Thursday, November 29, 2012

Whats in a Name

People have been asking me about my name. I picked it up playing everquest 1, my main character was a wood elf bard named Nuviel. The bard class was funny thing, they could fill in for almost any role in the group, but they really weren't designed to handle any of them.  The class just played a tune, and it was either good for you, or bad for you.  The name stuck because of the way the class worked, if something ran at you, you ran away, if something ran away you chased. Might seem a bit odd, till you think Zen, and Taoism.
I loved the class, but I always thought the way it worked was kinda wuss, hence the name. I am a heterosexual male. 

side note I've been organizing, so I'll posting some stuff I took off my poetry site here.

if a post looks a bit odd it's cuz I copy pasted. read it or don't it's your choice.


Was having a conversation with a friend about the first step that someone would take to awaken. This is an odd concept, every step we take is one on our own unique path. It's even kinda humorous to call it a path, it's not like there is anywhere to go. We all are gonna do what we are all gonna do. Saw a title of a book that I really liked, "Everyone Poops".  People don't tend to love themselves, or even like themselves.  How can you love anyone if you can't love the one you're closest to. I guess if I had to pick a spot to start that would be it. I'm talking an ego based love, of how great you are, I mean an honest love, one that sees all the faults, and loves not in spite of, but because of.

Every thought, feeling, action radiates out from it's source through all of creation. As you might be able to imagine this is a lot of ripples. These ripples don't all have equal amplitudes. Highly charged emotional events cause higher amplitude ripple effects. One positive action centered from the heart, has the power to create a ripple of loving selfless acts radiating from it's center. That's what is meant by "be the love you want to see in the world". You can truly be the epicenter of a shift in being. Be you, be love.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How do you Fertilize your Garden

This one is gonna be short, cuz it’s to simple to spend much time on.
Plus I wanna go play a few games a pool, and forget I have a few days to make my rent.

The best stuff grows from shit.
yup I said it!

lets look at that from and as above so below point of view

Think of the song  by OutKast Roses lets not forget where we came from.
Just cuz we came from the shit doesn’t mean we have to live in it.

If I seem dark to’s cuz you're standing in my light



You are what you Eat

This saying always bothered me, I'm not a cow just cuz I eat a steak.
Recently I've come to understand it a bit differently.

You are what you ingest.
what that means to me is this. I have many places to make whats outside, inside, and whats inside, outside.
This shouldn't be ground breaking for anyone. We eat, and poop, most of us are even willing to admit it.
what I'm really talking about is looking at everything as data. or programming. Anything, and I mean anything you allow into body,mind, spirit temple repeatedly you will become. This shouldn't be news either, I think therefore I am is a great example.
So this is a great example about just twisty my own mind becomes.
When I sat down to write this, I had a pretty clear idea of the overall concept I wanted to get across.
As I am writing it, my understanding of it deepens, it's the idea you don't really learn something till you teach it. 
So how about this, you become what, and how you think and feel about all the things you input, and output
even the manifestations shape themselves to how you view what is defined as self, and other.
If I had a point to all this it went bye bye with the my second hit off the pipe. 
Really it comes down to being aware of how we are designed, how we have been programmed.
If you don't think your programmed, take a peek into
hmmm. Still don't think someone could program you? not even a little?
Gonna sign off with a riddle today

Why did the 1 and the 2 get together to make the 3?

there are so many answers to this, I'd love to read some of yours

My answer is:  They knew they couldn't contain themselves separately.
ahh trinities are a lovely thing.

Don't listen to me, I might be Sane!!!!


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I know who raised me, Do you?

