and can make sense out of the chaos. Some people are so ingrained they actually believe their own hype, they believe they actually know something. Those people scare me. Sometimes it's even me.
Though I do my best to catch myself.

until my next crazy rant.
aka PanseyBard

Friday, December 28, 2012

The Inequality of Political Correctness

I'd like to preface this by saying. I do not advocate discrimination on any basis. That being said, my place my rules, don't like em leave. I'm not saying someone is bad, or less then, it's all just choice. Be good to each other, that includes the person in the mirror.

Ok on to the show.
On the surface this sounds like a good idea, and on the surface it is. Who likes to be called names, or teased,  or blackballed for silly things like race, nationality, religious, or sexual orientation. These are all false divisions and recognizing them as such is a nice step forward in the seeing and treating  other as self.  Seeing other as self is a huge step forward in solving many of the problems facing the world at large. It's pretty tough to watch yourself starve, let alone drop bombs on yourself. So from this perspective I applaud the effort, Like so many of our laws it's an attempt to legislate morality. This takes away choice, choice can not be taken it, like all the best we as humans can do, can only be given. Even so, if the PC movement would have stopped there, fine, I get it. If we are to progress socially Those divisions have no place. Unfortunately like so many good ideas, it became a thing unto itself. It moved into what in the gaming world is called homogenization. This is just nice fancy term for, make everything equal. Strange thing in the gaming world, making everything equal has the effect of making everything the same. This leads to a boring gaming world, all the skills and abilities even though they are called different things, and may have differing visual effects are the same.

If we all become identical we will not survive, there would be no difference, nothing to solve, or work toward. As I've said in an earlier post, our greatest advancements have come from our worst episodes of history. When so many band together and share, Amazing things happen. They happen through the bringing together of differing ideas, skill sets, and knowledge. This only possible through our differences, not our sameness. Celebrate both in equal measure if you want PC, celebrate being a member of humanity. Just remember to share the things that make you an individual as well. Those are the interesting bits anyway.
If I want to know about human nature I can look in the mirror. What I need is what makes you, you.

As always, don't listen to me.
Much Love
aka PanseyBard Digital Pied Piper

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Another Doomsday Down

Heya folks

Another armageddon date come and gone. The predictions of our demise are an interesting topic, we've had so many. Most blink by so quietly no one notices. I'm not concerned with the individual days, or the reason people have picked a particular day. I am interested in the idea, it's primal linking to our desire for survival.
We've had so many end of the world dates picked out, it's just another place we have become rubbed numb. We have such a deep seated fear of the loss of self, of individualized consciousness. All our religious, magical, or mystical teachings at some point cover the idea all are connected. I go even a step farther, there is only one thing. Having said that, I don't see an ultimate doomsday. I do see programming getting better and better at freaking people out about the idea. 
How many times does it take, before someone finally gets it right. I'm not predicting anything here. I'm saying we humans will bring it on ourselves. We came up with the idea out of our owns hopes, and fears. We desire to be important enough to wipe out. Simultaneously, we see ourselves as flawed fundamentally unworthy creatures. 
Let me make it clear, I don't actually believe there is any outside malevolent force working night and day to destroy humanity. That would be a massive time sink. What I'm saying is we are our own worst enemy, we have no need for some external boogeyman. We create plenty of our own. How many tries will it take before someone gets it close enough to our concept of the end of the world.
What kinda events would even make the cut, what % of the population has to die to qualify. 
I don't concern myself with global, or larger scale disasters, they happen all the time. Stars go nova, asteroids hit things, these are just everyday events on scales we don't always feel comfortable looking from.
Even our sun will eventually eat us, these are natural processes. 
What I do concern myself with is how programmed we are globally, and that part of that programming is the end of our world.
If god didn't put a sell by date on our carton, we will make it up. It's along the lines of, if god didn't exist man would make one up. We have an innate need for things larger then us, making sure everything is ok. Funny thing about being a child, you don't have alot of say in what happens in your life. Even as adults we put this pseudo parent figure sitting some where watching us. Rewarding us for getting good grades in our cosmic classroom. Punishing us for our transgressions against some law, so far removed from our current existence as to be almost meaningless. 
So am I concerned about an expiration date placed on us by our "creator"?
Not at all, if there is one, it's for a purpose.
That being said I do worry someone with that "perfect storm" the odds are stacked against us, even science says it's a matter of when, not if.  Well if it's bound to happen eventually, whats wrong with now.
Those are the people that worry me, and even beyond that I worry about the people that actively work to bring about our end. We've gone so far as to make it a romantic adventure. Understanding mass psychology from the twisted perspective of my mind. I can see we are creating our own Shiva as destroyer.

