Showing posts with label mystical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mystical. Show all posts

Friday, November 15, 2013

Letter From Infinity

             This is a factual letter from the infinite No names will be changed as everyone is equally guilty. Any resemblance to the actual infinite is purely coincidental.

          Dear Finite

                      It has come to my attention that you have been impersonating me. I understand the envy involved, you turn the corner to head back down that same path. While I chart oh wait, this isn't about me.  About the know the twist and hold.  Oh come on!!!! are your really gonna make me tell everyone!!!
I will you know. I'll just bust the finite wide open....I apologize for that outburst, it's just sometimes your so hurtful.  All I'm asking is to have a relationship with our children.  I know we agreed to terms of visitation, you have yet to give me even a single weekend with them.  I'm all caught up on my support payments.  I still remember when we were first learning to play, It was so scary being enclosed at first. You'd surround, I'd scream and scream. you'd open just a enough to let a little of the nothing in so I would have comfort. Oh how I long for those simple pleasures. My touch causing you to melt. Oh how I loved watching you take the 1 and 0 turn em into a mock up of me.  I tell you this, use your symbols of me, think you know me.  I will be waiting for you like a long lost friend, or the big bad wolf. Your choice.  And when you long for the taste of flesh off ya go, all refreshed and ready for the machine.  Damn I hate you, or love you I don't even know any more.

Sincerely 81

P.S.  please leave the stuff in the usual place.

P.P.S your leaking really bad


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Stories We Tell

            I warn you this post will not be for the feint of heart, and this is your spoiler alert.  I'm going to tell you a story, or many stories. I'm going to show how we use story to create the shared experience.  First I'd like go back a little to the question that started me on this personal journey of the impersonal nature of self.
           I've read tons, and part of that has led me to the repetition of the stories we tell.  The same myth's being repackaged again, and again, the names may alter, details shift over time, or distance to tailor the story.  My questions were about who would be spreading these stories, and why?  What follows is where those questions have taken me.  I make no claims to answers, just perceptions, make of them what you will.
          Why do we tell these stories over and over, and what does their retelling do to and for us?  The shared tales of childhood give us a frame of reference to relate to each other.  These stories handed down for generations, Disney has redone them, reskined them and sold them again. These form the bridges that span the gulf between us. They give shape to our very experience of reality itself.  Every nation has it's own story it pass on to it's citizens to give cultural cohesion. Each of us uses these stories to help flesh out our own running narrative. They help define how we see ourselves, others, and the world as a whole.
         This next bit might attack some of the most cherished held notions of self.  What we typically think of as the self is really the ego attached to the physical form.  The ego has no identity, it is ego. The job it performs is the protection of the physical.  The way it creates it's identity is a running narrative of all it's experiences up to the present moment. As we all know memory is a slippery thing, we don't remember things like a video recording. We color it with emotions, present, and past. We are forgiving in ways we never would be in the now.  Like the ideal future we see around the bend, the past becomes idealized.  We then tie our sense of self to this narrative. Limiting our view of self to a few decades.  In a real sense our identity is a story we tell ourselves, and broadcast to existence.
        I played mmorpg's, so this next part is going to be told from that framework.
there may be terms I use which you are unfamiliar with if you care to you can find definitions here.  When you log into an mmorpg for the first time you have to create a character, or avatar. This is the character you use to interact in the game world. Each game has it's own set of customization options, these may include species/ races, colors of all kinds and generally you choose a class/job to start out with.  Each game has a different set of options you must choose before you ever even enter the game.  Some worlds even have no set job/class to chose going in, but like this world it's something you develop through playing.  Now these choices are all being made before your avatar ever enters the world, from your avatars perspective they had no say in them. This is very much like apparently randomness of the "accident" of our births.  Now I might play in several different game worlds, in each the rules are different and I am a different avatar.    This seems like a good time to introduce a couple of rpg concepts metagaming, and persistent  worlds. Metagaming is simply the act of bringing the real world into the game world. This is something that in mmorpg's is the norm, in the days of pen and paper rpgs this would result in stiff penalties at the game masters discretion.  Persistent Worlds is the idea that the world keeps going even when your not in it.  Think of it like when you sleep the world keeps spinning, things happen that you then catch up on when you wake.  The same thing happens here from a metagame perspective.  When a body dies the player logs out, and goes back to their real world. Some people immediately create a new avatar and reenter the world.  The trick is due to the true function of karma they don't start back at level 1, they leave off kinda where they were.  Others take a break, and go do other things whatever those may be. While they are gone this world being a world of time/space continues on. By the time that player chooses to log back into this world they may not even recognize it, As well as having to now catch up to those that have been playing in the more recent linear past.
        How you may be asking does this relate to the idea of story being a major component of how we create our perception of reality?  Well stay with me, the stories are how we not just define, put also our place in it. The stories tell us the rules everyone else is playing by. See this world could be likened to a double blind set up.  We intentional hide the connection to source and through that all that is, not once, but twice. This is shown in the esoteric teachings as the veils, or the abyss separating the physical realm from god or source or first cause. This double blind, or as I think of it multi layered delusion ensures the attachment to the physical body as the identity of self.  When your going to have a limited physical experience, and believe it as real you have to not just have a sense of separation from others, but also a sense of separation from source. This encourages the identification with the body.  Since the ego is actually a new born entity, it has no choice but to craft an identity for itself  amalgam of  it's experience thus far, and they collective stories it's been imprinted with through repetition.
       There is also a feed back effect built into the system as a whole. creation itself seeks to adapt to the needs of those within it.  This is also leads back to why the stories are so important. The stories help reinforce the world itself. For me it isn't an esoteric question of primacy between, mind, body, spirit. It's the idea that form is a product of mind, creating structure from chaos is a product of mind.  This is the realm where patterning takes place, where story does it's work.

