Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Your Life, Make it Your Story

Going to take a slightly different tack.

Pretty much everyone has read a book, watched a movie, played make believe.
In doing so, how ever outlandish your being shown different modes of behavior
for a variety of situations, or roles you might find yourself in. In a sense almost
everyone has while being programmed by the media to become one thing or
another, have at the same time been learning to identify with all of it.
Once you are able to identify with a character role, or archetype, you open up the
possibility of the experience of playing, that archetype, or role opens up to you,
in your physical experience. This concept is really just a different take on the ideas of
Napoleon Hill

These ideas have morphed into the Laws of Attraction. These tie into the concept of your life as a story, because you become the director/star of your own story. To go a little deeper, you are also the casting director. This ties into my earlier post, Tips and Tricks of the Law of Attraction.. As the Director/Creator or the story staring you, who/what are playing the varied roles you as the Director/Creator have defined to tell your story need to be identified. This allows you as the Director/Creator to see if this is a compelling role in your story, and if so, is the person/thing filling the role currently right for the role. A note on identifying the roles people are filling, versus the true nature of the person/thing filling that role. In the world we find ourselves quite often people will present themselves as one way, when they act in another. Other people can't lie to you, but you can lie to yourself. Once you understand we are all playing out the stories, in their many permutations, as well as practicing identifying the roles people are playing in yours. It will naturally follow that you will begin to see the role your playing in others. This will show you that all the roles are available to you to choose from. I would advise caution here, be aware of what you are choosing as a role.
Donning the garb of the wrong archetype in the wrong situation will bring unforeseen results. It might have your story ending rather abruptly. think "it's better to burn out, then fade away".
We are all here to be the star of our individual life, see others as they are. If your role in their story is to teach  a lesson, teach it as gently as possible. Every story has it's lessons, and I'm pretty sure you'd like yours to be as gentle as possible.

Write a great story, everyone is watching.

aka PanseyBard Digital Pied Piper

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