Sunday, June 9, 2013

If your so smart, Why are you poor?

This is a question I've heard more then once. First I'm not smart, I'm an idiot. I have my perspective, and it may differ from yours, but it's not smarter or more complete, just different.

That isn't really the question I'm being asked. I'm really being asked is, "why I don't use my skills/knowledge to get ahead of others?"
I've been rolling this one around for a bit. What I came to was this.
I look at our system and there is little incentive for me to participate, anymore then I have to.
What I mean here is I see our economic/monetary system as a scam. Scams are only fun when your running them, like being in on the joke. So I almost have a block to the accumulation of Money.
Simply put, Money is an abstract thing, so it's doesn't trigger the covetous emotions an actually tangible thing would.

aka PanseyBard

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