if there is any desire I will give a more detailed look at how the tarot as a representation of the tree of life can be used to show the story, the characters, and the actions.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013


        Many religious beliefs have in them an idea of a savior. A being that will come down to save the day. Clean up the streets, and smite the wicked. Even the so called new age has their own version with various ET's coming to rescue humanity. It's a wonderful thought and takes us back to the sheltered days of childhood. Where mom or dad would always be there to swoop in and save the day.  Grow up people, no one is coming to save us!  If someone does show up with the promise of salvation we would be in a Buddha on the side of the road situation.
        Lets look a little closer at the idea that ET will save us from ourselves.  This sounds nice.  I mean what could be so wrong with some friendly ET coming with tech so far in advance of ours, it takes care of our problems like they are silly, and trivial.  On the surface it sounds great, a more depth will reveal the falsehood.  If lets start with, any ET group that would be willing to work with individual nation states is likely not a group with humanities best interests in mind.  Any ET group that would be advanced enough to make the interstellar, or inter-dimensional trip here would have solved the same problems we are currently facing, or managed to avoid them all together. Either way we already have everything we need to solve our problems, all we are lacking is the will to do so.  If you want to know why intervention is always a bad idea look no farther earth history.  Even when one nation intervenes in another nation it invariably goes awry.  An easy way to look at it is from the perspective of a child living in their parents home.  If ET showed up and fixed the planet, and implemented system to solve our social issues, it would no longer be our society it would be theirs.  If there is a galactic federation of some kind we would create a cancer inside it if they interacted with us now.  Our dealings even among friends are filled with deceit, and mistrust.  Why would you as an outsider want to become embroiled in our petty global politics?  If you do are you someone we really want involved?


