Monday, July 29, 2013

Why Rockets work in a Vacuum

Today I'm gonna give my take on part of a conspiracy theory.
This one deals with the idea of if rockets work in the vacuum of space.

Here are a couple of links for background

The basic idea for the doubters is this.
Space being a virtual vacuum offers nothing for a force to be applied to, as the expanding gas can expand infinitely with no resistance. This makes a situation where no work can be done.
Offered as rebuttal are newtons laws of motion. if you are unfamiliar with these.'s_laws_of_motion

While I agree it is newtons laws of motion being applied, the only thing I found that gave me a reasonable picture of what is happening was the idea of a balloon being inflated, and released. Rockets are a series of explosions, the combustion chamber can be thought of as the balloon. As the gases expand inside the chamber they exert pressure or force on the walls of the chamber. When the chamber is vacated the force is given direction creating trust. So no work is being done against the vacuum, and newtons laws are still being adhered to.


Thursday, July 25, 2013

In case you haven't heard

So if you haven't figured it out yet

so what do you think about the freedom of religion now?

Monday, July 22, 2013


Ok real quick, this is just to funny to not share.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

What The #$%^ am I

         I've seen so much trying to answer this question, much of it garbage. I've worked at becoming detached enough, in an attempt to see myself not from my perspective. Not even from your perspective, as I get I can never really see myself, as others see me. The best I can hope for is a view from the collective ambiguous we. 
         Body, Mind, Spirit am I the area of conjunction between these highly amorphous concepts?  Leaving huge gaps in my perceptions, portions of all 3 like submerged icebergs.  Lurking below and above my awareness. Plumb a little deeper, and all Three start to show themselves to be divisions in name only.
That in all likely hood I no more have my own mind, body or spirit then I have my own planet. If all that is comes from one source, and returns to one source, how does that leave any of us with our own anything?  
         I may very well be a delusion wrapped in a delusion, piles of lies to give comfort. For me the problem has come down to persistence, the best game worlds are those that are still going even when your not paying attention. I've played and played in other realms, no matter how far I might get in mind, or spirit my body is right where I left it. No matter any of the 3 I delve into the other 2 are waiting right where I left them.
       So what am I? I'm not sure it really matters anymore.



Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Balance of the Anointed

The other day someone pointed me to the Alex Grey picture of Jesus.

At the bottom of this image were these excepts from the gospel of Thomas.

Jesus said "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside, and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same...then you will enter the Kingdom of God."

I've come to think of this as the balance of the anointed one. I'm come to see these in my own way, being an eclectic mix so is my take on this concept.

First I'd like to look at top to bottom, This one has been covered all over the place.
There are few who have heard of the chakra centers. These are what I see as the top to bottom, This is where we get the idea of being heart centered. Here is a video, and you can find as much info as you want with a search

What is meant by making the male, and the female one? For me it points to the hemispheres of the brain. The left hemisphere is very outwardly focused male aspect, driven by logic. While the right hemisphere is an inwardly focused feminine aspect, driven by intuition. There is a twist on a very simple meditation that many people use on a regular basis. The candle meditation, where you pick a spot beyond a candle flame, and see the flame while looking at the spot. This will cause the flame to appear double. I also sometimes do this with just holding my finger out, and looking beyond it while seeing my finger.  This double vision causes both hemispheres of the brain to be active simultaneously. The male and female become one. Here is a nice binural to help in maintaining this balance

Lastly, only because for me this one has been the toughest. Balance your internal and external realities. We all carry around two realities, internal, and external.
For most of us these remain relatively close, meaning the line up fairly well. 
When these don't line up very well all sorts of odd effects manifest. We all run around and make assumptions about the world we see based solely on dialogue running in our minds, this is a form of projection. We all project all the time, we are also projected on by the external world. For me this is where the being as little children is very handy. Children accept things as they are, they have no preconceived notions, they lack the experience to project.

please keep in mind I profess no religion, or do I say I actually know anything.


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Lie to Me

I'm a liar, I can't help it. I lie to you, and I lie to myself. My own senses lie to me all the time. Nothing I see is really how I perceive it. The colors I see are never the color of what I'm seeing. Even allowing the senses their foibles, my mind will erase, and paint in items.
       Everything about the place we find ourselves is designed to make me believe it's the end all be all.  So I'm going to lie to myself by default, and lie to you the same way. Lets forget about the fact that our being here together has to be a lie.
Instead how about we take a look just at my own internal processes.   Most of us are incapable of being honest even with themselves.  We have trouble taking responsibility for our part in the events of our lives.  We tell lies to make ourselves feel better. We tell lies to protect others feelings, which is still just to make things easier on ourselves.
       So I'm going to lie to you, and your going to lie to me.

