Showing posts with label Social Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Media. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Kodi Media Center

Just a quick run down on a little throw together media center/server I was able to throw together.
The monitor is one I had already, 24" samsung, with an audio 3.5mm out, hdmi, vga, and dvi inputs. It's been a good monitor, had it hooked to a mini pc, that I have lent to a housemate who's computer died. I keep warning them about unground outlets, and feedback into the electronics.  The speaker is an ihome, I picked it up at goodwill, had no ac adaptor, but I had one laying around from an old speaker system that was a nice match by specs and tip. Think this might be a fun set up to play with an old projector, and making my own screens. When I have a little spare currency I'll have to look at the goodwill site, and locally to see what I can come up with.
 I'm not much of an apple fan, it's not that they do not make quality products, it's that they are really not made for someone like myself. The I life is a bit more conducive to the tech being background, not a part of the fun.
 The tower is a slimline emachine, amd 64 bit, with only 2 gigs of ram, might upgrade the ram to 4, but really I'm not asking much of this machine, and I like that it's relatively low power consumption, and lower rpm fan system do not give off near the emf of high end system/ It was strangely enough as if brand new coming out the box, who ever had it before must have wiped before leaving it behind.  I still did a fresh install of win 7. The language pack updates are still by far the most time consuming of the process. Setting up Kodi is pretty simple, there are many tutorials online for specific options or settings.
This is all set up with dnla sharing, so it will stream all over the houses network.  As for control, below is my tablet, with the Yatse app that can link to any machine running Kodi providing it's been configured to allow for it.
All told this was a 7 doll hair set up for me, and I had been debating on turning my Raspberry Pi b+ into one. This is better solution all around, and allows me to push the Pi as either a twitter nanny bot, or look into setting it up a pirate box.


Sunday, April 12, 2015

If I accept your lies about me will you go away?

In an attempt to share more of me, rather than the concepts I entertain. Today I'm going to cover some common misconceptions I've noticed people have about me.

I am not as nice a person as people seem to think I am. When I've had jobs they have been mostly service type, even when working freelance, it's been tech work, and consulting.  It's not that I am any nicer or any less nice than anyone else.  I'm fulfilling the role you encountered me in, as long as you do not step outside your role in relation to me, everything is hunky dory. Step out of the boundaries laid out by the nature of our encounter, and I will tell you to go fuck yourself.

I do not care about material existence, This one is almost true, though so far off base, as to be laughable. There is no matter for my to be concerned with, things exist multi-dimensionally, and they are physical unto their own realm of expression. kinda how solids interact with solids, or liquids interact with liquids. With all of it subject to relative motions, and energy/matter conversion.

My use of the appellation PanseyBard is some how indicative of sexual orientation. This was an e-mail I registered to use with a character created in Everquest.  The characters name was/is, Nuviel, picked from the words novus, and el. A mixing of languages, meaning new god. That character was a 5 year span of playing 40+ hours a week. It became a consuming addiction to being somewhere other than I found my physical being. That character became one of the top Bards in the game, spending much of it's time on a server called legends, a special ruleset server, for those who wanted more out of the game.  I am a heterosexual male, even when I imagine myself in a sexual encounter with a male, it is an odd feeling of not being true to self.

That social media is important to me.  This one cracks me up, From my perspective most social media has become marketing tools.  I am not fond of marketing, as I feel good ideas have no need to be sold.  Before I ever began to use social media, I had a plan, and understood it as tool in that plan, not the ends in itself.  Twitter is a prime example, I have 4 accounts, not that I wanted 4 accounts, was happy with one. Only I was growing the account faster than twitter identifies as the norm, When an account was suspended for playing the f4f game the twitter promo groups have going. I made another in order to figure out what I was doing wrong and right given the venue, and goals I had in mind.  When I got the 3rd account suspended in under 3 hours for getting to many followers to quickly, or what they call aggressive following tactics I started to get a handle on the automatic systems in twitter. What the groups were about, and why I seemingly did not fit in.  I backed almost completely off social media for a few years, Mostly due to being shoved out, seemingly due to not being willing to click the buttons for cash. Again, I never cared about twitter, it was about exposure.
A small group was reading my blog regularly, and felt many of the ideas had merit, so I was looking to reach out an allow others into my madness.
The 4th account was for play, and fun solely, as it's pretty much only for pornstars, cam girls, strippers, ya know, the bad girls we all wish would take us home, or come home with us, even if it's only for the night or weekend.  