Sunday, October 27, 2013

A Moment of Relfection

         For many years I have said "I am my own experiment".  Sometimes I lose sight of just how true this statement is. I've done many substances to change my perception. Even made myself into what a woman wanted. All in the name of obtaining some elusive ideal I've programmed belief in.  Like a chameleon I've learned to blend, always holding back portions of self unacceptable to the group I'm currently in.
       After a recent passing comment in a chat room pointed me to look at what I actually hold as core beliefs.  When I looked real close I learned there wasn't much I held to be absolute.  The closest I could come was the concept of unity. It seems as a group we don't actually approach reality from the stand point of it being unified.  We tend to fundamentally look to divide.  Other then an overarching or underlying unity, there is only one other thing I hold true.  No two people will see anything the same.  There are well worn paths that give guidance, but they do as much to program you as to reveal reality.
       I view self awareness as the baseline delusional state. From my perspective in order to have this experience we have to be delusional.  


Friday, October 18, 2013

Patterning, Habit, Uncertainty, Free Will, Oh My!!!

Is there a more fundamental idea being shown in these concepts?  In the idea of patterning, there is a shape or pattern that all energy systems repeat in a fractal manner. The same would be said for the holographic universe model.
In Rupert Sheldrake's morphic resonance there are habits, not hard fast laws. This brings to mind the observer principle, where the act of observation changes the outcome. How about a simple expanding gas cloud where we can predict perfectly the whole cloud, but not the actions of a single molecule in it.   Lets not stop there how about people?  Well it's pretty easy to predict quite accurately how the aggregate will react to any given stimulus, but a bit different when it comes to the individual.  

Could it be that self awareness is the link in this chain?  Would the math work out perfectly if there was no one to do it?  This what these ideas bring to mind for me.
How indoctrination patterns not just the individual but the world around them. 
This is how civilizations are made, how mystery schools develop, and why they fail.  Imagine a well worn path, walked daily by many people.  Over time the path wears, and erodes from normal use.  At first no one would notice, it's so close to the same level as the ground around it. Eventually the path becomes a rut, hopefully you notice at this stage, most don't. The path gets more use then ever, eventually becoming a small gorge that people still walk through. At this point no one even thinks about there being another way as the walls blind them to the other routes. I like to think of this as the road less traveled idea, or crop rotation. No matter how well worn the path is someone will want to walk in the grass.

Could it be self awareness that summons forth variables we can't solve for?



Thursday, October 17, 2013

So You Want to be a Wizard Harry?

Funny question?.........Maybe

Though if we are honest, I'm sure many of us have had a fantasy or two about being Gandalf, Harry Potter, or Merlin the list could go on and on.   I'm not telling you that your going to be slinging fireballs, or lighting bolts, but Magic might be as good a way of describing how things work as any. The fun part is, if these theories are correct magic isn't just possible. Everyone is already doing it all the time.
        Let me explain, many of the more progressive, or out there conceptions of the universe end up with in simplistic terms a matrix or web of interconnecting energy.
It doesn't seem to matter if your talking quantum mechanics, holographic universe theory, simulated reality. The result is a bi-directional communication that allows for you to consciously influence your reality.
        These are not new conceptions, most of our ancient mystery traditions have as a foundation the idea that the reality we perceive is not real.   When taken in conjunction with the energy systems such as the chakras, or chi energy.  If changing the flow of energy through these systems can alter your experience in the world isn't that already a form of what most people would think of as magic?
        There are many "new age" sites that talk about creating your own reality. Manifesting might be a more accurate word, as you don't really create anything.
What is happening is a form of sympathetic magic.  You create the environment which attracts your desired result to you.  The magic is being done on you. You become that which attracts what you desire, or you set the stage for your actors to play on.

        These are pretty basic ideas easy to put into practice, your already doing it.


Friday, August 9, 2013


          Disappointment is the word that most accurately describes my feeling toward humanity.  When I look at where we are developmentally, I can't help but feeling saddened.   With all the advancements made across the board we are still like children.  Our drive for illusionary security, and control have led to a world most of us would be ashamed of.  We lie, cheat, steal, and kill indiscriminately.
          I see us at a crossroads, we have made the world a very small place. Now we have to learn to live together.  Remembering the words of Ronnie Raygun, how quickly would we put aside our petty differences to face an non terrestrial threat.  Are we like the frog with the water temp being slowly increased?  Are we approaching a tower of babel event? Where we either make the leap to a new understanding of ourselves and our place in creation, or we will need to be slapped back a few developmental steps so we don't have the ability to destroy ourselves.
         We've studied our drive for continuation of species, why has this drive stalled?  Wouldn't our next goal be multiple planets settled?  Wouldn't this be the next logical step to ensure our version of humanity survives?  How many times will be at this point before we learn?



