Saturday, November 24, 2012

Shifting Gender Roles, Observations on the Fundamental operating differences

Well hello again, I’ve been going crazy some more!!! woot.

I want to start by saying these are my thoughts, if you don’t like them stop reading!!

Last night I was thinking about the way men and women are designed physically.
This lead me to the inward outward focus. In the not so distant past, present and future
gender roles will be defined. In the west we had some pretty clearly defined roles until fairly recently. These roles were in part based on the physical design of our bodies.

So Men in general were, and are outwardly focused, stimulated visually.
Women on the other hand tended to be more inwardly focused, and stimulated by feelings.
This worked for humanity for awhile, till we each got to thinking maybe the other gender role had more, or better perks, what have you.  Western cultures have all gone through the redefinition of these roles with a focus on opening up for more contribution of women. I’ll be honest this one confuses me quite a bit. I see no bigger way to shape the world then raising the children, and this has been one area that so many have neglected. On the whole we didn’t do a role swap, we just opened all the roles up to everyone. Was anyone thinking what would happen to the kids?
Who has been raising your children? There is a good chance that there are kids I know that would listen to me over their parents. Really? Are you folks ok with this? I’m a high school, and college dropout that thinks about all of life how you read this now. Do you really want me to be a guiding force in your childs life? If you're not, someone else will be.
That got a bit off topic, but as conscious channel it happens.
Back to the role swapping from the perspective of how it’s effecting interpersonal relationships, you know, “hooking up”. Few men have ever bothered to even take the time to realize that out of the box men, and women operate from a different hemisphere brain dominance. Now this isn’t to say there are no men operating from a intuition dominate perspective, or no women operating from a logic dominate perspective. Only that the earlier defined roles we limited to that, this had the effect of specialization. Men became the hunters, and by practicing those skills develop them
even further. Fast forward a few hundred or more generations, and we had what appeared to be a male dominant culture where the women had all the power due to raising the children.
When the women's liberation movement really stormed on through freeing women to choose their own roles instead of society defining it for them, it became a wonder to behold. I mean really look around you, at how many things are already being run up front by women. The part of this that from my perspective has become problematic is that mens roles haven’t kept pace with womens. Men have lost their social identity, they used to be provider, protector, stern father figure, the one person you didn’t want mad at you. This only worked for men because from an overall standpoint women filled one role, and men the other. Now men who didn’t understand women, but thought they did, due to the marvelous job women did filling their role, are more confused than ever. We meet a woman, and we have to now try to deduce how we should be treating them. On top of this women in the bigger cities have on average passed men in average earnings, while still maintaining the belief that she should be provided for by her man! Are you serious? Can I have my Kate, and Edith too? I mean Adam had to give up the bad girl Lilith before god made Eve.

Funny to me in all this, is that if everyone would just be honest with what they want from the people they interact with, these difficulties would vanish.
Before I wrap this up as I haven’t even gotten to the insight that prompted me to write this in the first place.
If you want to be the bread winner fine, be the bread winner, but allow for your partner to help you eat it without strings!!
If you both want to be bread winners, don’t complain with your kids grow up with other peoples values, you didn’t raise them!!!

All of this led me to what I find interesting. The women who follow Islam covering themselves.
This makes perfect sense from the perspective that men are outwardly focused, and it was brought into a time and place where men were out of control. There was no rule of law, might made right, and women were/are considered property. Starting there it’s not tough to see why you’d want your family protected in any way possible.
The only time this does become a problem is when it is misused/abused.
Using what is a sacred tradition for purpose other than intended makes it an affront to God.

Please keep in mind my intention is not offend, it’s to learn, play, grow!!
thank you playskool

Be well


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