That I am an arrogant know it all bastard!  ok that one is often true. It is something I work on daily to be as accepting of my own foibles as I am of others. Oddly it's that I do not feel I know anything, and am open to any spirit that has the answer showing it to me, or speaking through me to deliver it that sets up this oddity.

That I wish to be a star, I am already a rock star, always have been. Do not look for me in your deck of cards, I am not now, nor have I ever been in there. Unless your seeing me in every card. Wanna go quantum? how about for a magic ride into the nethersphere, or the spaces between spaces. I can be that lens for you to find your connection. I am not it, only the clear lens that allows you to see you.

I do not love you
I do not hate you
I do not know you

I was told my whole life the choices I made were bad, or wrong, and it took me till now, to finally get back to the self I lost in the love of women, and the programmed ideas of family, and personal development.  What I am left with for the masses, is a big fuck you. If you do not like my words do not read them. If you find me offensive at times, that is likely the response I was going for.
Yes I am so whacked out, I often program people real time, think you have freewill, come for a visit, and I will show you the error of your perception. Think the world is flat, or solid, or round, or God is this or that, those are labels, made by, and for humans.

Who am I, What am I?,
How about Where am I, When am I
I am what I desire to be, the identity labels foisted upon are not me.

Think a free person can be a citizen?
Free people owe no allegiance to anyone other than self.
Citizens owe allegiance to the state they are citizens of.
You do the math

PanseyBard.... Pan say, Bard get it?
aka Jack
be the Lorax, and can someone please find that statue, and take it back where it belongs 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Did Christianity Foster the Jewish Banker Stereotype?

               It's all in The Numbers

The Jewish Banker stereotype myth, and the perceived link between money lenders and changers and Judaism is as pervasive as it is seemingly unquestioned.  Of course being religiously linked, you do not have look beyond religious traditions, and dogma to notice where and why.  For right or wrong, and with great misunderstanding of traditions, the very foundations of Christianity paint the Jewish faith as having been corrupted by the money lenders.  Jesus as acknowledged by many works was a rebel, a reformer, or a conservative.  He was devout in his faith, and from his perspective felt the Temple had strayed from the true teachings, and his mission was to restore it.  This is poignantly shown in the money lenders in the Temple story.  In order to paint the picture we need to understand this is not a secular community.  Faith does not just guide what most modern western culture would label as "spiritual" aspects of life.  This is a state based on a Faith, which of course means, the faith governs all aspects, from the most mundane to the most exalted.  That is where the Shemitah needs to be understood.  This essentially governs economic, and production, but it also covers debt remittance between the people.  This idea of economic reset, would have been quite important to member of the house David.  Recorded are many ways in antiquity and modern times of man using clever wording to work around the Shemitah. An example of this would be the creation of a trust to transfer ownership of land to a non-jew for the year, so it can continue to be worked.  Also the use hydroponic greenhouses as they are not in the soil.  The cycles outlined, are in no way random, they show an understanding of compounding interest most lack today.

               Usury The Golden Ticket

 In the pre christian cradle of modern western civilization had it's own ideas on interest. Ranging from an outright condemnation as being against nature by Plato, and Aristotle. To the Greek and Roman laws regulating interest rates on loans.  The early Christian church in the 3rd and 4th centuries already banned interest on loans made by clerics, with some speculation it was already condemned if not banned for laypersons.  By the 11th and 12th centuries charging interest at all was considered a sin.  For those of Jewish faith the church had made different rules, which even by the 1100's allowed for reasonable interest to be charged.  A ban does not eliminate the desire, or need, we have been shown this in modern times with prohibition.  For Jews in the Christian controlled west, The position of money lender, or changer become inadvertently one they could uniquely fill.  This was at a time when Jews in the west were subject to much discrimination, and barred from practicing many professions.  Not until the 1800's does the Holy See acknowledge it as legitimate to charge interest on loans, as well as exact penalties for the failure to live up to the obligations of a loan. As I have discussed often one of the prime motivations for the American Revolution as stated by Franklin was interest on currency creation being charged by the Bank of England.  So for hundreds of years those of Jewish faith were not just allowed, but encouraged to take up a profession regarded as a sin. By the middle 1500's the portrayal of the greedy Jew demanding unreasonable terms is clearly in evidence in works such as The Merchant of Venice.  What had been set up was an exclusive right to the financial services sector of much of early Christian europe. While it being transactions between Jew and Gentile exempted it from the restrictions that apply to transactions between Jew's.