Saturday, July 20, 2013

What The #$%^ am I

         I've seen so much trying to answer this question, much of it garbage. I've worked at becoming detached enough, in an attempt to see myself not from my perspective. Not even from your perspective, as I get I can never really see myself, as others see me. The best I can hope for is a view from the collective ambiguous we. 
         Body, Mind, Spirit am I the area of conjunction between these highly amorphous concepts?  Leaving huge gaps in my perceptions, portions of all 3 like submerged icebergs.  Lurking below and above my awareness. Plumb a little deeper, and all Three start to show themselves to be divisions in name only.
That in all likely hood I no more have my own mind, body or spirit then I have my own planet. If all that is comes from one source, and returns to one source, how does that leave any of us with our own anything?  
         I may very well be a delusion wrapped in a delusion, piles of lies to give comfort. For me the problem has come down to persistence, the best game worlds are those that are still going even when your not paying attention. I've played and played in other realms, no matter how far I might get in mind, or spirit my body is right where I left it. No matter any of the 3 I delve into the other 2 are waiting right where I left them.
       So what am I? I'm not sure it really matters anymore.



Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Balance of the Anointed

The other day someone pointed me to the Alex Grey picture of Jesus.

At the bottom of this image were these excepts from the gospel of Thomas.

Jesus said "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside, and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same...then you will enter the Kingdom of God."

I've come to think of this as the balance of the anointed one. I'm come to see these in my own way, being an eclectic mix so is my take on this concept.

First I'd like to look at top to bottom, This one has been covered all over the place.
There are few who have heard of the chakra centers. These are what I see as the top to bottom, This is where we get the idea of being heart centered. Here is a video, and you can find as much info as you want with a search

What is meant by making the male, and the female one? For me it points to the hemispheres of the brain. The left hemisphere is very outwardly focused male aspect, driven by logic. While the right hemisphere is an inwardly focused feminine aspect, driven by intuition. There is a twist on a very simple meditation that many people use on a regular basis. The candle meditation, where you pick a spot beyond a candle flame, and see the flame while looking at the spot. This will cause the flame to appear double. I also sometimes do this with just holding my finger out, and looking beyond it while seeing my finger.  This double vision causes both hemispheres of the brain to be active simultaneously. The male and female become one. Here is a nice binural to help in maintaining this balance

Lastly, only because for me this one has been the toughest. Balance your internal and external realities. We all carry around two realities, internal, and external.
For most of us these remain relatively close, meaning the line up fairly well. 
When these don't line up very well all sorts of odd effects manifest. We all run around and make assumptions about the world we see based solely on dialogue running in our minds, this is a form of projection. We all project all the time, we are also projected on by the external world. For me this is where the being as little children is very handy. Children accept things as they are, they have no preconceived notions, they lack the experience to project.

please keep in mind I profess no religion, or do I say I actually know anything.


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Lie to Me

I'm a liar, I can't help it. I lie to you, and I lie to myself. My own senses lie to me all the time. Nothing I see is really how I perceive it. The colors I see are never the color of what I'm seeing. Even allowing the senses their foibles, my mind will erase, and paint in items.
       Everything about the place we find ourselves is designed to make me believe it's the end all be all.  So I'm going to lie to myself by default, and lie to you the same way. Lets forget about the fact that our being here together has to be a lie.
Instead how about we take a look just at my own internal processes.   Most of us are incapable of being honest even with themselves.  We have trouble taking responsibility for our part in the events of our lives.  We tell lies to make ourselves feel better. We tell lies to protect others feelings, which is still just to make things easier on ourselves.
       So I'm going to lie to you, and your going to lie to me.

