Friday, November 1, 2013

Your Space, Your Time

        From a physical stand point you and I do not occupy the same space at the same time. We seem to have wonderful collision detection to ensure my space/time and your space/time  are not the same space/time.  I know, I know, that was about the most obviously useless circular talk you've been exposed to all week.  What I'm getting at is my now isn't your now. That the present moment looks remarkably different for me, then it does for you.  Sounds pretty simple right?  But when you start to really flesh out the ramifications of time/space being aspects of each other, with you being the only person in your time/space.
It means little things, like I will never see you as another person, or you see yourself.  There will always be more stories for each event then there are observers.
      Even when I look at you I don't see you as you are, I see you from my perspective in my moment of space. By the time I see you, or hear you it's already your past. So I am constantly reacting to things that already happened. It's a silly distinction for the most part, as we are so close as the space/time between us is very small.  Just like when looking at the stars, the larger the space the farther back in time your looking.  This holds true not just of physical objects, but also with events. When choices are made even at the level of a township the residents often are only aware of the decision once it's already implemented.
       This ties into ideas of creating your own reality, or the more aptly titled laws of attraction.  Because you are the only one in your space/time you have chose how you interpret the reality presented to you.  In that way you are creating not the reality itself, but your experience of it.  I think of it in terms of computer gaming, imagine the conflicts that arise when 7 billion people are creating a shared reality.
All being done from a single position in space/time with little to no real understanding of the whole.

So remember in order for someone to walk in your shoes, you have to give them up


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