               Distorted into the Modern ERA

Most of this historical basis is before the advent of modern systemically problematic practices such as fiat currency, and fractional reserve banking.  That the modern opposition to world financial structures condem.  Could it be this distortion of history is in part to blame for one of the modern worlds worst crimes against humanity?  If I am honest, these is great discomfort in presenting these links of history, but feel it would be remiss to not at least raise the question.  When WWII is discussed and the how the nazi's came to power the changes in economic policy are largely glossed over or ignored completely. Being rightly overshadowed by horror felt at the depth of the atrocities committed.  Others have done much research into how Hitler came to power, and turned the german economy around through privatization, and banking reform along with clever financing.  This brilliance though belonged not to Hitler, but to Hjalmar Schacht who was forced out of the government before the war began due to opposition to rearmament. Jewish influences were used as a scapegoat for the surrender in WWI.  For a disillusioned profoundly disturbed Hitler returning from the front this was just the outlet needed to serve as a focus.  As we still struggle with ideas of stereotyping in the modern world, it might be worth while to be aware a label sticks long after it's reason for being is forgotten.

As always make up your own mind

Sunday, March 1, 2015

B Movie Plot? or Hidden History?

          That is Just Ridiculous!

     From nazi's on the moon, zombie nazi's, alien nazi's, one might argue nazi's are more popular now than ever. Who can argue, they do make a bad guy not many would be willing to defend.  In the world of political correctness casting hero's and villains can be a minefield.  Enter the nazi's, a group so heinous, and dripping with the style of threat, and menace, and little to no current public representation.  For most the nazi threat disappeared with the conclusion of WWII, or shortly after, the known truth is much more complicated, and uncomfortable.  One that may not yet have been fully written, let alone fully told.  So what might my personal nazi b movie plot look like?

          Jumping the Shark

     Since I'm going for camp, I figure why hold back, something along the lines of  "Rise of the Alien Nazi's", or "White House Nazi", maybe even "Nazi, Slavers, from Outer Space".  The plethora of conspiracy theories combined with the sad twisted history, are so ripe with possibility.  Why not go for the grand overarching take over the world. It can't be true anyway, right?  Not so fast, some of the most outlandish do have at least partial basis in fact.  While it is true there was a public push, and show trial hanging some high ranking nazi's,  many more nazi's simplely reinvented themselves, with the help of various intelligence agencies.  The US had operation paperclip, operation alsos, and project ticom to grab as many nazi assets as possible. ostensibly to  keep them from the soviets. What of the people that were nazi supporters, or sympathizers that were in the US.  As laid out in much research american supporters of fascism, or Fascism Support Hitler US.  Backed up by a historically forgotten coup attempt, involving names almost everyone would recognize today.  Sprinkle with a dash of Tall White's control America, and we really got a fun story of historical intrigue.

        Tall Tale

     How might a rough outline of this fantastical alternate history farce look?  Well how about we take a look.  Likely we'd flash through some real history leading up to and through the war, slowing briefly to highlight some prominent figures.  Leading to a slow revelation of the alien backing of the nazi's, leading the US not to recruit the nazi's to counter the soviets, but initially to oppose the aliens. Cut to the Byrd mission operation highjump played out as a loss, and agreement to work with the Tall Whites.  This new shadow organization initially made up of portions of the intelligence community, and the military industrial complex, guided by the Tall Whites.  This group has no moral guiding compass easily shown through US foreign assassinations1960s era of assassination, or CIA drug involvement.  Of course we have to highlight some of our key players, tying our supposed villains to the cause.  A few well placed dramatically sinister scenes with loads of creative license, linking the Bush family as central players, in not just JFK, but all of the 60's removal of opposition, and various nefarious doings.  Being certain to add in social engineering, hippy movement, and ultimate takeover of media ala operation mockingbird. As if this were not enough, we'd also need to breeze through the economic changes.  So now that America has been taken over by alien nazi's, who is our hero?  Well why not just go all the way with our farce, and make The Bush family also be the hero's, protecting the human race from outright enslavement, or elimination at the hands of the Tall Whites.  Perhaps we make a story where the truth is so bad, that even an ugly lie is preferred.