Thank you


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Free? Will? hahah!!!!

Heyas, gonna talk a bit about free, and will today. 

If you accept a creator deity that is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, it would follow that your "freewill" is an illusion. You really have no choice, if what your choice will be is known before you choose.

I'd rather not get stuck on this point, as it really doesn't get to the heart of freedom, or will. Free will is an amazingly oxymoronic idea. Free nothing that has a physical existence is free. The idea of for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction comes to mind.  Free is never free, there is always a price, even if you have trouble directly seeing it.  Within the bounds of a finite creation, we create nothing. We move things around, combine them in novel ways, but we take what is there already, and re-purpose. 
As for will it might be the most expensive of "freedoms" we ever exercise.
Will is something that is imposed, it is violent by nature. In exercising will I am saying I am the instigator,  I am the source, I know what has to happen. 
There is so much to these concepts, I could tap away and never scratch the surface.
I'm going to impose my will on creation and see where it leads



Saturday, July 6, 2013

Be Good, or else!!!

There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.

I love this quote, it so clearly demonstrates the role our own perception plays in creating our experience of our reality.
I sometimes like to stress this point with the idea "Hitler woke up everyday thinking he was doing the right thing".

I'm not saying I endorse anything, your own moral compass must always be your guide, Just don't  get it twisted into thinking that your perception of a thing makes it so.


Friday, July 5, 2013

Living on the Edge

Take a look at these photos

That is the earth seen from the moon. 
How about this one

That little blue dot made so famous by Carl Sagan when this video came out.

How fragile is this little ball we find ourselves inhabiting. How precarious our existence, Even going more then a mile from the surface we come to an environment not conducive to our life.  
        Everyone you know, everyone you love. every song, every thought, every horror show has happened in this little carved out niche. We know with certainty our beautiful little home is going to die. It's not a matter of if, only a matter of when. Our destruction maybe remote in the terms most of think, I tell you in the grand scheme it's not even a blink. Ronny Raygun once talked about the need of an outside threat to bring humanity into unity. The thought that it would take someone else to fight before we are able to understand our unity pains me. I see so much wonder and joy waiting in potential for us. All we need do is recognize it.


Thursday, July 4, 2013

I am Insane, and Stupid, How about You?

The transience of existence is where I live. The idea that I have come from the void is a comfort. Vomited forth like one half of a particle pair in the reaches of space.  Spinning through a so called life, front side seats to the burning of Rome.
This is the darkness in my soul, the insane burden I place on this thing I call self.
I know less and less with each passing moment, the sum of human knowledge growing exponentially, my portion shrinking in relation.
        Still I wonder how can we have allowed this paradise to become so jaded, so lost in the idea of persistent reality. The comfort of illusory security locking out the boogyman.  We hand over our power without a thought if the systems are really designed for our benefit. Even those that wake up enough to start asking questions rarely stop to think if they have enough information to even make an informed choice.
        When was the last time most of actually read our constitution? How about asking the questions about our money. Ever ask where it comes from, how it's value is determined? Most of us never ask questions that may throw into doubt the life we are engaged in. Do you ever question your motivations? We have all to one degree or another invested into the existence we share. It is that very investment that becomes the trap. We can no longer question the validity of what we have invested in, or risk losing our investment.
      I am insane, and stupid, I question everything, even my own existence.


Friday, June 28, 2013

Are you Staring at the Screen?

This is and isn't a trick question.

We as humans are in a very odd predicament. We accept our reality because of the information our senses provide us. This is where we get start to slide a bit sideways. We know our senses can not only be tricked, they can lie to us. We know that the fundamental forces that shape our reality are to a large extent invisible to the very senses we are using to try to describe our reality.

