Showing posts with label Fractional Banking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fractional Banking. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Jobs Aren't Coming Back

            For years the back bone of the middle class has been whats called "low skill" "low wage" manufacturing jobs.  With the onslaught of freetrade agreements these jobs fled the wealthier nations, and took up residence in the undeveloped or poorer nations.  This has led toward more global equilibrium of wealth, and power. Simultaneously leading to greater income inequalities within each respective nation.  Many have noticed the jobs created are lower paying then the jobs lost. Even the jobs that currently available may not be for much longer, automation, and technology advancement may make them obsolete.
            I'm not trying to be an alarmist, or chicken little.  This could be an end of the world as they know it for some people.  Though they would of had to have been playing ostrich for quite sometime now.  Most have seen this coming for decades, if not since Mr. Ford invented the factory.  For those forward thinking people this amazing transitional period can offer opportunities unheard of even ten years ago.
          The very concepts of work, and money are changing before your eyes.

          How you react is up to you


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Obamacare The Greatest Magic Trick Ever

While Rome burned Nero fiddled.
When historians write of the fall of the dollar will the caption go something like this?

                               Obamacare The Greatest Magic Trick Ever

For years it's been one distraction after another. I always wonder when I'm learning about the newest scandal, if the media is completely controlled, what is so big they need to hide it with this?  With the "shutdown" if you can call it that pushed back past the holiday season.  Obamacare will and has been continually used as a means to hold peoples attention while the rest of the world divests itself of as many of it's Dollar reserves as they can manage.   This isn't even a new trend. While all time stock highs can be tied to the largest supply of dollars at the cheapest price ever.  So if you haven't started learning Chinese you might want to consider it.  The smart ones have all started spending the dollars we intended to be held to ensure some return on investment.

Don't be fooled while Americans watch a drama crafted just for them, the rest of the world is finalizing their plans for the end of the sole reserve status of the dollar.

for a bit more info look into

Monday, October 21, 2013

Fall of America!!! Would You Save it?

There is an almost universal awareness of the slide from power of America. Look no farther then our net import/export.  The Deficit spending, free trade agreements world wide changing to cut out the dollar.  Some of the problems we find ourselves in now have their roots 100 years ago.  These things are fairly easy to see for most people. The real question is would you make the changes needed to fix it?  I mean really would you have the will it takes to make the changes needed to save America as a nation.
It's really not that tough here are a few well known fixes. Please note these are fixes for the current system, and do not fix the basic problem of interest on currency creation.  Just take a look at this How to fix America. Everyone seems to know exactly what the problems are, and how to fix them.

I think the question I don't see being asked might be more important. Should it be saved?
As America was on the rise it created global cooperation never before seen. You can argue how beneficial America's involvement has been for any given region or country, but the overall global inter connectivity is undeniable.  So have we as human beings matured past the point of nations to the point where we need something new?


Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Fall of America, Are You to Blame?

It's all over the news, and obvious to anyone willing to take an unbiased look would say America is in decline.  I hear the calls from concerned citizens, buy american, bring our jobs home.  Try to buy a tv made in america, how many electronic devices are even made here anymore.  How about cars, how many of the parts in your car were manufactured here?  Look, I'm not trying to point fingers at any one individual or group. I'm saying we all are culpable.
      Want to know if your country is on the rise or in decline.  Look for the international trade balances. If your country is negative, wealth is leaving.
This isn't rocket science, things for sure can get confusing, but the major trends are generally pretty easy to spot. When you have a country that is the worlds trade currency your going to add value. This will increase the value of the currency, though it does nothing to add value to the real economy of the country.  The effect of this means the goods produced will reflect this artificially inflated money.
Combine this with a rise of international conglomerate to whom borders are to be exploited in the quest for profits and it's a nice recipe.  
        The writing has been on the wall for years, it's been a slow motion decent from dizzying heights.  Look around the net you'll see so many warning of the collapse of  America.  The warning is to late, it would of needed to be heeded decades ago to halt the natural transition of power.

Could we reverse the damage?
of course we can
Should we?


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Is America the Evil Empire?

With all the hype about American exceptional-ism being tossed around I couldn't help myself but entertain a few thoughts on the matter.

              Is  American the defender of freedom, and virtue?