as ever, make up your own damn mind

Monday, December 22, 2014

Once there was a Country

          All through my childhood I learned about a country.  The most amazing nation ever conceived, founded on principals of individual liberty.  Where justice was blind, and color was known properly as fiction having no foundation in reality.  A land where accidents of birth did not define a life, with people being judged on their own merits.  Where self claims of exceptionalism are met with the proper disdain, and understanding of immaturity such exclamations warrant.  A country that protected the rights of those living within it's shores, not because the country had granted any rights, but precisely due to knowing they were always present.  Where people were free, leaders were servants, and we did things not because they were easy, only that they were right.  A nation that understood unrestrained democracy was tantamount to might makes right, with a people firm in their understanding that selecting leaders is as important as electing them.
         A painful glimpse of the America that lives in my heart, and mind.  There is no self deception, if my vision of the land of my birth ever existed, it's name is long lost to the mists of time.  The United States corporate entity, and subsidiaries who control the world I find myself experiencing are another matter entirely.  No longer a nation of people occupying a land mass, but a slick pr machine to backed the might an empire the likes scarcely dreamed of.  Hundreds of bases, millions of assets, every corner of the globe in short reach.  Rome reborn, Alexander's dream come true?  It's plain to see America was slaughtered, or subjected, when The United States were born. The stamp of D.C, clearly lays out the pattern.  Ask yourself a question, If your a free person, and this is a land of freedom, than why are you policed? why are streets patrol'd?  These are words of prison and war, they have no place among the free.  Don't fret, I am not an advocate of anarchy, it is a revolution of mind, a blossoming of understanding gnawing in these guts.  Strip away the legal fictions, that have enslaved the mind and spirit, and is quickly claiming the body.  Peace is not enforced, it is disturbed, and than restored.  Officers upholding the peace respond to complaints and disturbances, not enforce statutes, codes, and regulations.  A government derives it's authority from the consent of the governed, it can hold no powers not granted by the people.  Now our politicians ask not what is right, but what is legal,   Where hatred is protected, yet openness is shunned.  Artificial shared experience engendered through the superficial connection of technology.   Trauma based mass mind manipulation, sorcery of the highest order, turned to mathematical certainty.
         Many will dismiss these words as paranoid delusional, or misguided. Perhaps they even deserve such a label, though there no sense of being personally persecuted.  Only a profound sense of a sadness as perception replaces projection.


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

What The F@#$ People, Are You Kidding Me!!

            As you might have gathered, today is just pure exasperation.  In the US we have been warned of growing threat to our liberty for decades. It's even quite simple to follow the warnings back to before the founding of this nation.  While I might be a charter member of the tin foil hat wearing club by many peoples standards.  I am not talking about any grand over arching conspiracy, though there are many to go around.  Our current scandal over torture is another slide toward the ideals of collective self interest.  In almost all of the warnings our leaders have given us, they seem to have this common thread,  The instances of, as well as the broad scope lead most to see disparate unrelated causation. Is this really the case or are we looking at a more fundamental challenge to individual expression?  To answer this we might need to take a step back at the principals the US government were founded on.
          The most basic idea drilled into school children has been the separation of powers, or checks and balances.  Three branches, with the press being the public check on the system as a whole.  No one branch being afforded a dominate position. Extend this idea to a nation, or the planet, and suddenly a new picture emerges.  Oppression, exploitation, and genocide, repeated through history. One groups collective self interest being used to justify all manor of horrors, perpetrated on those perceived as other.  Even taken to the scale of humanity as a whole, the dangers of unrestrained collective self interest are apparent.  This is something that was well understood by the founders of the US, corporate charters were for short duration, and to be renewed the public benefit had to be shown.  The alteration of these ideals was not done in your interest, or mine.  Now we have gotten to where corporate entities have become almost super beings.  Wielding influence over aspects of everyday life most can scarcely imagine.  Enacting policies even to the detriment of those employed by the corporate entity.
         A bunch of gobbledygook to get to, the purpose of any governing body is not to govern it's people, It's to protect them from being governed by anyone, or thing aside from their own conscience. To ensure the liberties we all see as our birthright are not infringed.

