Sunday, November 25, 2012

Cheating from my Perspective.

Let me start off again by saying, this is just my perspective, take whatever, and that it's the take of what from most of your perspectives would be considered pretty odd. I show no outward care for what most people covet, not even my relationships. I let things go when it seems I need them most. I hold on to things other people think is junk. I can appear simultaneously mad, and brilliant. This I brought on myself, you can find a brief background on my poetry site if your interested.

Relationships like everything living, and I mean that in the broadest possible terms have their own growth cycles. birth, growth, death/rebirth think phoenix and you'll get the concept I'm going for.

You can apply this to any aspect of your life, it's the basic framework we see for everything. we even teach it to our children, thanks to all those visionary toy makers. Learn, Play, Grow.

To the point

People Cheat, because people cheat! if you didn't have people that cheated you couldn't by the defined duality created in the choice of syntax, people who are faithful.

Your Choice isn't in what your partner does, it's in making the choice to stay or not to stay!!!!

Thanks, much love PanseyBard

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