Thursday, December 6, 2012

Be the Story

I wanna bring in a slightly different twist to creating your life from the perspective of storytelling.
Depending on who you listen to people will tell you there are X number of different story plots.
I really liked this article on the topic How many stories are there. I agree the divisions are arbitrary, we create the divisions. This is harmony with my understanding that we create duality by creating divisions.
Even the idea of there being one story doesn't fit quite right for me. I see the one story weaving through every life I examine. I've come to the point where I still know nothing, understand even less, and sit in stunned awe.
When I look for the story, what I see is potential, when I look into the void of spaces between spaces I see potential. Where ever I look I see potential. For me, with the vista I'm ready to see. Beyond being creator, and dictating my experience of a potential I've admitted I have yet to understand. This space outside of the drama, dharma, maya, Whatever you have labeled it as, is where I find my true comfort. It's the place where I can see you for you. Not be in the state where I'm forcing you to play a role in drama. This is the space where your divinity becomes clear to me. I see the role you desire me to play in your creation. When I'm especially transparent I even see the roles your willing to play in a drama of my making.
This space is the space of wonder, this space is the potential from which story springs. It doesn't exist other then in fleeting moments stolen by those brave, crazy, lucky, or stupid enough to stumble into it.
This is the space where dreams are made, funny thing is while your there it's not where your dreams are made. This is the space reserved for the mystic, the shaman, king maker. From this no space, all potential, perfect zero sum null, there is no projection. Dreams are plucked from space, like lighting is pulled by the earth from the potential in the sky. The space where I am you, for I no longer exist. I lose myself, give myself over to your journey through OZ. I get to play the parts you allow me in the unfolding of the story only you can tell. By my surrender to your will I get a glimpse of my own nature, reflected in the roles you assign me.
These are only roles, costumes I don at your pleasure. When I am able to sustain this space within me, This blank slate approach, or being the un-carved block, doesn't define me. I've already defined myself by finding this space. This place where nothingallthingsomethingneverthing, I become limitless potential, I am nothing because you haven't given me a role. I heard once that Kanye West said something to the effect, if the bible was being written today I'd be in it. He of course got slammed by many. I saw the over inflated ego. I also see that as a healthy ego, creating a mythic experience. It's the go big, or go home mentality taken to the global scale. The context is of course very different. People don't remember the teachings of Jesus because of what he said about himself. People remember the teachings because they are worth remembering.
Seems to me the line from Star Wars A New Hope would fit here in twisty sort way

"Sand People are easily Frightened, but They will soon be Back, and in Greater Numbers"

Thank you all for the stories.

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