Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sellout, the American Dream

     Seemingly everyone wants to be rich, and famous, or at least rich.  Who can blame them, the idea translates to access to everything we imagine as part of the good life, of success. Everything we are taught to strive for. Even in a system that was designed to be sustainable, chasing material wealth seems short sighted,  You quickly run into the diminishing returns wall, where your giving up what you started out to gain. So even given a system designed to be a measure of contribution, there would be a point where it would become counter productive.  In our currency, or finance system, it is a very different thing. It is contrived, designed to give the illusion of free market, while masking a back end control. It isn't even about being able to skim, and create money out of nothing, that is just how it's done. It's about being able to retain the influence, ensuring their vision of the future comes to pass. There is something to be said for the idea of a world governing body, I am less than thrilled at cast of characters that have been working to bring it about.  It seems to be a who's who list of how to enslave the masses crowd.
       There is lies my personal issue with being a monetary success in our current system. When the system itself is the cheat, doing well within it, is an endorsement of that system, by default.
People always complain about wanting to make more money, but they don't do anything to actually make money.  When I hear someone say it, I always tell them, become a creditor, you get to make up a product that never exists, you don't even sell it, you loan it, with a nice return.  Your even able to front end your profit, and write off any potential losses. In our system, with money having been made a commodity you literally can make the creation of money you work. It is not a functional system for long, but it does allow for some interesting manipulations. I'm about access, not ownership, equitable distribution, backed by the ideas of shared equity, of leaving things better than you found them, even if it's in small ways.  Stuff becomes a burden, an anchor, or chains. our phantom wealth is just about illusions for the delusional.


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