Monday, June 10, 2013

A Couple of Questions about Dark Matter

Heya Folks, I've been thinking alot about mass, gravity, and of course dark matter.
As always take everything I write with a grain of salt.

When you start to read about dark matter, you come across two major reasons for it's creation.

First is there must be something holding things together as the outside edges of solar systems, and galaxies rotate at the same rate as the inner edge. Leading to the idea that they should spin themselves apart.
Ok this makes sense to me if our solar system looks like this

When the center is stationary, and all the other bodies whirring around it, sure. I can buy we should fly apart. that the pull of gravity would weaken as you went outward on a plane from the sun.
The problem is, this image is only accurate from a certain perspective.
This takes no account of the suns movement, a more accurate version would look like this

This changes what would have to be taking place. The sun moves really fast, 486,000 mph or 782,000 kph roughly.
What does this mean?
it means our local gravitational center is moving, this movement through the fabric of space/time is what causes gravity. The mass of the sun warps this fabric as it pass through, causing an effect I've come to think of as "it's always downhill to the sun". It's important to take note that the suns direction of movement is close to a 90 degree angle to the planetary orbits. So essentially we are falling toward a point that is itself moving.
That changes everything, no longer is there any reason for a solar system or galaxy to spin itself apart, as all the parts are falling toward a center point, not spinning around one.

Now for the second reason we are told dark matter was invented, The Missing Mass problem.
We are told we can seem to find most of the mass of the universe, some numbers put the missing amount as high as 96%. We are finding some of it in celestial bodies we previously lacked the understanding to detect.
I'd say much of the missing mass is in the motion. There is a fabric of space/time this fabric would make up more of the universe then what we think of as matter. All matter is moving through this fabric, as it does so it picks up energy from this fabric, Much like throwing a baseball causes it to pick up energy, effectively increasing it's mass as long as it keeps moving.

So dark matter?
if it didn't exist before it does now

there is so much more this leads me, like polarization, a big concept for me is currently fractal recursive geometry.

Lol like my minds not warped enough.

aka PanseyBard

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