 Highly unlikely, the wars for profit, oil, and currency interests would pretty much rule that out.  America has been driven by self interest from the founding fathers on.

But if America isn't the worlds defender of all that is good, then are they the evil empire?

This again isn't very likely. Think of the Star Wars movies episodes 1-3.
While so many people see it as a war between light, and dark. Taking place between the republic, and the separatists.  As well as being reflected in the journey of Anakin from "light" to "dark".  Once you look a bit closer you notice that Palpatine was controlling both sides, as well as pushing Anakin down a path to becoming Vader.  What we are left with is a very powerful psychopath working to solidify his own grip on power.  Seeing things simply as "good" versus "evil" actually plays into the hands of Palpatine.

So how does this relate to the concept of American exceptional-ism?

The Jedi thought of themselves as exceptional, guardians of the republic.  This served them well right up till they became an institution of the republic.
Ensuring they would no long act exceptionally, and would then on enforce a set of rules.

America was exceptional, at the end of WWII our infrastructure was intact. Manufacturing was booming, and we held the lions share of the worlds gold.
The Dollar then became exceptional when it was made the worlds reserve currency. This made the Dollar, and America the exception globally. This incredible boon, and responsibility for sure made America the exception globally.
How long can you really oppose a nation that can effectively lock your nation out of global trade. You have to also ask, how has America used it's position of power, and privilege?  It's used it in every way possible. I feel plunder, rape, and pillage could easily be applied. Of course right next door to those are bastions of wonder and beauty.  I read an article where it was referred to as the pax-Americana by the Chinese state media. While obviously biased, it's not an unfair characterization.  My real question isn't is exceptional-ism dangerous, of course it is. Any time someone or thing sets itself outside the rules everyone else follows the likely hood of abuse is very high.  My question is this. Are we following this script a little closer then we care to admit?  There is a scene where Padme poses a question that boils down to asking if they are fighting for the right side.  This is a very interesting question, and not one with an easy answer. At the time it is posed there is no side that has the interests of the people. The Emperor controls both sides of the conflict.  Like that conflict the sides we are presented with here are not what they seem to be.

Obvious solution?

Choose a new game.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Global Government: Conspiracy or Reality

Remember that guy. You know the one. Tin foil hat, questionable personal hygiene. The one that told you corporations ruled the world? Or that global government was coming?

Well it turns out the super entity has been around awhile!!!

Many will see this as horrific, and I'm sure there are many examples that can be used to document just how bad an idea this is. Like most things, it is more likely closer to the middle ground for positive, and negative effects. I can see how it will make the inevitable transition to a formalized global government a bit smoother.
It would also explain the care the brics nations are taking with the transition away from the dollar to a new global currency. Some say it could be 10 years before the rnb is fully convertible.  I'm not so sure stringing out the correction of the US economy is going to work out so great for america.  As the rest of the world stops being able to sell their dollar reserves, and starts spending them.

        I'm seeing the controlling interests quite adroitly handle what has in the past led to heads rolling in baskets.


Friday, October 11, 2013

The Layman's Guide to whats Happening.

To get a clear picture we have to start at least as far back as 1913. The Federal Reserve Act is signed into law.

What this did was allow for a private group to skim off every dollar created.

After WWII the Bretton Woods agreement was signed in 1944 to rebuild world trade.

This had the effect of allowing the The Fed to now skim off all international trade.

Forward to 1971 and Nixon removes the dollar from the gold standard.

When this was done the petrodollar took over.

Jumping ahead to more current events.

Afghan war is more about a pipeline and who will control it.

check out where U.S. bases are.

Iraq war more about oil for euros

Libya was the gold dinar

Syria is about a pipeline

Currently Russia supplies most of the natural gas to Europe, it also has a navel base in Syria.

The world has been making new trade agreements cutting the dollar out of the loop. For 50 plus years we have been exporting our inflation, and importing the wealth of the world. It seems the world has had enough, the brics nations have already formed a bloc that signaled the end of the dollar as the world reserve currency. In 2008 we entered the end of the dollar, QE infinity, and interest rates kept artificially low. I can only see this as buying time to allow for the new system to be introduced, and the impact of the transition to be lessened. The desire for war by the U.S. is due to it being the last tool of what has become an empire.
Lucky for the world it seems other leaders are aware of this. Avoiding the all out conflict, and allowing the U.S. to die of it's own devices.

