Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Another Doomsday Down

Heya folks

Another armageddon date come and gone. The predictions of our demise are an interesting topic, we've had so many. Most blink by so quietly no one notices. I'm not concerned with the individual days, or the reason people have picked a particular day. I am interested in the idea, it's primal linking to our desire for survival.
We've had so many end of the world dates picked out, it's just another place we have become rubbed numb. We have such a deep seated fear of the loss of self, of individualized consciousness. All our religious, magical, or mystical teachings at some point cover the idea all are connected. I go even a step farther, there is only one thing. Having said that, I don't see an ultimate doomsday. I do see programming getting better and better at freaking people out about the idea. 
How many times does it take, before someone finally gets it right. I'm not predicting anything here. I'm saying we humans will bring it on ourselves. We came up with the idea out of our owns hopes, and fears. We desire to be important enough to wipe out. Simultaneously, we see ourselves as flawed fundamentally unworthy creatures. 
Let me make it clear, I don't actually believe there is any outside malevolent force working night and day to destroy humanity. That would be a massive time sink. What I'm saying is we are our own worst enemy, we have no need for some external boogeyman. We create plenty of our own. How many tries will it take before someone gets it close enough to our concept of the end of the world.
What kinda events would even make the cut, what % of the population has to die to qualify. 
I don't concern myself with global, or larger scale disasters, they happen all the time. Stars go nova, asteroids hit things, these are just everyday events on scales we don't always feel comfortable looking from.
Even our sun will eventually eat us, these are natural processes. 
What I do concern myself with is how programmed we are globally, and that part of that programming is the end of our world.
If god didn't put a sell by date on our carton, we will make it up. It's along the lines of, if god didn't exist man would make one up. We have an innate need for things larger then us, making sure everything is ok. Funny thing about being a child, you don't have alot of say in what happens in your life. Even as adults we put this pseudo parent figure sitting some where watching us. Rewarding us for getting good grades in our cosmic classroom. Punishing us for our transgressions against some law, so far removed from our current existence as to be almost meaningless. 
So am I concerned about an expiration date placed on us by our "creator"?
Not at all, if there is one, it's for a purpose.
That being said I do worry someone with that "perfect storm" the odds are stacked against us, even science says it's a matter of when, not if.  Well if it's bound to happen eventually, whats wrong with now.
Those are the people that worry me, and even beyond that I worry about the people that actively work to bring about our end. We've gone so far as to make it a romantic adventure. Understanding mass psychology from the twisted perspective of my mind. I can see we are creating our own Shiva as destroyer.

It's not a question of if someone will try to kill us all, it's just a matter of when.

As always: don't listen to me.

Aka PanseyBard digital pied piper

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