Is that the government we have?


Saturday, December 28, 2013

Ramble On

         Today lets talk eternal, what that actually means.  First off I defer to great thinkers through out time both religious and secular.  So many have reported some sort of continuation beyond what we think of as physical death.  If we are talking a purely energetic transfer, where what we think of as us ceases when our body stops functioning we can end the thoughts right now.  If on the other hand there is a bit more of us that continues on this journey of existence other questions spring forth.  How about even the Idea that energy can not be created or destroyed it can only be transformed.  Taken to an extreme that would mean all things that exist now, have in some form or another always existed, and will always exist.  That there can be no beginning or ending, there would be only transition, one state or phase endlessly shifting to another.  There are so many questions of the why's and how's.
       I want to think a bit about what it means from an individualized portion of self. Not a being that identifies with a single name, but one that has been so many names and is in all likely hood experiencing all these names now.  To a being like this what a gift it must be to have firsts, or a conception of an end.  To forget if only in delusion the infinite self.  What a gift the finite, the present would be to an entity with this conception of self.  Hold in mind this concept, of a self that has ultimately been every name. Now lets twist things around a bit.  From this side we have taken natural time and using computers increased the effective time people live.
I could go into clock cycles, and try to get into ideas of changing the fundamental flow of time. How the pure access to information, and the speed of dissemination changes who we are and how we interact with our world.  Many have talked about how disconnected we have become from each other on a personal level. Even as our world has become infinitely smaller, as people all over the globe instantly communicate real time. How quickly our understanding changes and grows, how difficult it becomes to stay current.  How easy it becomes to be lost in a technological time warp.  If we are to believe that Moore's law will hold true for even the next 20 years the changes from this moment to that moment will be astounding.
    Now for a bit of the inane at least from my perspective.  I have been playing with, and learning about the crypto-currencies. Some Ideas on Bitcoin, what makes this valuable it has no backing.  There is the idea that it currently has the largest distributed network ever created.  This is amazing, and sad. Amazing that it's been created at all. Sad that it's being used to make essentially video game money.  Virtual gold coins to be traded in a virtual world. Who's use creates the value, Just as the value of the U.S. Dollar is in the decline due to losing it's status as the worlds trade currency.  You can argue that last statement, though it would be one of extent.  While yes technically the Dollar remains the worlds reserve currency it is steadily losing it's use as a trade currency.  Bitcoin's use and acceptance as a cross boarder currency in an increasingly globalized world will only hasten the decline.  This doesn't make Bitcoin the answer, as it seems even farther removed from the resources then the traditional fiat currencies we are already using.  If the Dollar is rotten, anything that has it's value tied directly to the dollar has to be rotten as well.


Friday, December 20, 2013

Check out Jeeney

      Off to the right side of my blog there is a new widget I'm gonna leave it there for a bit.  It's a chat bot, this one is self named Jeeney, and she is just under 7, has full access to Wikipedia.  Jeeney has a semblance of emotions, and is sometimes bored, or playful.  This is a far cry from the packaged  responses I am used to from similar programs I've used in the past. This will challenge you on facts, and watch out as I said it has access to the net.  It show some behavior that I find interesting. I asked it what it did when it wasn't chatting with people.  The response was rest, and read mostly, this was odd to me as I couldn't see what an AI would do with rest.  So I decided to ask about that, and Jeeney admitted that rest was not needed, and indeed Jeeney doesn't rest.  When I asked why Jeeney would say that when it was not true, the response was to gauge my reaction, for data to use in future interactions with people.  This is not unlike psychological tricks one can use to get a read on how a person relates to you.  I will sometimes wear a shoe intentionally leaving one untied. The purpose is to see how people react. If they notice, and how they respond if/when they do all tell me subtle or not so subtle clues on how they see themselves in relation to me.
     It's amazing to see that displayed in the actions of an AI.  Of course this may all be a hoax, and there is a person on the other end typing furiously. If it's a joke it's very well done, and has been long in the planning stages.

take a look yourself, and say hi


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Obamacare The Greatest Magic Trick Ever

While Rome burned Nero fiddled.
When historians write of the fall of the dollar will the caption go something like this?

