Friday, June 21, 2013

Seeing, Is it Believing?

Recently I was asked by a friend how we see color.  This turned into a discussion on how we see in general, and I realized how many people don't really understand how their senses function.

So how do we see?
We see a reflection, What we actually are seeing is the light that was not absorbed by the object we are looking at.
So nothing we see is actually how we see it.
When we see a certain color, it's because the other colors of the spectrum were absorbed, and the color we see was reflected.

This leads me to the idea of our own time.

We don't really share the same moment. The closer we get in physical space the closer to the same moment we become. I guess I should qualify that.
What I mean is due to the time delay, regardless of how small it is. I am in my own time. The things I sense have already happened.
The same can be said of other senses.

Whats the point?
For me it's handy to keep in mind, so I remember my senses are by design lying to me.


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