Thursday, April 9, 2015

A Rose by any other name, is still just a Word

Gonna do a little word magic, but before I get into my dry stale rendition, there is a much more entertaining person that seems to understand this quite well.  Take a look at this video.
Now lets take a look at some of the ideas of freedom, and citizenship. Check this out voting in the US. Notice what is considered worthy of having a say changes through time. This is of course a natural thing.  What I am more interested in is how the words are used to disguise a truth, most have no desire knowing. People under a government, regardless of how open, are not actually free.  They have traded some of their freedom, power, and personal responsibility in favor of the illusion of security within a collective. This song by Bo, has so many metaphorical connections in it, it's a bit disconcerting.  Two of the main forms of writing are pictographic, and cryptographic. English is crypto, while a language such as chinese, or ancient egyptian are picto.  In pictographic languages the symbols are images showing what they depict. Where cryptographic on the other hand are essentially substitution ciphers.  Where all the letters are equated with a number, and that number tells everything anyone could need to know about that word. That knowledge is a portion of the teachings of the Qabalah. When combined with a platonic understanding of shape, and number, and odd synthesis occurs. All the languages based on number, become one language of number.  This abstract perspective leads to all sorts of silly, and profound places mentally. Such as this, in the US, and most of the world for that matter, the decimal system for numeric notation is used. Most commonly take this to mean there are 10 numbers, or that this system is base 10. Which is one way of thinking about it, much like in complex subjects such as currency creation, or advance scientific concepts. Bridges are used, students are taught partial truth, as a way of giving the prerequisite understanding needed to learn just how deep a particular rabbit hole goes.  From my perspective, there are 9 numbers, and the 0 which is a cipher a void, a placeholder. Zero is that thing which is no where, and everywhere though not usually seen till it is absent.  All numbers are infinite unto themselves, understanding this, it's not a big leap to see with no work that any number can be equal to any other number.  Not by the rules of mathematics taught most places today,  But take a self replicating thing, and one potentially is infinite quite easily. This is reflected in virus of all kinds, bacteria, on to self replicating nanobots. How does this wrap back around to words, words, words?  Well as you might have guessed from the Outkast inspired title, words are some magic shit, that grows beautiful flowers, with some nasty thorns.  If any number can equal any other number, and cryptographic languages are based on a number cypher, how far is it to every word can equal, every other word.  Interestingly enough, even within a language there are regional dialects where the same word can vastly different meanings, not to mention how many words have several definitions, with one just being labeled the standard accepted.  This isn't to say, the standard accepted is always the definition intended, as thats a cool thing about words.  While fingers I grudgingly accept as mine poke out characters on a screen, the meaning derived from an individual reading these words, is entirely their own.  Once I've regurgitated what ever idea, it no longer is mine, and becomes who ever is reading it.  They recreate me, what I said, and than will normally externalize that, in a form of projection. An illusion, where they may paint me as any number of characters.  So how might this kind of word play look when applied?
         After the constitution of the US was put in place, we are taught the first law made was. "Only Free White Landholders could be Citizens". I'm certain the wording was a bit different, but I really do not care over much for spelling or grammar, and if the words didn't underline red, this would be full of horrible spelling errors. Let break down this first law, and see how it holds up.  Ok right of the get go there is the dreaded white word, that word sucks. There are no white people, there are no black people, we are all colors, and white, and black are not colors. They are the reflection, or absorption of all light. One down, next lets take the idea of free, and citizen, can a citizen be free?  A free person owes allegiance to no one, and no thing. A citizen on the other hand, owes, and is expected to give their allegiance to the nation, These are once again incompatible concepts. How about land ownership? In a nation the land is considered an integral part of the nation, the people living on the land are the inhabitants of that nation.  The land is always in a nation, consider sovereign territory, or the real estate of the union would be, how much territory it holds influence over. America so exceptional, the first law it creates after bring forth such a cool document as the constitution, immediately invalidates with it's first created law.


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