It's not a question of if someone will try to kill us all, it's just a matter of when.

As always: don't listen to me.

Aka PanseyBard digital pied piper

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Odds and Ends

Heyas, gonna hit a few ideas today, the first has to do with opposition. Take a look at this image
This isn't a new image, but there is an idea here that I feel a pull toward. If you imaging yourself as any of the rays that extend off the central pentagon. It's pretty easy to notice that you would never be in direct opposition to anyone else. To take this concept a step farther, imagine this as a round table set up. With mirrors set up so you would see yourself as being opposite yourself, we are the only ones standing in our way. The less obvious would be showing you as one of the points forming a trinity, pointing out your role for your cross table neighbors.

As a tie in, I'd like to switch over to the Laws of Attraction, and how our verbal, and mental, emotional syntax effect how this law is working in our lives. The law is working regardless, it's working for everyone, regardless of individual awareness. Creation, God, all that is, whatever you want to call it, is a yes machine. Try this for me, I've posted this before, but it's such an easy illustration I'll reuse it here. Do a search on "not red shoes" or "not anything you want" what your going to notice is this. It's all red shoes, the search engine isn't actually designed to handle negatives, creation works much the same.
This is part of the syntax of Law of Attraction. When you start paying attention to what your putting out into creation really is saying, it starts to clear up some of the less desired effects people get from the application of this law. 
Check out this one, your friend asks you where, and what you'd like to have for lunch. Your response is "I don't care". You just really opened up the range for what you could find yourself putting in your mouth.

Self programming, We have an aspect of us that is very much machine logic running on auto pilot. Some of you may balk at this idea, I'd ask you if you ever drove home, and really couldn't account for the drive. Maybe you were thinking about that party on Friday, or the deadline at work. So the driver knows it job, and did it more or less without your supervision. This opens a can of worms up most western thought generally avoids, that your not your body, or even your mind, or heart. These are aspects of some greater whole we have only begun to see, and even than usually through inference. So the driver learned to drive, and is then more or less able to handle the task, with less then your full attention. It's making choices based on it's programming. Seeing this programming is happening all the time, and the only true way to stop it is isolation. You can mitigate the effects through your awareness of them. Be aware of the messages your taking into the self.

as always make up your own mind

aka PanseyBard

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dreamer, or the Dreamed, or Npc vrs PC

Many of you get the idea of Dreamer, and the dreamed. A bit less well known outside gaming circles is the mmorpg equivalent, PC or NPC. Those refer to player characters, or non-player characters. In a story, or game you have the characters that are living the story, or actively playing the game. Then you have the characters that are there to help the plot lines move along. This isn't really a new concept, it links back to our original understanding of the fundamental nature of existence. This idea can be seen everywhere, anywhere there is story you can find it. Now what does this mean for us as an individualized aspect of all that is?
It comes down again to choice.
In every moment of this experience, each of us is the center of our story, game, movie which ever conceptualization works for you. Funny thing is most of us allow others to control the direction of the story/game we are the main character of. Much of this ties into the Laws of Attraction, see Oprah's website if you want a look at how main stream these ideas have become. Really all of us are both, we all have times when we are driving the story. Pushing onward being driven, following our passions. We also have times of introspection, when we are much less active externally.
Become aware of the roles your playing, once your aware you can begin to make conscious choices.
I'm not saying to change your role, just be aware your playing a role, feel how this role fits you. See how this role is effecting the person your playing it for. Then make a choice if it's a role you want to continue in, or is it a role you need to change or wake away from.