                               Obamacare The Greatest Magic Trick Ever

For years it's been one distraction after another. I always wonder when I'm learning about the newest scandal, if the media is completely controlled, what is so big they need to hide it with this?  With the "shutdown" if you can call it that pushed back past the holiday season.  Obamacare will and has been continually used as a means to hold peoples attention while the rest of the world divests itself of as many of it's Dollar reserves as they can manage.   This isn't even a new trend. While all time stock highs can be tied to the largest supply of dollars at the cheapest price ever.  So if you haven't started learning Chinese you might want to consider it.  The smart ones have all started spending the dollars we intended to be held to ensure some return on investment.

Don't be fooled while Americans watch a drama crafted just for them, the rest of the world is finalizing their plans for the end of the sole reserve status of the dollar.

for a bit more info look into

Monday, October 14, 2013

Organized by Delusion

For most of us, how we perceive, and conceptualize reality leads to delusional perspectives. Our senses lie to us, and even when we know better we reinforce the falsehood in our conceptual modal of reality.
       Lets take the idea of sunrise.

Even though most of us know the earth is spinning we still think of it as the sun coming up. This might not seem important,  but does this point to a fundamental disconnect between reality, and our perception of reality?
           When we hold delusional views we will seek out those that support our delusional thinking. The idea that continue after the physical body is a good one.
We divide ourselves into groups based on conceptions of an afterlife.  How about the idea that the earth is 5000 years old, and evidence to the contrary was put in place by a god wanting to test your faith, don't laugh to hard this view is reputed to be held by a few in the american government.
           If you start from the stand point that everything goes back to one, then you have to hold some basic illusions to even have an individual experience.  It just may be that it is our delusions that define our reality vary more effectively then our truths. Can you have anything real if the foundation is a lie?


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Lie to Me

I'm a liar, I can't help it. I lie to you, and I lie to myself. My own senses lie to me all the time. Nothing I see is really how I perceive it. The colors I see are never the color of what I'm seeing. Even allowing the senses their foibles, my mind will erase, and paint in items.
       Everything about the place we find ourselves is designed to make me believe it's the end all be all.  So I'm going to lie to myself by default, and lie to you the same way. Lets forget about the fact that our being here together has to be a lie.
Instead how about we take a look just at my own internal processes.   Most of us are incapable of being honest even with themselves.  We have trouble taking responsibility for our part in the events of our lives.  We tell lies to make ourselves feel better. We tell lies to protect others feelings, which is still just to make things easier on ourselves.
       So I'm going to lie to you, and your going to lie to me.

Thank you


Saturday, July 6, 2013

Be Good, or else!!!

There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.

I love this quote, it so clearly demonstrates the role our own perception plays in creating our experience of our reality.
I sometimes like to stress this point with the idea "Hitler woke up everyday thinking he was doing the right thing".

I'm not saying I endorse anything, your own moral compass must always be your guide, Just don't  get it twisted into thinking that your perception of a thing makes it so.


Friday, July 5, 2013

Living on the Edge

Take a look at these photos

That is the earth seen from the moon. 
How about this one

That little blue dot made so famous by Carl Sagan when this video came out.

How fragile is this little ball we find ourselves inhabiting. How precarious our existence, Even going more then a mile from the surface we come to an environment not conducive to our life.  
        Everyone you know, everyone you love. every song, every thought, every horror show has happened in this little carved out niche. We know with certainty our beautiful little home is going to die. It's not a matter of if, only a matter of when. Our destruction maybe remote in the terms most of think, I tell you in the grand scheme it's not even a blink. Ronny Raygun once talked about the need of an outside threat to bring humanity into unity. The thought that it would take someone else to fight before we are able to understand our unity pains me. I see so much wonder and joy waiting in potential for us. All we need do is recognize it.


Thursday, July 4, 2013

I am Insane, and Stupid, How about You?