We as citizens should be paying attention.


Saturday, June 29, 2013

How long till the NWO?

So much has been written about the idea of a global take over by the banking cartel. I've written several posts about the problems with our global financial system. Seeing we're already in what most people consider fantasy land. Why don't we indulge a bit farther, and see what would have to happen for the citizens of the U.S. to submit to a global government.

If you do a little research it starts to look like time for end game.
There are very few states left that haven't privatized their banking.
The big ones would be Iran, Cuba, North Korea, and Venezuela.
Kinda nice how that lines up with the most demonized countries in western media.
Makes for great story telling.

So barring a global cataclysm, or an external global threat. How would you go about breaking the spirit of the people who view themselves as being on the top.
Keeping in the mind that it's bankers plot we are cooking up, how about this.

The power of the dollar has been maintained not through sound policy, but through being the global trade currency, and the global empire of the day. Many might say the U.S. is not an empire, but the 200+ bases all over the globe beg to differ.
So what would happen if say BRICS were to make a new global currency?
What would happen to the dollar? 
The U.S would go the way of the Weimer Republic and hyperinflation, or deflation.
I see things a bit differently, we have recently seen arguably the greatest transfer of wealth in history. So, we've had fiat debt traded for real world wealth. Now Imagine what would happen to the already fragile world economy if the U.S. began to default?
I kinda like this one, the chaos caused would be perfectly well suited for a new shining global currency to save the day. 
I guess it's not if, but when, and how the dollar fails.
The NWO is already here, they are actually almost done.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

World War 3, When, If, How?

I had a stray thought the other day, and it seems the more I ponder a decent case can be made that world war 3 started even before world war 2 ended.

First lets take a look at the definition of war

We even had to coin a new phrase "cold-war"

So right there we can show a state of war existed almost immediately as WW2 ended. If we scratch a little deeper the roots of this new conflict were in place well before.

So here we can see pretty clearly the seeds for the new conflict were sown far earlier.
If your not familiar with The Bretton Woods agreement take a look.

In 1971 when Nixon decoupled the dollar from gold fully, causing currencies pegged to the dollar for value to become free floating.
This set the stage for currency wars, which are numerous and ongoing.
Here are a few links if you need some examples of currency wars.

Resource wars
This one is pretty obvious, and we can see it the foreign policies of every developed nation.

Now we have Cyber warfare

This one is wide open, and we become increasingly dependent on computers we obviously become more vulnerable to this type of warfare.

So World War 3?

As long as we have a belief in direct opposition, we will always have conflict.
These are wars of ideology in the end. The desire to tell other people how to live.

No matter the type of global conflict, the real losers will always be the ordinary men, and women swept along by the tide to be dashed against the rocks.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

If there is a Conspiracy should we stop it?

Heya Folks, Today I'm gonna play with my own mind a bit.

So many people today have heard some version of the conspiracy theory "New World Order", or something similar involving a one world government.

Lets suppose it's true, that we have groups that have been working toward this end.
Is this really such a bad idea?

By our own scale we are still a stage 0 civilization.
In order to progress to stage 1, global resource management is a must.

The real question isn't do we need a single global government, but who is going to be running it.

I end up asking myself, As a world, how long would it be before the next chance at global unification.

So even though this may be an attempt to turn the worlds population into slaves, can we afford to stop it?
If we stop it will our civilization survive?

I don't really have any good answers.
maybe someone else does


Monday, June 24, 2013

Surprised by Spying

I am at a loss on this one. I mean sure I'm a touch concerned about my own government is spying on everyone. I'm just not surprised at all by it.

I mean really this is a country that you can argue has lied, and manipulated it's people into conflicts going back at least to world war 2. This is a government willing to use drones to drop bombs on targets in sovereign nations against their express wishes.  

It seems to me the U.S. government has shown at every turn, there are no limits.
There are no acts to heinous in the defense of liberty.

When you give up your rights in favor of security, you get what the people you gave your freedoms to decide.

So if your surprised by the U.S. spying, and collecting data on everyone, I'd say same on you!
We haven't been fooled once, or even twice, we are willfully ignorant to the crimes our government commits in our name



Sunday, June 16, 2013

Spinning a New Conspiracy Tale

Good Morning.