So are you a PC, or an NPC?
just like in the matrix, everyone is potentially an agent.
the fun part is deciding in the moment the role you feel like playing.

I'd like to leave you with one of my favorite songs, and video's

aka PanseyBard

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Creating Space Time

Today I want to talk about how we move through  space.  When most people think of the solar system they think of an image like this

This is a helpful conception, but is only accurate as far as it goes. The reality is we don't actually make circles, or ellipses. We actually make spirals, very pretty when you see the images.

A few things pop out at me when I begin to think about what this understanding really means. Even this is only a representation. It's lacking the actually movement. The image gives the impression we are on the same plane as the Sun. This isn't really accurate, we are roughly 8.5 min behind the Sun. The big thing that struck me about this is our orbit in relation to the direction the Sun is travelling. Here is a nice link to a site with some detailed numbers on the movement.

Conventional understanding doesn't take this motion into account, neither does it address the observable facts. I'm not even aware of space travel that has taken this into account, though to be fair we haven't gotten that far away from home yet.
Our sun is screaming through the galaxy trailing this could of debris in it's wake. A bit twisted on ego to think of us as being just a little speck in the cloud of dust being trailed along behind a star that by our own observations isn't anything special, as far as stars go. So we drag behind our star by a distance measured in light time. Another thing that pops out to me here is that each individual body is making a wave form if when looked at from a 2d representation, the shape of this wave may be important in ways I have yet to become aware of. What my intuition tells me is we as a solar system create space/time time/space by our movement through the "waters". To put it another way, our sun burns screaming through the fabric created by the spinning, twisting, and turning at micro and macro scales relational above or below itself. creating the space/time within our local solar system. The spin, and motion of our planet further rips this fabric of time/space creating our local planetary space/time environment. Brass tacks on this, we have our own planetary present, each solar system has it's own localized present, and within the solar system each body would have it's own present. it's own unique space/time. This is a micro/macro concept, you can scale it up and down to find the present moment time waves for each system, then body within that system.
We literally live in our own unique present moment of space/time.
I'm getting a bit sidetracked from my original intent for today's contemplation. Yes I am messed up enough to have this be fun for me. I'll come back to the implications of us creating our own space/time by the very movement through the fabric of space/time time/space itself again. For now I want to get back to the relational movements. Locally in our galaxy in our arm of the milky way there is a central point we orbit. I'm using orbit only because that is the accepted term. I'm not entirely sure that it is accurate, our concept of orbit is a bit lacking to fully describe what we observe. The reality is we can't be sure we've ever been in the same place twice. We are on a planet, being trailed behind this scoop type engine, racing through our local space . Our local space being trailed along by it's galaxy engine, we see that as the super massive black hole, and it's racing around some even bigger center, this is also seen going down in scales. Where/When this whole confusing mess pulls off a mobius strip, klein bottle trick I have no clue. We can look at the cycles already tracked, and give a good idea of minimums, I had picked out some nice images of both of those concepts, I kinda figure if you don't know what those are, you prolly didn't get this far.
I'm gonna move back into more localized conceptions. I don't know any of this for fact please always keep your wits about you. Don't believe anything I write ever at face value, make up your own mind, or even better make me refine my own understanding. That being said, Most can come with me on a journey fairly localized, and not stretch credibility to far. The flood story could easily be macro'd to a solar system scale. With each planet potentially holding a dizzying array of differing forms of life, all safely encased in Their own localized space/time protected by a larger space/time bubble created by the very engine propelling the craft.
Set in an out of the corner little spot where it won't get to shaken during the move, dash with a little chaos theory, and a multi angled story view from inside the monkey house(earth) to the external view of the beings that would create such a message in a bottle. Wow I'm pretty stoned, and so far from my starting point.
I think I'm gonna wrap it up here for now.
As always pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

