Sunday, December 16, 2012

Creating Space Time

Today I want to talk about how we move through  space.  When most people think of the solar system they think of an image like this

This is a helpful conception, but is only accurate as far as it goes. The reality is we don't actually make circles, or ellipses. We actually make spirals, very pretty when you see the images.

A few things pop out at me when I begin to think about what this understanding really means. Even this is only a representation. It's lacking the actually movement. The image gives the impression we are on the same plane as the Sun. This isn't really accurate, we are roughly 8.5 min behind the Sun. The big thing that struck me about this is our orbit in relation to the direction the Sun is travelling. Here is a nice link to a site with some detailed numbers on the movement.

Conventional understanding doesn't take this motion into account, neither does it address the observable facts. I'm not even aware of space travel that has taken this into account, though to be fair we haven't gotten that far away from home yet.
Our sun is screaming through the galaxy trailing this could of debris in it's wake. A bit twisted on ego to think of us as being just a little speck in the cloud of dust being trailed along behind a star that by our own observations isn't anything special, as far as stars go. So we drag behind our star by a distance measured in light time. Another thing that pops out to me here is that each individual body is making a wave form if when looked at from a 2d representation, the shape of this wave may be important in ways I have yet to become aware of. What my intuition tells me is we as a solar system create space/time time/space by our movement through the "waters". To put it another way, our sun burns screaming through the fabric created by the spinning, twisting, and turning at micro and macro scales relational above or below itself. creating the space/time within our local solar system. The spin, and motion of our planet further rips this fabric of time/space creating our local planetary space/time environment. Brass tacks on this, we have our own planetary present, each solar system has it's own localized present, and within the solar system each body would have it's own present. it's own unique space/time. This is a micro/macro concept, you can scale it up and down to find the present moment time waves for each system, then body within that system.
We literally live in our own unique present moment of space/time.
I'm getting a bit sidetracked from my original intent for today's contemplation. Yes I am messed up enough to have this be fun for me. I'll come back to the implications of us creating our own space/time by the very movement through the fabric of space/time time/space itself again. For now I want to get back to the relational movements. Locally in our galaxy in our arm of the milky way there is a central point we orbit. I'm using orbit only because that is the accepted term. I'm not entirely sure that it is accurate, our concept of orbit is a bit lacking to fully describe what we observe. The reality is we can't be sure we've ever been in the same place twice. We are on a planet, being trailed behind this scoop type engine, racing through our local space . Our local space being trailed along by it's galaxy engine, we see that as the super massive black hole, and it's racing around some even bigger center, this is also seen going down in scales. Where/When this whole confusing mess pulls off a mobius strip, klein bottle trick I have no clue. We can look at the cycles already tracked, and give a good idea of minimums, I had picked out some nice images of both of those concepts, I kinda figure if you don't know what those are, you prolly didn't get this far.
I'm gonna move back into more localized conceptions. I don't know any of this for fact please always keep your wits about you. Don't believe anything I write ever at face value, make up your own mind, or even better make me refine my own understanding. That being said, Most can come with me on a journey fairly localized, and not stretch credibility to far. The flood story could easily be macro'd to a solar system scale. With each planet potentially holding a dizzying array of differing forms of life, all safely encased in Their own localized space/time protected by a larger space/time bubble created by the very engine propelling the craft.
Set in an out of the corner little spot where it won't get to shaken during the move, dash with a little chaos theory, and a multi angled story view from inside the monkey house(earth) to the external view of the beings that would create such a message in a bottle. Wow I'm pretty stoned, and so far from my starting point.
I think I'm gonna wrap it up here for now.
As always pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

have fun

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