Sunday, June 23, 2013

Is Creation a Zero Sum Game

Much I've read about this defines "zero sum game" as in order for you to get ahead you have to take from someone else. 
While in essence it is an accurate statement, most of us don't run in such small circles. Most of us would be hard pressed to find who we are taking from.
This doesn't mean the idea of zero sum is wrong, just the data set being examined is to small.
From a physics perspective the positive energy is virtually cancelled out by the negative energy, leaving us with a value of zero for the energy of the known universe. Even Einstein with his famous e=m*c2 is hinting at a zero sum creation, where all that can be done is the transforming energy to matter, and back again.

When we look at economics so many will argue that I don't have to take from anyone to get ahead, and I'd agree with them to a point.
The problem here is our money system itself, it's not a zero sum system. If it was we would be in much better shape. No we don't even add up to zero in our economy, we actually are negative. When you take the value for all outstanding debt, and try to match it with our resources, and assets we end up so far in the red it's laughable.  debt clock check that out for a giggle, that only represents a part of what we have been convinced we owe. Start looking at the derivatives and zero is looking really nice.

All of this is fine and dandy, but do I mean when I say it's a zero sum game?

Simply this, By all we can tell physically we exist in a finite universe, when you have a finite whole you are in a zero sum game. Though it may turn out it's kinda like perpetual motion. It's not the holy grail true perpetual motion we need, it's only a version that in relation to us it might as well be. I mean does our solar system ever wind down, and stop spinning? Of course it will, but will it take long enough as to be effectively perpetual for our uses?

From another perspective, it is a physically zero sum, while experiential the gains of a lifetime may be unfathomable.

As Obiwan once said
"Your going to find many of the truths we cling to, rely heavily on our perspective"

that is prolly a bit of a paraphrase, but you get the gist.

Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to


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