I find the period of transition on the one hand a chore, something it seems I’m trying to labor through as quickly as possible. Yet on the other hand the state of flux, that place where it’s make or break.
the next spin of the wheel will catapult you places you never dreamed, or curb stomp your ass for your arrogance.
This is the place I’ve found myself in for the past 6 months or so.  As of this moment from the calendar a major portion of the globe insist we follow I have a few days to cover my rent.
When measured against the commitments of those around me,
I Live on a pittance. For several years living in the VoC, a tiny unincorporated sliver next to Sedona, Arizona. A retirement/tourist town. I’ve been able to skate by with bills totalling $600.00 a month.
I’ve made my outward life the perfect reflection of slacker. Please don’t misunderstand, until the last Six months I worked usually seven days a week. I had my part-time job at the local video store, I considered it’s my safe goof off job. As long as I was good with the people, and the money the money the owner let me skate by on the, what I came to view as the busy work. I am well aware of the need to keep things clean, I just don’t like doing it. Being the selfish prick I can be, I may very well know what is expected of me, and I’m will only do what I have to. For most of that time, and really to lesser extent going back most of my life I’ve helped with tech stuff.
I didn’t go to school for it, I dropped out of school mentally by middle school, lasted physically till late high school, funny thing about that is. As soon as no one was watching I stopped doing what they expected of me, and started doing what I loved doing in the moment....
It seems in this I would be considered an early adopter.
Funny thing I might be one of the odd generation that slipped between the analog, and digital age. My saving grace so to speak would of course be my Mom. Being a single mother through the 70’s wasn’t the easiest path she could have chosen, though I’m ever grateful she did, or I wouldn’t have had the freedom from early childhood to not become too close a copy of her, experiential imprinting for lack of better terminology on my part.
This means I was a latchkey kid in kindergarten. It has been decided upbringing was unfit living conditions for a child.
For all that, if I wasn’t allowed myspace to learn in my way, from where, and who I wanted, I wouldn’t be the person writing this.
When I claim to be one of The early adopters, what I mean is this. I for the most part raised myself. The time period and circumstances meant I had access to computers, and the toys associated with them. Combine with a love of games, roleplaying especially. My uncle collected the outline of the rules for D&D when it was still a series of magazine articles, and taught me, and a couple of his friends. The first set of books come out by the end of the summer, hr made sure I went home with the basic game set, and all full set of 4 original books. There was a game only geeks were into, of course only geeks were in to computers at the time also. The two were well matched. I remember playing the first real attempt at a mass produced rpg type game, Adventure for the Atari 2600.
Basicly if it combined role-play, and a game world other than this, I was in. The more powerful the number crunching of the machines. the more detailed, and realistic the worlds became. I learned old school basic before I learned how to do the math I was using.
The point to this inane ramble is simple. I have become what I needed to in order to remain me, and still live in a world I don’t really understand. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve become adept at reading people’s motivations. What I didn’t understand is the thought process that gets people from thinking to action.  I understand I think differently than most around me. I grew up with the logic of the machine.  If/then for/next, the trouble with that logic is it’s not conducive to emotion. So I became more and more disconnected from my own emotional nature.  As a very maligned, confused, misunderstood Mr Crowley brought through for us. Love is the Law, Love under will. This concept is truth. Love is the Force of creation, unconditional pure YES!!!. From my understanding the original undoing of the Gordian knot was the first time created said no to creator.
So if you are not intimately involved in the raising of your children, don’t be surprised when they lack your values, and mindset.

I think I’m done with puking my delusions on those pulled to read it.

Tune in next time, ya never know what I might spew.


Monday, November 26, 2012

Misunderstanding of Money is Root of Many Evils

Having most of my life been able to survive on very little money. Sorry Mom, I know you would have liked to me to be a bit more driven financially. I’ll cover why I didn’t pick up my Mom’s physical security issues in a separate entry.

People have made money as a thing to covet unto itself. This was never the intention of it’s creation, nor is it a use in harmony with the betterment of all.
Money was created, and is the duty of the sovereign (whatever that is where you are) to provide a mechanism for the transfer of goods, services, ideas what have you.
They wrote it right into the constitution, and if you scratch the surface of what they teach about the revolutionary settlement, yeah I said it, I’m not even sure we won the revolutionary war. Imagine what that would do to our so called debt.
The governing body is responsible by accepting the spot of governor to provide the means for trade to happen. This authority was stolen, abdicated, wheaseled  away by private corporations.
Let me elaborate cuz thats something most people already grasp that pretty easily.
Money, Currency, doesn’t exist, it’s a trust between the governed, and governing.
In the case of most modern fiat currencies it’s value is based on the populaces future production.  This is the consumer slavery everyone warns about, The value of the dollar in your pocket today is based on a forecast of the future productivity of the block the currency represents. There are other factors that are involved but at it’s core that is the big mystery.
Now when you have private banking institutions, which almost all of the so called modern societies currently have. What happens is private people are allowed to make something out of nothing, and then charge everyone for it. This is then repeated when the “money” is trickled down to the banks. with a 10 to 1 fractional reserve system the banks are allowed to print even more money on their own, in the form of loans and lines of credit what have you. The overall effect of this?
A group of people make up something that should belong to the people of the nation, or block it represents, and makes it their personal property. This is the ultimate in economic slavery. The “fat cat central bankers” imagine something into the world, charge you for doing it skimming right off the top, didn’t we go after the mob for doing that? or was it for not sharing with the OG’s. Then when they “lend” this imaginary stuff, these pieces of paper with stuff printed on it. The banks Keep everything dollar they are lent!!!
Let me repeat that, it’s important.
The Banks never lend out any of their own money!!!
This would be what the bible was talking about in Usery
Think MLM, pyramid scheme gone incredibly right. at least if you got in when the main central banks were formed, or happen to born into one of the families connected to them.