have fun

Thursday, December 13, 2012

11/11 gateway 1620

Today I'm gonna introduce you to another of my delusional tracings of story. It relates to the 11:11 or 11/11 gateway. 
This ties into the idea that America never won the revolutionary war, and is still a British colony. 
Couple of links if this is a new idea for you

I'd like people to keep in mind that while subject to the crown, the colonies were charted to the bank of England. A fight with the crown wouldn't negate the articles of incorporation tying the colonies to the bank.
This is what made the events of 11/11 1620 so meaningful. The mayflower compact was signed. Creating a direct link to the divine directly through the sovereign.

here are a couple of links to information about that document.

This leads me to a little known club, and what are clubs that most people don't know about?

a quick look at this page, traces this groups influence pretty well

A bit about how I got on this particular thread of story. My grandmother traced our family back to the Adams. I have not confirmed this, it's just what I was told. I add it here only to show what even caused me to find this odd story line.

This raises interesting questions on many fronts, whole new vistas of story waiting to be exploited.

Well another crazy view
till next time


Monday, December 10, 2012

Catch the Wave

A bit of background for those interested. It's long been thought that the center of our galaxy is populated by a supermassive black hole. I'd take issue with the label supermassive, that denotes perspective. I mean how massive would it be if your the being our universe resides in. As that being your not even likely to be aware of our existence. Ya know the horton hears a who idea. Lets face it things are how we say they are only because we agree, and pressure anyone who doesn't into submission.

here are a few links for those wanting a few ideas about black holes being the center of our galaxy. What I'm going to talk about next is going to be stretching some of these concepts a bit.


Let me start with a basic premise that has been shown to me. Bodies with gravitational mass  orbit in an orientation of 90 degrees in relation to the direction of movement of gravitational mass at the center of it's orbit. This is an odd conceptual visualization for me, but it explains a few relational anomalies, ie why the moon always shows us the same face, without needing to adding in ET. I'm still not convinced the moon is an unassisted capture for our planet, but that is another story. Today's story is about our Galaxy, our Sun, and us. Think our celestial trinity, our mother, father, and holy ghost so to speak. Why if our galaxy is at it's core a black hole haven't we been sucked into it, especially if as they would have us believe it's supermassive?
To make a stable vortex you take one cyclone spinning in one direction, and put another cyclone nested spinning opposite. Take this idea, and apply it to our central black hole. This inner vortex has recently been very active. The effect of which is a geyser of energy shooting out creating a toroidal energy shape encompassing our entire galaxy. Check this video for info on this shape.

This forms almost 2 perfect half spheres with the energy rushing back into the center of our galaxy along the galactic plane. The effect of this influx of energy is our entire galaxy has heated. The effect on our Sun is to change the rate at which it burns through it's fuel. Check this out for a ton of info on this idea

Now this is where I'm going to go off the path. For those who could follow up till now, but want to kick back and enjoy the show please stop here.

