Sunday, November 25, 2012

Putting my pieces into a Whole

Over the next few weeks I'll be adding some stuff I took down from my other site. This will be the first of that series of posts

Our collective everyday vocabulary is rife with linear time words. There is nothing good or bad about this. It is a choice, if we want to stay within linear time the words serve to keep our consciousness focused in a linear aspect. If on the other hand one wanted to break free of the linear time constraints, being aware, and mindful of the words one chooses becomes important. Notice how often you use words that refer to a time other than now. It might surprise you how much attention you pay to other times and places.


A major part of my unfolding has to do with reclaiming my power, and knowing as well as clearly stating to those around me, my boundaries.

This morning I was faced with a new test in this arena, as well as a challenge to my understanding of all as one. I awoke to my roommate passed out, and a person I didn't know drunk in my living area. This alone would be enough to make me cringe as alcohol isn't my favorite of things. I see it as a substance that makes people less aware of everything. Sometimes this is a desired effect. Most people I know just use it as an escape from parts of themselves they would rather not face. On top of this they had drank half my juice, and eaten some of my food. This violates my boundaries I should have at least been consulted. On the other hand, seeing it from a unity perspective, we were hungry so we ate.

This leaves me with a valuable look at where I'm at as far as seeing all as one. I could feel the frustration, and yet remain detached enough to not have it blow up into a fight between myself, and my roommate  I was able to point out what I didn't want in my reality, while maintaining my calm center. Can't be sure what effects this will have going forward, but at least I'm learning.


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