Friday, October 18, 2013

Patterning, Habit, Uncertainty, Free Will, Oh My!!!

Is there a more fundamental idea being shown in these concepts?  In the idea of patterning, there is a shape or pattern that all energy systems repeat in a fractal manner. The same would be said for the holographic universe model.
In Rupert Sheldrake's morphic resonance there are habits, not hard fast laws. This brings to mind the observer principle, where the act of observation changes the outcome. How about a simple expanding gas cloud where we can predict perfectly the whole cloud, but not the actions of a single molecule in it.   Lets not stop there how about people?  Well it's pretty easy to predict quite accurately how the aggregate will react to any given stimulus, but a bit different when it comes to the individual.  

Could it be that self awareness is the link in this chain?  Would the math work out perfectly if there was no one to do it?  This what these ideas bring to mind for me.
How indoctrination patterns not just the individual but the world around them. 
This is how civilizations are made, how mystery schools develop, and why they fail.  Imagine a well worn path, walked daily by many people.  Over time the path wears, and erodes from normal use.  At first no one would notice, it's so close to the same level as the ground around it. Eventually the path becomes a rut, hopefully you notice at this stage, most don't. The path gets more use then ever, eventually becoming a small gorge that people still walk through. At this point no one even thinks about there being another way as the walls blind them to the other routes. I like to think of this as the road less traveled idea, or crop rotation. No matter how well worn the path is someone will want to walk in the grass.

Could it be self awareness that summons forth variables we can't solve for?



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