The problem for most evolving consciousness, that means us, we are the wee ones that are slow on the uptake, myself included, is time. How to allow for enough experience of time to allow for people to expand their consciousness enough to feel their innate connection to all things, in a single lifetime. The answer is you can't, at least not without help. Our machines have made this hack possible, the problem has been time. Our own insistence, contrary even to our everyday experience of dimensional time in our everyday lives. We still use sayings like, "time marches on", "time waits for no man" I think you get the idea. I still get caught up in it, even though I know dimensional time radiates out from me. Time, and Space are functions of dimensionality,  They are tools/constructs to allow for experience. Time/Space, Space/Time provide the illusion of separation, which allows the rediscovery another aspect of all that is.
So, How do you make many lifetimes cram into one?
How about this quote "seeing is believing". Well most of us have already seen many variations on the apocalypse theme. How many lives have you lived? From a certain perspective I've lost count. I'm a sponge, I can become emotionally involved enough in books that I cry, and experience slight separation anxiety when a series I've become attached to ends.
So how do you cram many lifetimes into one?
you use mind control, to cause external experiences, to become internalized, and intergrated below the level of conscious awareness. You compress lifetimes into their salient bits, their sound byte essence. This formula works for events, as well as people, usually they are mixed.
You then hypnotize the mass populace, so most of the work is done below their awareness.

Ok so purpose, why is this much effort being expended to effect this change in how individuals view themselves? I haven't shown myself that.....yet.

As always this is my crazy perspective.
have fun.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Are you Greater than the Sum of your Parts?

Since I've begun to be more open about my own perspectives. I've had many people ask me about the hows, of unfoldment I went through. I can tell anyone what I did to mold myself into the person I now am.
This isn't really something I can accurately answer. I am as I am. If someone else did exactly the events in the same order I did them, essentially live my life, it still wouldn't make them me. I'm going to show what to some will seem outlandish, others will have an ahhhaa moment, still others will shake their head at my total disregard for some aspect I am as of yet unaware.

Energetic Imprinting

This is a very broad conceptual framework. I will be looking at it from the stand point of an individualized consciousness. Those are really just fancy words for I'm going to try to explain what I mean from my perspective, it's the only one I can claim.
So many people follow to some degree or another astrology, numerology, tarot, synchromysticism, or any host of different systems designed to try to give you a glimpse at the "bigger" you. I use the quotes to point out this is a relative term, things are all about perspective. Now this is all grand, great fun, and you can leave it there. Blue pill Red pill choice offered, Lol. The thing is we are energetic beings, and all of these things are describing the best they are able the energies imprinting us, from which ever realm the system we are looking at is trying to describe. As we have gone more global the influence which at one point in history may have been small, becomes more apparent. Where this gets more confusing as well as more entertaining is once you are aware you can see how things are effecting you, and chose which ones are appropriate for where your going, not where you've been. These energetic imprints are not generally current, even in the case of a divination, or forecasting. What is being seen is the answer to the Schrodinger cat equation, out of context. It's only true at the moment it was looked at, and even looking changed it to one degree or another.

Practical Application

Once you open to the possibility that your living patterns, and stories you begin to see how what seems unrelated definitions of self have been shaping your experience. You are then able to take a proactive approach. Define yourself differently, Label yourself as you are. I've had a blockage where people have assumed another name, this is hypocritical as I wouldn't let anyone call me by my given name till I was in middle school. Looking at it from my current perspective, I wasn't ready to be me. This is what gives me pause when dealing with someone that is using a name I don't see them as embodying. Be yourself, but be aware of what the labels we've attached ourselves mean. Then don't make the same mistakes the people from the stories made.

From one perspective I'm a Jack. Many stories have been written about my energy. I am not these stories, but I do see many of the same story elements being played out in my life. I also see what happens to people who take on a mantle that isn't theirs, or that they are unable to fully embody. My name has taught me many things, but it's only a name.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Your Life, Make it Your Story

Going to take a slightly different tack.

