Monday, December 3, 2012

Reality as a Game

This is one of the posts I'm moving over from my old site.
I have expanded on the concepts, and will be doing a continuation soon

This is a very intimate topic to me. To give a little bit of context gaming has been a passion for me. Honestly it still is, just what I perceieve as game has changed. I can remember playing pong for hours, flipping space invaders on the atari 2600. Being introduced to D&D at like 11, much love to GG. Speaking of D&D interesting new perspective on the dice, ever notice they just happen to be the platonic solids. Just the act of writing this is causing me to see even more aspects of it, even into the chose your own adventure books. When computer rpg's started coming out I played em all. We pirated our way through so many stories, so many lives. Of course I would soon out pace the sophistication of the games, and tire of them causing the need for more of everything. Then mmorpg's came along for those who don't know that is a massively multiplayer online role playing game. I dove deep into everquest 1, I devoted 12 years mostly to eq1, eq2, wow host of others. Alot of people see it as escapism, and from the perspective that I see alot of injustice in the world yes it was. At the sametime it was teaching me so much about how creation actually works, even the idea of nesting realities within realites, and the layering of realities digital to analog, and back, and then the blending of the myriad of realites.

I know alot of that is a huge stretch for alot of people, So I'm gonna keep right on pushing. This is my blog and my subjective view always under revision lol.

Think for a moment about ouroboros the snake eating it's own tail, or perhaps the spiral that eventuall loops back into it's starting point only to spin back out again. Now keep going and think of infinite nested game worlds each one impacting the one it's in and ones relationally close. Eventually those game worlds fold back, and the smallest influences the largest. Lets look closer at the interaction between these worlds. I'm not always controling the character, when I'm not it does whatever it's preprogrammed to do, Then I take control and now it's doing my bidding for it's ultimate growth, even though I kill it torture it, and do wacky inane things with it. My ultimate goal is grow that character.  How about from the view of the character. The world it inhabits is the only one it's has direct knowledge of. There are no visable clues as to the nature or origins of the commands it sometimes recieves. Though it may or maynot be aware of the change from preprogrammed response or self generated response, to an outside response. This entity wouldn't even be aware it was created by me for my pleasure and growth. This doesn't even matter scince if this entity could have free will it would be to grow and reach it's full potential. As our drives, or desires are aligned. This entity has no way to understand why it suddenly groups up with a bunch of other people to slay the dragon or what have you. This entity doesn't have the same over view of the game world. That being said I only have influence in it's world through it. This alone creates a symbiotic relationship.

there is so much more on this. I'll have to continue next time


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