Don’t take my word for this stuff, look at history yourself.
Start with how many central banks have been in the “USA”
How about looking at the foundations of the colonies?
The history I use is of course the country I was born in, I mean they tried to drill the “story”
in my head so many times. That alone would be enough to make me question it.
Einstein told us nothing can be created or destroyed, only transformed.
Keep in mind if I was really going to have a case of hero worship at this stage of my unfoldment that man would be high on the list of potentials. Now I’m going disagree with him.
there is something that we I mean that in the broadest sense. Big Ups to the mayans this cycle for hipping the world to the ultimate lie.
We as conscious beings can create the vacuum. nature doesn’t do it, digital doesn’t do it.
Man does that one thing that no other order of creation even conceived of. The idea there could even in concept be nothing.
I know this have gone off into what some would call intellectual deep waters. I assure you nothing could be farther from the truth. Half the time I’m writing this I have no clue what is coming out until I’m reading along.

Truth is, what I have shared here is a small portion of my understanding as of the moment I was writing it.
portions of it may remain my truth eternally, or I may capriciously hop from perspective at my whim, as that is the gift we have been given from our creator, whatever you want to call it.
Choice is the one universal law that trumps all others, and here is the secret the mystics have been keeping about Choice, it can only be given!!!

I propose a radical rethink of how we approach the concept of money.
Money in and of itself serves no purpose.
Our real desire is for security, and the joy we see then events, and material comforts money is used for. Keep in mind that at some point something had to get turned into those green pieces of paper, or digits on a screen.
It might have been not getting see your child grow up.
or maybe it was your self respect, or dignity you traded.

We already settled on what you are, now we are negotiating price!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Cheating from my Perspective.

Let me start off again by saying, this is just my perspective, take whatever, and that it's the take of what from most of your perspectives would be considered pretty odd. I show no outward care for what most people covet, not even my relationships. I let things go when it seems I need them most. I hold on to things other people think is junk. I can appear simultaneously mad, and brilliant. This I brought on myself, you can find a brief background on my poetry site if your interested.

Relationships like everything living, and I mean that in the broadest possible terms have their own growth cycles. birth, growth, death/rebirth think phoenix and you'll get the concept I'm going for.

You can apply this to any aspect of your life, it's the basic framework we see for everything. we even teach it to our children, thanks to all those visionary toy makers. Learn, Play, Grow.

To the point

People Cheat, because people cheat! if you didn't have people that cheated you couldn't by the defined duality created in the choice of syntax, people who are faithful.

Your Choice isn't in what your partner does, it's in making the choice to stay or not to stay!!!!

Thanks, much love PanseyBard

Putting my pieces into a Whole

Over the next few weeks I'll be adding some stuff I took down from my other site. This will be the first of that series of posts

Our collective everyday vocabulary is rife with linear time words. There is nothing good or bad about this. It is a choice, if we want to stay within linear time the words serve to keep our consciousness focused in a linear aspect. If on the other hand one wanted to break free of the linear time constraints, being aware, and mindful of the words one chooses becomes important. Notice how often you use words that refer to a time other than now. It might surprise you how much attention you pay to other times and places.


A major part of my unfolding has to do with reclaiming my power, and knowing as well as clearly stating to those around me, my boundaries.

This morning I was faced with a new test in this arena, as well as a challenge to my understanding of all as one. I awoke to my roommate passed out, and a person I didn't know drunk in my living area. This alone would be enough to make me cringe as alcohol isn't my favorite of things. I see it as a substance that makes people less aware of everything. Sometimes this is a desired effect. Most people I know just use it as an escape from parts of themselves they would rather not face. On top of this they had drank half my juice, and eaten some of my food. This violates my boundaries I should have at least been consulted. On the other hand, seeing it from a unity perspective, we were hungry so we ate.

This leaves me with a valuable look at where I'm at as far as seeing all as one. I could feel the frustration, and yet remain detached enough to not have it blow up into a fight between myself, and my roommate  I was able to point out what I didn't want in my reality, while maintaining my calm center. Can't be sure what effects this will have going forward, but at least I'm learning.