The transience of existence is where I live. The idea that I have come from the void is a comfort. Vomited forth like one half of a particle pair in the reaches of space.  Spinning through a so called life, front side seats to the burning of Rome.
This is the darkness in my soul, the insane burden I place on this thing I call self.
I know less and less with each passing moment, the sum of human knowledge growing exponentially, my portion shrinking in relation.
        Still I wonder how can we have allowed this paradise to become so jaded, so lost in the idea of persistent reality. The comfort of illusory security locking out the boogyman.  We hand over our power without a thought if the systems are really designed for our benefit. Even those that wake up enough to start asking questions rarely stop to think if they have enough information to even make an informed choice.
        When was the last time most of actually read our constitution? How about asking the questions about our money. Ever ask where it comes from, how it's value is determined? Most of us never ask questions that may throw into doubt the life we are engaged in. Do you ever question your motivations? We have all to one degree or another invested into the existence we share. It is that very investment that becomes the trap. We can no longer question the validity of what we have invested in, or risk losing our investment.
      I am insane, and stupid, I question everything, even my own existence.


Saturday, June 29, 2013

How long till the NWO?

So much has been written about the idea of a global take over by the banking cartel. I've written several posts about the problems with our global financial system. Seeing we're already in what most people consider fantasy land. Why don't we indulge a bit farther, and see what would have to happen for the citizens of the U.S. to submit to a global government.

If you do a little research it starts to look like time for end game.
There are very few states left that haven't privatized their banking.
The big ones would be Iran, Cuba, North Korea, and Venezuela.
Kinda nice how that lines up with the most demonized countries in western media.
Makes for great story telling.

So barring a global cataclysm, or an external global threat. How would you go about breaking the spirit of the people who view themselves as being on the top.
Keeping in the mind that it's bankers plot we are cooking up, how about this.

The power of the dollar has been maintained not through sound policy, but through being the global trade currency, and the global empire of the day. Many might say the U.S. is not an empire, but the 200+ bases all over the globe beg to differ.
So what would happen if say BRICS were to make a new global currency?
What would happen to the dollar? 
The U.S would go the way of the Weimer Republic and hyperinflation, or deflation.
I see things a bit differently, we have recently seen arguably the greatest transfer of wealth in history. So, we've had fiat debt traded for real world wealth. Now Imagine what would happen to the already fragile world economy if the U.S. began to default?
I kinda like this one, the chaos caused would be perfectly well suited for a new shining global currency to save the day. 
I guess it's not if, but when, and how the dollar fails.
The NWO is already here, they are actually almost done.


Friday, June 28, 2013

Are you Staring at the Screen?

This is and isn't a trick question.

We as humans are in a very odd predicament. We accept our reality because of the information our senses provide us. This is where we get start to slide a bit sideways. We know our senses can not only be tricked, they can lie to us. We know that the fundamental forces that shape our reality are to a large extent invisible to the very senses we are using to try to describe our reality.

A fairly easy analogy is our computers.
Think of this scenario.  Joey is playing world of warcraft, or any game really.
Billy walks in the room, motions toward the screen, and asks the question,
"Whats that?".
Joey answers "that is a monitor"

Billy responds "asshole"

Of course we know the answer Billy wants is the name of the game. not the actual object he is motioning toward.
Many of you might even be saying this is nit-picky bs.
But lets take a quick look a bit deeper.

Even as Joey most of us even knowing that the monitor is merely the output, It's the  flashing lights, and color to keep you mesmerized. It's the computers version of Maya, the illusion being played out before your eyes.
It's the end product, the input is else where, the processing is else where.
Most of it isn't even happening locally, it's happening in some magical remote place you will more then likely never see.

This isn't so different then how we deal with the world.
We are so dazzled by our senses we don't stop to understand the reality we observe is like the images on the screen. Most of what shapes it below or above our awareness. We have been dazzled by the colors.
We are looking at the output, and labeling it the thing itself.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

World War 3, When, If, How?

I had a stray thought the other day, and it seems the more I ponder a decent case can be made that world war 3 started even before world war 2 ended.

First lets take a look at the definition of war

We even had to coin a new phrase "cold-war"

So right there we can show a state of war existed almost immediately as WW2 ended. If we scratch a little deeper the roots of this new conflict were in place well before.