Thank you


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Free? Will? hahah!!!!

Heyas, gonna talk a bit about free, and will today. 

If you accept a creator deity that is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, it would follow that your "freewill" is an illusion. You really have no choice, if what your choice will be is known before you choose.

I'd rather not get stuck on this point, as it really doesn't get to the heart of freedom, or will. Free will is an amazingly oxymoronic idea. Free nothing that has a physical existence is free. The idea of for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction comes to mind.  Free is never free, there is always a price, even if you have trouble directly seeing it.  Within the bounds of a finite creation, we create nothing. We move things around, combine them in novel ways, but we take what is there already, and re-purpose. 
As for will it might be the most expensive of "freedoms" we ever exercise.
Will is something that is imposed, it is violent by nature. In exercising will I am saying I am the instigator,  I am the source, I know what has to happen. 
There is so much to these concepts, I could tap away and never scratch the surface.
I'm going to impose my will on creation and see where it leads



Saturday, July 6, 2013

Be Good, or else!!!

There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.

I love this quote, it so clearly demonstrates the role our own perception plays in creating our experience of our reality.
I sometimes like to stress this point with the idea "Hitler woke up everyday thinking he was doing the right thing".

I'm not saying I endorse anything, your own moral compass must always be your guide, Just don't  get it twisted into thinking that your perception of a thing makes it so.


Friday, July 5, 2013

Living on the Edge

Take a look at these photos

That is the earth seen from the moon. 
How about this one

That little blue dot made so famous by Carl Sagan when this video came out.

How fragile is this little ball we find ourselves inhabiting. How precarious our existence, Even going more then a mile from the surface we come to an environment not conducive to our life.  
        Everyone you know, everyone you love. every song, every thought, every horror show has happened in this little carved out niche. We know with certainty our beautiful little home is going to die. It's not a matter of if, only a matter of when. Our destruction maybe remote in the terms most of think, I tell you in the grand scheme it's not even a blink. Ronny Raygun once talked about the need of an outside threat to bring humanity into unity. The thought that it would take someone else to fight before we are able to understand our unity pains me. I see so much wonder and joy waiting in potential for us. All we need do is recognize it.


Thursday, July 4, 2013

I am Insane, and Stupid, How about You?

The transience of existence is where I live. The idea that I have come from the void is a comfort. Vomited forth like one half of a particle pair in the reaches of space.  Spinning through a so called life, front side seats to the burning of Rome.
This is the darkness in my soul, the insane burden I place on this thing I call self.
I know less and less with each passing moment, the sum of human knowledge growing exponentially, my portion shrinking in relation.
        Still I wonder how can we have allowed this paradise to become so jaded, so lost in the idea of persistent reality. The comfort of illusory security locking out the boogyman.  We hand over our power without a thought if the systems are really designed for our benefit. Even those that wake up enough to start asking questions rarely stop to think if they have enough information to even make an informed choice.
        When was the last time most of actually read our constitution? How about asking the questions about our money. Ever ask where it comes from, how it's value is determined? Most of us never ask questions that may throw into doubt the life we are engaged in. Do you ever question your motivations? We have all to one degree or another invested into the existence we share. It is that very investment that becomes the trap. We can no longer question the validity of what we have invested in, or risk losing our investment.
      I am insane, and stupid, I question everything, even my own existence.


Monday, July 1, 2013

I really hope this is a joke

was tough to get through


Nothing doesn't exist in the universe we see

Almost all of us have grown up the idea of 0, the empty set, nothing.
Fewer of us go any further then that, we don't stop to see where this concept came from, and don't get it twisted it's an idea. There is no such thing as nothing in nature. Zero may well be the greatest single achievement in recorded human history, it may well be one the least truly understood.

check out a few links for some background if your interested.

For me it's the concept of nothing, no where do we look do we find nothing.
Even things we describe as being empty are far from it. When you pour a glass of water, your not really filling it, your displacing one thing with another denser thing. Even the misnamed vacuum of space is only a relative vacuum.
I would take this even farther as I've explained in an early blog about the LoA .
That using the idea of the void is the trigger to to cause the machine like aspect of all that is to find something to fill it.
