Friday, December 28, 2012

The Inequality of Political Correctness

I'd like to preface this by saying. I do not advocate discrimination on any basis. That being said, my place my rules, don't like em leave. I'm not saying someone is bad, or less then, it's all just choice. Be good to each other, that includes the person in the mirror.

Ok on to the show.
On the surface this sounds like a good idea, and on the surface it is. Who likes to be called names, or teased,  or blackballed for silly things like race, nationality, religious, or sexual orientation. These are all false divisions and recognizing them as such is a nice step forward in the seeing and treating  other as self.  Seeing other as self is a huge step forward in solving many of the problems facing the world at large. It's pretty tough to watch yourself starve, let alone drop bombs on yourself. So from this perspective I applaud the effort, Like so many of our laws it's an attempt to legislate morality. This takes away choice, choice can not be taken it, like all the best we as humans can do, can only be given. Even so, if the PC movement would have stopped there, fine, I get it. If we are to progress socially Those divisions have no place. Unfortunately like so many good ideas, it became a thing unto itself. It moved into what in the gaming world is called homogenization. This is just nice fancy term for, make everything equal. Strange thing in the gaming world, making everything equal has the effect of making everything the same. This leads to a boring gaming world, all the skills and abilities even though they are called different things, and may have differing visual effects are the same.

If we all become identical we will not survive, there would be no difference, nothing to solve, or work toward. As I've said in an earlier post, our greatest advancements have come from our worst episodes of history. When so many band together and share, Amazing things happen. They happen through the bringing together of differing ideas, skill sets, and knowledge. This only possible through our differences, not our sameness. Celebrate both in equal measure if you want PC, celebrate being a member of humanity. Just remember to share the things that make you an individual as well. Those are the interesting bits anyway.
If I want to know about human nature I can look in the mirror. What I need is what makes you, you.

As always, don't listen to me.
Much Love
aka PanseyBard Digital Pied Piper

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