I've studied so many belief systems, be they religious, new age, magical, science. What I've always believed was if they ever got it right. They would all be saying the same thing using different languages. They all are attempting to accomplish the goal of explaining the who/what/how/why/when of well everything. They all seem to have their own approaches, each starting from a differing perspective, all with the same finish line. In having at least a theoretical understanding of many different views allows you to see commonalities. For quite sometime this was a hobby of mine. I used to love to see where you could find physics explained in religious texts. I know this doesn't sound exciting to most, but like they say "to each their own". What I realized was how realities are formed from the infinite formlessness of the void was being told in each of these systems. I just had never had the eyes to see it. Before I continue, this will be the disclaimer, this is my interpretation of information I've collected from everywhere. I have no expectation of your acceptance of it, and can only say do your own work.
Now to get started, I'm going to have to give you my assumptions.
1. There is only one thing in all of creation. We have come to label this thing God, and God is infinite, defying all definition.
2. Form or structure is not infinite as such it is of the realm of mind, and is knowable as it is definition itself.
For the next portion I'm going to use the tree of life as my model or map.

Here I'd like to point out a few things. This model or map is the one that has been used by most western spiritual, and magical systems. That it is actually a portion of one full fractal in the flower of life model. What I'd like to get across today is about the abyss which is located just below the top spheres, and the veil of life and death which is just above the bottom sphere. I see this in many ways, on the one hand it's a spiritual map providing sign posts in the wilderness. On the hand it's the story of how the infinite was able to turn itself into the finite. In coming to a personal understanding of this story I have been able to come to know myself with greater clarity. The thing that strikes me about this is, if this is a model of how the infinite became what we know, then I ought to be able to see how it was accomplished. If you look at this diagram as the flow of energy, you start to see that the energy runs top to bottom, and bottom to top. This idea of energy flow is important when taken into consideration of how the abyss and veils are working. The story of this image is that the three spheres above the abyss form the original trinity. This is where Enoch went when god came and took him. The story goes that if you go up beyond the abyss you do not comeback. When we take these things into account, it's made pretty clear this is the first cross current, or falsehood we must accept to exist below it is that we are individuals. This is the subject object division. It might be helpful to some to point out that this is a duality, as our reality seems to be, I've noticed that and duality is really a trinity with 2 manifest obviously, and 1 hidden. The bottom veil is of life and death. This one shouldn't be very tough for most people. I have also thought of this another way. In order for us to believe the world we are in is real, we have to be at least double blind to our creator.
Now to get started, I'm going to have to give you my assumptions.
1. There is only one thing in all of creation. We have come to label this thing God, and God is infinite, defying all definition.
2. Form or structure is not infinite as such it is of the realm of mind, and is knowable as it is definition itself.
For the next portion I'm going to use the tree of life as my model or map.

Here I'd like to point out a few things. This model or map is the one that has been used by most western spiritual, and magical systems. That it is actually a portion of one full fractal in the flower of life model. What I'd like to get across today is about the abyss which is located just below the top spheres, and the veil of life and death which is just above the bottom sphere. I see this in many ways, on the one hand it's a spiritual map providing sign posts in the wilderness. On the hand it's the story of how the infinite was able to turn itself into the finite. In coming to a personal understanding of this story I have been able to come to know myself with greater clarity. The thing that strikes me about this is, if this is a model of how the infinite became what we know, then I ought to be able to see how it was accomplished. If you look at this diagram as the flow of energy, you start to see that the energy runs top to bottom, and bottom to top. This idea of energy flow is important when taken into consideration of how the abyss and veils are working. The story of this image is that the three spheres above the abyss form the original trinity. This is where Enoch went when god came and took him. The story goes that if you go up beyond the abyss you do not comeback. When we take these things into account, it's made pretty clear this is the first cross current, or falsehood we must accept to exist below it is that we are individuals. This is the subject object division. It might be helpful to some to point out that this is a duality, as our reality seems to be, I've noticed that and duality is really a trinity with 2 manifest obviously, and 1 hidden. The bottom veil is of life and death. This one shouldn't be very tough for most people. I have also thought of this another way. In order for us to believe the world we are in is real, we have to be at least double blind to our creator.
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