Monday, November 26, 2012

Misunderstanding of Money is Root of Many Evils

Having most of my life been able to survive on very little money. Sorry Mom, I know you would have liked to me to be a bit more driven financially. I’ll cover why I didn’t pick up my Mom’s physical security issues in a separate entry.

People have made money as a thing to covet unto itself. This was never the intention of it’s creation, nor is it a use in harmony with the betterment of all.
Money was created, and is the duty of the sovereign (whatever that is where you are) to provide a mechanism for the transfer of goods, services, ideas what have you.
They wrote it right into the constitution, and if you scratch the surface of what they teach about the revolutionary settlement, yeah I said it, I’m not even sure we won the revolutionary war. Imagine what that would do to our so called debt.
The governing body is responsible by accepting the spot of governor to provide the means for trade to happen. This authority was stolen, abdicated, wheaseled  away by private corporations.
Let me elaborate cuz thats something most people already grasp that pretty easily.
Money, Currency, doesn’t exist, it’s a trust between the governed, and governing.
In the case of most modern fiat currencies it’s value is based on the populaces future production.  This is the consumer slavery everyone warns about, The value of the dollar in your pocket today is based on a forecast of the future productivity of the block the currency represents. There are other factors that are involved but at it’s core that is the big mystery.
Now when you have private banking institutions, which almost all of the so called modern societies currently have. What happens is private people are allowed to make something out of nothing, and then charge everyone for it. This is then repeated when the “money” is trickled down to the banks. with a 10 to 1 fractional reserve system the banks are allowed to print even more money on their own, in the form of loans and lines of credit what have you. The overall effect of this?
A group of people make up something that should belong to the people of the nation, or block it represents, and makes it their personal property. This is the ultimate in economic slavery. The “fat cat central bankers” imagine something into the world, charge you for doing it skimming right off the top, didn’t we go after the mob for doing that? or was it for not sharing with the OG’s. Then when they “lend” this imaginary stuff, these pieces of paper with stuff printed on it. The banks Keep everything dollar they are lent!!!
Let me repeat that, it’s important.
The Banks never lend out any of their own money!!!
This would be what the bible was talking about in Usery
Think MLM, pyramid scheme gone incredibly right. at least if you got in when the main central banks were formed, or happen to born into one of the families connected to them.

Don’t take my word for this stuff, look at history yourself.
Start with how many central banks have been in the “USA”
How about looking at the foundations of the colonies?
The history I use is of course the country I was born in, I mean they tried to drill the “story”
in my head so many times. That alone would be enough to make me question it.
Einstein told us nothing can be created or destroyed, only transformed.
Keep in mind if I was really going to have a case of hero worship at this stage of my unfoldment that man would be high on the list of potentials. Now I’m going disagree with him.
there is something that we I mean that in the broadest sense. Big Ups to the mayans this cycle for hipping the world to the ultimate lie.
We as conscious beings can create the vacuum. nature doesn’t do it, digital doesn’t do it.
Man does that one thing that no other order of creation even conceived of. The idea there could even in concept be nothing.
I know this have gone off into what some would call intellectual deep waters. I assure you nothing could be farther from the truth. Half the time I’m writing this I have no clue what is coming out until I’m reading along.

Truth is, what I have shared here is a small portion of my understanding as of the moment I was writing it.
portions of it may remain my truth eternally, or I may capriciously hop from perspective at my whim, as that is the gift we have been given from our creator, whatever you want to call it.
Choice is the one universal law that trumps all others, and here is the secret the mystics have been keeping about Choice, it can only be given!!!

I propose a radical rethink of how we approach the concept of money.
Money in and of itself serves no purpose.
Our real desire is for security, and the joy we see then events, and material comforts money is used for. Keep in mind that at some point something had to get turned into those green pieces of paper, or digits on a screen.
It might have been not getting see your child grow up.
or maybe it was your self respect, or dignity you traded.

We already settled on what you are, now we are negotiating price!

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