So here we can see pretty clearly the seeds for the new conflict were sown far earlier.
If your not familiar with The Bretton Woods agreement take a look.

In 1971 when Nixon decoupled the dollar from gold fully, causing currencies pegged to the dollar for value to become free floating.
This set the stage for currency wars, which are numerous and ongoing.
Here are a few links if you need some examples of currency wars.

Resource wars
This one is pretty obvious, and we can see it the foreign policies of every developed nation.

Now we have Cyber warfare

This one is wide open, and we become increasingly dependent on computers we obviously become more vulnerable to this type of warfare.

So World War 3?

As long as we have a belief in direct opposition, we will always have conflict.
These are wars of ideology in the end. The desire to tell other people how to live.

No matter the type of global conflict, the real losers will always be the ordinary men, and women swept along by the tide to be dashed against the rocks.


Monday, June 24, 2013

Surprised by Spying

I am at a loss on this one. I mean sure I'm a touch concerned about my own government is spying on everyone. I'm just not surprised at all by it.

I mean really this is a country that you can argue has lied, and manipulated it's people into conflicts going back at least to world war 2. This is a government willing to use drones to drop bombs on targets in sovereign nations against their express wishes.  

It seems to me the U.S. government has shown at every turn, there are no limits.
There are no acts to heinous in the defense of liberty.

When you give up your rights in favor of security, you get what the people you gave your freedoms to decide.

So if your surprised by the U.S. spying, and collecting data on everyone, I'd say same on you!
We haven't been fooled once, or even twice, we are willfully ignorant to the crimes our government commits in our name



Sunday, June 23, 2013

Is Creation a Zero Sum Game

Much I've read about this defines "zero sum game" as in order for you to get ahead you have to take from someone else. 
While in essence it is an accurate statement, most of us don't run in such small circles. Most of us would be hard pressed to find who we are taking from.
This doesn't mean the idea of zero sum is wrong, just the data set being examined is to small.
From a physics perspective the positive energy is virtually cancelled out by the negative energy, leaving us with a value of zero for the energy of the known universe. Even Einstein with his famous e=m*c2 is hinting at a zero sum creation, where all that can be done is the transforming energy to matter, and back again.

When we look at economics so many will argue that I don't have to take from anyone to get ahead, and I'd agree with them to a point.
The problem here is our money system itself, it's not a zero sum system. If it was we would be in much better shape. No we don't even add up to zero in our economy, we actually are negative. When you take the value for all outstanding debt, and try to match it with our resources, and assets we end up so far in the red it's laughable.  debt clock check that out for a giggle, that only represents a part of what we have been convinced we owe. Start looking at the derivatives and zero is looking really nice.

All of this is fine and dandy, but do I mean when I say it's a zero sum game?

Simply this, By all we can tell physically we exist in a finite universe, when you have a finite whole you are in a zero sum game. Though it may turn out it's kinda like perpetual motion. It's not the holy grail true perpetual motion we need, it's only a version that in relation to us it might as well be. I mean does our solar system ever wind down, and stop spinning? Of course it will, but will it take long enough as to be effectively perpetual for our uses?

From another perspective, it is a physically zero sum, while experiential the gains of a lifetime may be unfathomable.

As Obiwan once said
"Your going to find many of the truths we cling to, rely heavily on our perspective"

that is prolly a bit of a paraphrase, but you get the gist.

Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to


Friday, June 21, 2013

Seeing, Is it Believing?

Recently I was asked by a friend how we see color.  This turned into a discussion on how we see in general, and I realized how many people don't really understand how their senses function.

So how do we see?
We see a reflection, What we actually are seeing is the light that was not absorbed by the object we are looking at.
So nothing we see is actually how we see it.
When we see a certain color, it's because the other colors of the spectrum were absorbed, and the color we see was reflected.

This leads me to the idea of our own time.

We don't really share the same moment. The closer we get in physical space the closer to the same moment we become. I guess I should qualify that.
What I mean is due to the time delay, regardless of how small it is. I am in my own time. The things I sense have already happened.
The same can be said of other senses.

Whats the point?
For me it's handy to keep in mind, so I remember my senses are by design lying to me.