Today I'm gonna tell a story. Some aspects of the story as based in "historical fact".  Other parts are just some connections I've drawn for the sheer joy of it.

Most of you know, a good portion of the founding fathers of the USA were Masons. Most of you have also at least heard about the idea of a few families controlling the worlds banking system. Slightly less well known, the revolution being fought not over taxation, and representation, but over the control, and printing of currency. 
Now the Federal Reserve is the 3rd incarnation of a privately owned/controlled central bank in the US. The first 2 were dissolved, as it was recognized the loss of sovereignty suffered when a private entity owned, and controlled your money supply.

So here is my concept for a plausible domination of the US.

The US wins the revolution, The Masonic dream of a nation of their own is realized. This was quickly followed quickly by the shadow banking cartel taking over the money system, and by default ownership of the nation. This was done through the 1st, and 2nd banks of the united states, and then established to dominance with the Fed. The beauty of this plot is being able to leave the established government in place. In many cases even the members of the government are aware of the coup. Then in 1953 "In God We Trust" was added to the notes. Many have used the symbols on the dollar to show the masonic connection. The Phrase actually completes the joke, people have come to trust the money/banks above all. Now with 3 words the Masons had provided a clue, and a warning. 

Just a little fun, poke it full of holes so I can rework it.

aka PanseyBard

Thursday, June 13, 2013

International Banking Cartels, Know Who Owns You!!!!

So I'm gonna talk about our money again. I know it's not as entertaining as most of comes out of my head, but it might be the most important.

I get frustrated by the lack of understanding on how our currency system works.
I stayed away from using the word economy, cuz we don't really have "an economy". We have a free market system. This is all well and good, till you allow private interests to control the money supply.
Once you have private money creation with interest, it's all over.

Here are a few video's that go into some of the history.

Keep in mind as best as I can find there are only 3 countries left in the world without at the very least privately controlled central bank.

I can only characterize this as legalized Ponzi scheme.


Sunday, June 9, 2013

If your so smart, Why are you poor?

This is a question I've heard more then once. First I'm not smart, I'm an idiot. I have my perspective, and it may differ from yours, but it's not smarter or more complete, just different.

That isn't really the question I'm being asked. I'm really being asked is, "why I don't use my skills/knowledge to get ahead of others?"
I've been rolling this one around for a bit. What I came to was this.
I look at our system and there is little incentive for me to participate, anymore then I have to.
What I mean here is I see our economic/monetary system as a scam. Scams are only fun when your running them, like being in on the joke. So I almost have a block to the accumulation of Money.
Simply put, Money is an abstract thing, so it's doesn't trigger the covetous emotions an actually tangible thing would.

aka PanseyBard

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Interest on Currency Creation

Today I'm gonna babble a bit about money. I'd like to clearly state I'm not an expert on money, so I have more questions then answers. 

So what is money?


  1. A current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes; coins and banknotes collectively.
  2. Sums of money.
cash - dough - pelf - currency - purse - shekels

That's the Definition I get from a google search, and it's pretty close to my own understanding.
The idea that money is an exchange medium is key for me, it really shows money is only worth what you can get for it.

We have a fiat currency so lets take a look at that for a moment

For those who'd like to brush up on what that actually means there ya go.

So our money has no value unto itself. It's value is based on the faith placed in our system. The promise that we will produce tomorrow, and there will be someone interested in what we will produce.  Many people have a problem with this type of money, they prefer a currency backed by gold, silver, energy. Something with intrinsic value. I understand why people would desire this as the currency is more stable, and less vulnerable to manipulation. I don't have a problem with it, if your system is sound, the money is sound, even if backed by faith.

The Federal Reserve, and fractional reserve banking is where our money comes from. This is where our biggest problems start.

The basic problem our system has interest on currency creation. Money doesn't exist until someone borrows it. This seems a bit off, and it is.

Our banks create something from nothing, then charge for it. This creates a problem where eventually everything ends up being owned by the banks. It also puts in place the tools to manipulate boom, and bust cycles to accelerate the process.

How can this be fixed?

Easy, no interest on currency creation, and 100% reserve banking.

As always, these are only ideas.

aka PanseyBard