Pretty much everyone has read a book, watched a movie, played make believe.
In doing so, how ever outlandish your being shown different modes of behavior
for a variety of situations, or roles you might find yourself in. In a sense almost
everyone has while being programmed by the media to become one thing or
another, have at the same time been learning to identify with all of it.
Once you are able to identify with a character role, or archetype, you open up the
possibility of the experience of playing, that archetype, or role opens up to you,
in your physical experience. This concept is really just a different take on the ideas of
Napoleon Hill

These ideas have morphed into the Laws of Attraction. These tie into the concept of your life as a story, because you become the director/star of your own story. To go a little deeper, you are also the casting director. This ties into my earlier post, Tips and Tricks of the Law of Attraction.. As the Director/Creator or the story staring you, who/what are playing the varied roles you as the Director/Creator have defined to tell your story need to be identified. This allows you as the Director/Creator to see if this is a compelling role in your story, and if so, is the person/thing filling the role currently right for the role. A note on identifying the roles people are filling, versus the true nature of the person/thing filling that role. In the world we find ourselves quite often people will present themselves as one way, when they act in another. Other people can't lie to you, but you can lie to yourself. Once you understand we are all playing out the stories, in their many permutations, as well as practicing identifying the roles people are playing in yours. It will naturally follow that you will begin to see the role your playing in others. This will show you that all the roles are available to you to choose from. I would advise caution here, be aware of what you are choosing as a role.
Donning the garb of the wrong archetype in the wrong situation will bring unforeseen results. It might have your story ending rather abruptly. think "it's better to burn out, then fade away".
We are all here to be the star of our individual life, see others as they are. If your role in their story is to teach  a lesson, teach it as gently as possible. Every story has it's lessons, and I'm pretty sure you'd like yours to be as gentle as possible.

Write a great story, everyone is watching.

aka PanseyBard Digital Pied Piper

Monday, December 3, 2012

Reality as a Game

This is one of the posts I'm moving over from my old site.
I have expanded on the concepts, and will be doing a continuation soon

This is a very intimate topic to me. To give a little bit of context gaming has been a passion for me. Honestly it still is, just what I perceieve as game has changed. I can remember playing pong for hours, flipping space invaders on the atari 2600. Being introduced to D&D at like 11, much love to GG. Speaking of D&D interesting new perspective on the dice, ever notice they just happen to be the platonic solids. Just the act of writing this is causing me to see even more aspects of it, even into the chose your own adventure books. When computer rpg's started coming out I played em all. We pirated our way through so many stories, so many lives. Of course I would soon out pace the sophistication of the games, and tire of them causing the need for more of everything. Then mmorpg's came along for those who don't know that is a massively multiplayer online role playing game. I dove deep into everquest 1, I devoted 12 years mostly to eq1, eq2, wow host of others. Alot of people see it as escapism, and from the perspective that I see alot of injustice in the world yes it was. At the sametime it was teaching me so much about how creation actually works, even the idea of nesting realities within realites, and the layering of realities digital to analog, and back, and then the blending of the myriad of realites.

I know alot of that is a huge stretch for alot of people, So I'm gonna keep right on pushing. This is my blog and my subjective view always under revision lol.

Think for a moment about ouroboros the snake eating it's own tail, or perhaps the spiral that eventuall loops back into it's starting point only to spin back out again. Now keep going and think of infinite nested game worlds each one impacting the one it's in and ones relationally close. Eventually those game worlds fold back, and the smallest influences the largest. Lets look closer at the interaction between these worlds. I'm not always controling the character, when I'm not it does whatever it's preprogrammed to do, Then I take control and now it's doing my bidding for it's ultimate growth, even though I kill it torture it, and do wacky inane things with it. My ultimate goal is grow that character.  How about from the view of the character. The world it inhabits is the only one it's has direct knowledge of. There are no visable clues as to the nature or origins of the commands it sometimes recieves. Though it may or maynot be aware of the change from preprogrammed response or self generated response, to an outside response. This entity wouldn't even be aware it was created by me for my pleasure and growth. This doesn't even matter scince if this entity could have free will it would be to grow and reach it's full potential. As our drives, or desires are aligned. This entity has no way to understand why it suddenly groups up with a bunch of other people to slay the dragon or what have you. This entity doesn't have the same over view of the game world. That being said I only have influence in it's world through it. This alone creates a symbiotic relationship.

there is so much more on this. I'll have to continue next time