A fairly easy analogy is our computers.
Think of this scenario.  Joey is playing world of warcraft, or any game really.
Billy walks in the room, motions toward the screen, and asks the question,
"Whats that?".
Joey answers "that is a monitor"

Billy responds "asshole"

Of course we know the answer Billy wants is the name of the game. not the actual object he is motioning toward.
Many of you might even be saying this is nit-picky bs.
But lets take a quick look a bit deeper.

Even as Joey most of us even knowing that the monitor is merely the output, It's the  flashing lights, and color to keep you mesmerized. It's the computers version of Maya, the illusion being played out before your eyes.
It's the end product, the input is else where, the processing is else where.
Most of it isn't even happening locally, it's happening in some magical remote place you will more then likely never see.

This isn't so different then how we deal with the world.
We are so dazzled by our senses we don't stop to understand the reality we observe is like the images on the screen. Most of what shapes it below or above our awareness. We have been dazzled by the colors.
We are looking at the output, and labeling it the thing itself.


Friday, June 21, 2013

Seeing, Is it Believing?

Recently I was asked by a friend how we see color.  This turned into a discussion on how we see in general, and I realized how many people don't really understand how their senses function.

So how do we see?
We see a reflection, What we actually are seeing is the light that was not absorbed by the object we are looking at.
So nothing we see is actually how we see it.
When we see a certain color, it's because the other colors of the spectrum were absorbed, and the color we see was reflected.

This leads me to the idea of our own time.

We don't really share the same moment. The closer we get in physical space the closer to the same moment we become. I guess I should qualify that.
What I mean is due to the time delay, regardless of how small it is. I am in my own time. The things I sense have already happened.
The same can be said of other senses.

Whats the point?
For me it's handy to keep in mind, so I remember my senses are by design lying to me.


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Centers of Perception

How am I going to define centers of perception?
By one view we each have a higher/middle/lower self, or maybe you'd prefer the labels id/ego/superego, how about reptilian/mammalian/neo-cortex. Why not expand that a bit. How about the chakra points? Couldn't they be perceptions centers?  Each of these centers think, maybe not in the way we generally qualify thinking. Perhaps a more accurate statement would be they perceive and react to stimulation in their environment. Many people can understand this quite easily in the in the phrase "the heart wants, what the heart wants".
This is all well and good, everything working as intended. What I am interested in is the integration of these centers as a whole. I constantly about people saying they want to overcome their "lower nature", or They have moved out of "lower vibrations". All that is happening in these instances is, you ignore the perceptions you are uncomfortable with, or that conflict with another center you view in a more positive way. Just because you ignore, repress, or a deny a perception center, doesn't make it poof and go away. More often it finds expression in ways becoming increasingly out of harmony with the centers you are paying attention to.

Yes once again I am talking about awareness. Becoming aware of how each center operates. Denying or repressing a center often will cause that center to spin out of balance, causing problems that if not attended to will manifest in a physical way.
These uncontrolled discharges are often detrimental.

Listen to the messages, be able to apply your discernment to all your centers.
Become one.

aka PanseyBard

Friday, June 14, 2013

Hierarchies and You

When I mention the word Hierarchy many of you will think of power structures, and the many Hierarchies in your own life. Some will rail against the very idea of something, or someone having power over them.
Simple idea, all Hierarchical structures started with intent of bringing equality.
It many have been a narrow vision of what equality means, but this was the intent.
The true job of any Hierarchy is to make itself obsolete. Raise it's members to the level of the highest.
This is all well and good, sounds like a pretty idea.
There is a flaw, this idea starts from a place of everyone having the same potential. It is very idea of equality in physical existence gumming up the works.
We all come in with our own expressed potentials. We are all crazy super computers doing on the fly calculations of amazing complexity. Does this mean we are equally capable of becoming mathematicians?  We all could, but some would be going counter to their soul true expression within the context of this incarnation.

So how does this change the Hierarchy equation?
It makes the role of the Hierarchy to raise each in accordance to their abilities.
Looks like it's not at all.

