Friday, November 30, 2012

DreamTime, or as I like to call it, Internal, and External realities.

From Australia Via What we have called the Aborigines, another culture almost decimated by western domination we get the idea of dreamtime. This is a very cool concept based on the idea of bringing your dream life, and waking life into a seamless whole. Overall this idea has be labeled mystic, or outlandish.
Some I'm will to bet have called people who subscribe to this understanding crazy. Well I am a bit crazy, I freely admit that, though I would debate the point that understanding of the truth behind this idea has anything to do with me being crazy..

From a western point of view we might need to take another look at this wild idea from the aussie outback.
Many of the western "experts" on psychology would agree with me, when I make the statement we all have a subjective internal reality, and an objective external reality. I would challenge just how accurate that statement is. If we all have our own internal subjective reality, that's the one in your head, where your the star of the show. If that is what is happening internally, how do we then come together, externalize these two internal subjective realities and come up with something objective. By myself I have no objective reality, so how could I add another being that also by themselves have no objective reality, and between the combination come up with something subjective. The very definitions we have set forth for subject, object relationship would preclude such an outcome. In order to have an objective view you can't be a subject, this isn't limited to being a subject in the drama being viewed. This would mean you couldn't be the subject ever.
It's the idea of who watches the watchers? The answer can only be no one, when you define things as subject/object. 
Now that I've rambled through some of my twisted logic to get to the point of what is driving me to post this blog.
The concept of Dreamtime is so simple most of us have missed it, we all practice it to some degree or another. It's the bleed through, or the blending of your internal, and external realities. Taken to it's ultimate they become one seamless whole. In the movie the matrix, they talk about dreams, and how if you were in a dream that was so real you couldn't distinguish it from your waking reality, How would you know.
When you merge your internal, and external subjective realities you become something different then you were. It's not that you outwardly change, though that can happen. For me this merging is odd, I was so far in physical appearance from my core image of who I am the change has been fairly dramatic if I judge by other subjective views shared with me.
Another aspect of this that won't be ignored ties to the brain hemispheres. I've worked on balancing the hemispheres of my brain for over 20 years off and on. I really can't even take credit for that. Yes I used the tools I could get my hands on, it was western mass media that made it so easy to get. I'm talking here about those stereo-gram pictures, you know the ones that look like a bunch of dots till you kinda zone out.
What they didn't tell us was what physiologically was happening that allowed our focus to shift to see the picture of the sailboat (mallrats reference). To see the image your brain hemispheres have to come into closer alignment, operating simultaneously then we had normally been doing in the past. Yes I'm saying we are being programmed. Sometime back in lsd hazed days I understood what the effect of these were and started using them proactively. This combined with Dreamtime leads to an ever deepening pool of understanding to draw from.

Writing this has actually opened up new connections my discovery of self.
So I can't thank you enough for that.
I hope you are able to pluck your strings of understanding from my crazy mess.

aka PanseyBard 

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