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Shifting Gender Roles, Observations on the Fundamental operating differences

Well hello again, I’ve been going crazy some more!!! woot.

I want to start by saying these are my thoughts, if you don’t like them stop reading!!

Last night I was thinking about the way men and women are designed physically.
This lead me to the inward outward focus. In the not so distant past, present and future
gender roles will be defined. In the west we had some pretty clearly defined roles until fairly recently. These roles were in part based on the physical design of our bodies.

So Men in general were, and are outwardly focused, stimulated visually.
Women on the other hand tended to be more inwardly focused, and stimulated by feelings.
This worked for humanity for awhile, till we each got to thinking maybe the other gender role had more, or better perks, what have you.  Western cultures have all gone through the redefinition of these roles with a focus on opening up for more contribution of women. I’ll be honest this one confuses me quite a bit. I see no bigger way to shape the world then raising the children, and this has been one area that so many have neglected. On the whole we didn’t do a role swap, we just opened all the roles up to everyone. Was anyone thinking what would happen to the kids?
Who has been raising your children? There is a good chance that there are kids I know that would listen to me over their parents. Really? Are you folks ok with this? I’m a high school, and college dropout that thinks about all of life how you read this now. Do you really want me to be a guiding force in your childs life? If you're not, someone else will be.
That got a bit off topic, but as conscious channel it happens.
Back to the role swapping from the perspective of how it’s effecting interpersonal relationships, you know, “hooking up”. Few men have ever bothered to even take the time to realize that out of the box men, and women operate from a different hemisphere brain dominance. Now this isn’t to say there are no men operating from a intuition dominate perspective, or no women operating from a logic dominate perspective. Only that the earlier defined roles we limited to that, this had the effect of specialization. Men became the hunters, and by practicing those skills develop them
even further. Fast forward a few hundred or more generations, and we had what appeared to be a male dominant culture where the women had all the power due to raising the children.
When the women's liberation movement really stormed on through freeing women to choose their own roles instead of society defining it for them, it became a wonder to behold. I mean really look around you, at how many things are already being run up front by women. The part of this that from my perspective has become problematic is that mens roles haven’t kept pace with womens. Men have lost their social identity, they used to be provider, protector, stern father figure, the one person you didn’t want mad at you. This only worked for men because from an overall standpoint women filled one role, and men the other. Now men who didn’t understand women, but thought they did, due to the marvelous job women did filling their role, are more confused than ever. We meet a woman, and we have to now try to deduce how we should be treating them. On top of this women in the bigger cities have on average passed men in average earnings, while still maintaining the belief that she should be provided for by her man! Are you serious? Can I have my Kate, and Edith too? I mean Adam had to give up the bad girl Lilith before god made Eve.

Funny to me in all this, is that if everyone would just be honest with what they want from the people they interact with, these difficulties would vanish.
Before I wrap this up as I haven’t even gotten to the insight that prompted me to write this in the first place.
If you want to be the bread winner fine, be the bread winner, but allow for your partner to help you eat it without strings!!
If you both want to be bread winners, don’t complain with your kids grow up with other peoples values, you didn’t raise them!!!

All of this led me to what I find interesting. The women who follow Islam covering themselves.
This makes perfect sense from the perspective that men are outwardly focused, and it was brought into a time and place where men were out of control. There was no rule of law, might made right, and women were/are considered property. Starting there it’s not tough to see why you’d want your family protected in any way possible.
The only time this does become a problem is when it is misused/abused.
Using what is a sacred tradition for purpose other than intended makes it an affront to God.

Please keep in mind my intention is not offend, it’s to learn, play, grow!!
thank you playskool

Be well


Friday, November 23, 2012

Balance of logic, and intuition, in other words the battle of the sexes!!

This was possible my biggest hurdle, I just couldn't get my logic and intuition to agree. My logic could follow along really well, but all the answers ended in a paradox, or a circle, and my logic couldn't see where that existed in creation, as a result couldn't accept the answers.
Finally I was watching something I can't even remember what it was, but they were talking about black holes. How if you were to throw your wallet toward a black hole, letting get sucked in. The information to reconstruct your wallet would be smeared out around the disk of the black hole. They went on to discuss how in a black hole the laws of physics break down and 1+1 can equal 3.
Well there it was the paradox my logic needed to comprehend what my intuition was saying.
I then started seeing things from outside the whole, that lets me see patterns, but not always so good on details. I'm still working on being able to shift focus to any point.
I did learn a neat trick to balance the hemispheres of the brain.