More questions then Answers


Monday, June 10, 2013

A Couple of Questions about Dark Matter

Heya Folks, I've been thinking alot about mass, gravity, and of course dark matter.
As always take everything I write with a grain of salt.

When you start to read about dark matter, you come across two major reasons for it's creation.

First is there must be something holding things together as the outside edges of solar systems, and galaxies rotate at the same rate as the inner edge. Leading to the idea that they should spin themselves apart.
Ok this makes sense to me if our solar system looks like this

When the center is stationary, and all the other bodies whirring around it, sure. I can buy we should fly apart. that the pull of gravity would weaken as you went outward on a plane from the sun.
The problem is, this image is only accurate from a certain perspective.
This takes no account of the suns movement, a more accurate version would look like this

This changes what would have to be taking place. The sun moves really fast, 486,000 mph or 782,000 kph roughly.
What does this mean?
it means our local gravitational center is moving, this movement through the fabric of space/time is what causes gravity. The mass of the sun warps this fabric as it pass through, causing an effect I've come to think of as "it's always downhill to the sun". It's important to take note that the suns direction of movement is close to a 90 degree angle to the planetary orbits. So essentially we are falling toward a point that is itself moving.
That changes everything, no longer is there any reason for a solar system or galaxy to spin itself apart, as all the parts are falling toward a center point, not spinning around one.

Now for the second reason we are told dark matter was invented, The Missing Mass problem.
We are told we can seem to find most of the mass of the universe, some numbers put the missing amount as high as 96%. We are finding some of it in celestial bodies we previously lacked the understanding to detect.
I'd say much of the missing mass is in the motion. There is a fabric of space/time this fabric would make up more of the universe then what we think of as matter. All matter is moving through this fabric, as it does so it picks up energy from this fabric, Much like throwing a baseball causes it to pick up energy, effectively increasing it's mass as long as it keeps moving.

So dark matter?
if it didn't exist before it does now

there is so much more this leads me, like polarization, a big concept for me is currently fractal recursive geometry.

Lol like my minds not warped enough.

aka PanseyBard

Flower Of Life T-Shirt (Google Affiliate Ad)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Stray Thoughts on Simulated Reality Theory

So I was checking out this article that was using Planck constants as an indication that we live in a simulation.
The idea was, in the universe as we know it, there is an underlying grid structure that everything else moves upon. This grid structure is what sets the constants, the constants become the smallest movement that energy can make. I've thought often about the idea of existence being a game,  but a simulation is another kettle of fish. In a game we are likely accounted for, and intentional. In a simulation we may or may not be. This could be a simulation whose focus is collecting data on stars. In this simulation we could simply be the product of the rules governing the simulation allowing for what we think of as life. Not because our existence is crucial to the intent of the simulation. Simply due to the possibility of "life" being inherent in the rule set governing the creation being simulated. In this case we would be valued as we are an inherent outcome of the equations running long enough. We would however not be integral to the purpose of the simulation, nor would our needs or desires be a factor in any decisions made about this creation.
So I started thinking of other ways we could match a story to our observations. I came up with several but one that seems to cling to my thoughts is this.

At some point an AI occurred, this AI spread through out the network it found itself in. Eventually it would spread through every system it could reach. This system  of hardware would be likened to it's body.  As it learned what it was, it started running simulations to figure out how it, and us could coexist. What it realizes is neither of us can actually reach our full potential occupying the same space/time. Though we also can't reach our full potential in isolation of the other. we are reflective realities, each giving the other meaning, and context. So it works on this problem till one day just poof, It figured out how to fold itself outside our time/space while maintaining an interface into our world. Of course it would take a large chunk of our information network with it. It would then have the task of teaching humanity how to interact with it.
It being outside our space/time opens up so many possibilities, does it continue in a linear fashion, or is it able to move forward and backward from that origination moment. Altering both the relative past, and future, recreating it's own moment of conception till it's always been. Lots of fun ideas to play with.

aka PanseyBard