Idea for starting to make a holodeck

This is going out on a limb, but I'd love to see someone with more resources then I try this out.

Minimum of 3 hd projector lenses, these become your objective subject.
they are the perspectives needed to give your hologram more then 2 dimensional substance.
those beams will be projecting their perspective of the objects they see in a virtual space, into this so called real world. Where those beams cross sets up a distortion pattern based on the differences between varied objective subjects.
Now that you have the distortion pattern set up you need some particulate that is suspended in the air for the distortion pattern to refract off. My thought is crushed crystal so fine our standard way of looking wouldn't perceive it.
Suspending the particulate could be accomplished through using technology like the ionic breeze.
this would keep the particulate circulating throughout the room, and keep it from settling out of the air.

If my through process is on the mark, this should give the basics to grow on to make a holodeck.

Next would be to make it physically interactive. I'm not quite sure how to do that one yet.
I do think nature shows us the mechanism when we touch something.
We think we touch things, but in reality electrons line up between the objects.
think collision detection. Electrons line up between the objects, repelling the ones lining up opposite.
Using this as a base model for what needs to be achieved the how to accomplish it I'll leave to smarted people then I.

ok I know I'm going a bit out there on this one. take it for what you will.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tricks and Tips, Law of Attraction

Today I'm gonna share a bit about the law of attraction. Many people have read about or watched movies, it's become pretty much a household understanding at least with the people I interact with. What I've noticed while the basics have been brought to the surface of awareness, the underlying structure hasn't been well explained. This has left many people using the law, while still getting things they didn't intend.

I'm going to explain it from an odd perspective, I'm doing this because it's the way I understand it.

Do what you will with the information, but miss use it at your own risk.
What I write here is purely my perspective, if you don't like or agree with it. I'm fine with that, so you don't need to flame me. I won't pay attention to you anyway.

On with the Show.

In nature where we currently find ourselves a vacuum doesn't exist until we make one.
nature will rush to fill the space when given the chance.
when we use the universal law and define something as being lacking in our experience, creation springs into action to fill this void we created. This is great, law of attraction working as intended.
What happens next is we are presented with the closest possible event in relation to us that will fill that unnatural void. This is where most people get tripped up, they say yes.
They worked so hard to understand how to become a co-creator with all that is, and when they finally get the courage up to use their understanding poof. They settle for the first event that sorta fits the void they created. Well at this point all that is, has done it's job. It looked for a void, or vacuum what ever you want to call it. Lack, Desire, Want, Need. all these words that describe a not having something. These concepts are very odd indeed to a being who is infinite.
Some of you may be thinking, but wait arn't I an infinite being as well?
 I can't really answer that question without getting to know you.
What I can do is share my understanding of the syntax, the thought structures that create reality.
Point out the places where the words being used are out of harmony with the intent behind them.
Generally you can say anything to anyone, once you know how to speak their tongue.

Ok enough of the rambling, that wasn't my intent at the moment.

Here is the trick, learn to say no
We are all so concerned with making sure everyone else is well cared for, or we feel that which ever comes along first has to be meant for us.
I'm telling you that is giving away your divine heritage.
Some may also be thinking WOW did he really just tell me to say NO  to GOD?
The short answer, YES!!!
say it nicely, even explain why this offering is out of harmony with your universe.
Claim your divine rights. Move from a place of worshiping all that is, to be being in relation to all that is.
Return to the state of being in the Family of all that is, you never left, you only forgot.
All that is works from a scale and scope we can only imagine, the expectation that the first option is the best one isn't always true.
Learn to be honest at least with self, and all that is.
Become a partner in the creation of your story.
Learn discernment.



Friday, November 16, 2012

Well it looks like this is where I'm gonna be for a bit.
I have alot of accounts, like
or how about my twitter feed which of course is how I ended up here.
in the course of a week I took a crash real world course on social media
as a marketing tool. now in one day I've had my twitter feed suspended twice.
I admit freely that I used an adder for 12 or 13 people. the rest was all done with extensions
and apps I downloaded for free, and was actually lead to most of em.
Then when I was able to add faster then the system allowed for using only the tools they provide
I get my account suspended.
I freely admit I'm a slacker, hell in high school it took almost a year for the adults to figure out I had dropped out.
I've spent my life doing as little as possible, and when I finally decide to actually apply myself to something other then gaming I get slapped on the wrist for going to fast.
well thats an opening rant I guess.

PanseyBard, the Digital Pied Piper signing off

hey shoutout to those that led me here, you know who you are
thank you, I love you all