Showing posts with label physiology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label physiology. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Free? Will? hahah!!!!

Heyas, gonna talk a bit about free, and will today. 

If you accept a creator deity that is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, it would follow that your "freewill" is an illusion. You really have no choice, if what your choice will be is known before you choose.

I'd rather not get stuck on this point, as it really doesn't get to the heart of freedom, or will. Free will is an amazingly oxymoronic idea. Free nothing that has a physical existence is free. The idea of for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction comes to mind.  Free is never free, there is always a price, even if you have trouble directly seeing it.  Within the bounds of a finite creation, we create nothing. We move things around, combine them in novel ways, but we take what is there already, and re-purpose. 
As for will it might be the most expensive of "freedoms" we ever exercise.
Will is something that is imposed, it is violent by nature. In exercising will I am saying I am the instigator,  I am the source, I know what has to happen. 
There is so much to these concepts, I could tap away and never scratch the surface.
I'm going to impose my will on creation and see where it leads



Friday, July 5, 2013

Living on the Edge

Take a look at these photos

That is the earth seen from the moon. 
How about this one

That little blue dot made so famous by Carl Sagan when this video came out.

How fragile is this little ball we find ourselves inhabiting. How precarious our existence, Even going more then a mile from the surface we come to an environment not conducive to our life.  
        Everyone you know, everyone you love. every song, every thought, every horror show has happened in this little carved out niche. We know with certainty our beautiful little home is going to die. It's not a matter of if, only a matter of when. Our destruction maybe remote in the terms most of think, I tell you in the grand scheme it's not even a blink. Ronny Raygun once talked about the need of an outside threat to bring humanity into unity. The thought that it would take someone else to fight before we are able to understand our unity pains me. I see so much wonder and joy waiting in potential for us. All we need do is recognize it.


Friday, June 28, 2013

Are you Staring at the Screen?

This is and isn't a trick question.

We as humans are in a very odd predicament. We accept our reality because of the information our senses provide us. This is where we get start to slide a bit sideways. We know our senses can not only be tricked, they can lie to us. We know that the fundamental forces that shape our reality are to a large extent invisible to the very senses we are using to try to describe our reality.

A fairly easy analogy is our computers.
Think of this scenario.  Joey is playing world of warcraft, or any game really.
Billy walks in the room, motions toward the screen, and asks the question,
"Whats that?".
Joey answers "that is a monitor"

Billy responds "asshole"

Of course we know the answer Billy wants is the name of the game. not the actual object he is motioning toward.
Many of you might even be saying this is nit-picky bs.
But lets take a quick look a bit deeper.

Even as Joey most of us even knowing that the monitor is merely the output, It's the  flashing lights, and color to keep you mesmerized. It's the computers version of Maya, the illusion being played out before your eyes.
It's the end product, the input is else where, the processing is else where.
Most of it isn't even happening locally, it's happening in some magical remote place you will more then likely never see.

This isn't so different then how we deal with the world.
We are so dazzled by our senses we don't stop to understand the reality we observe is like the images on the screen. Most of what shapes it below or above our awareness. We have been dazzled by the colors.
We are looking at the output, and labeling it the thing itself.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Thinker or the Idea?

I had a conversation with mom the other day, I ended up cutting it short.
We were talking about the IRS, and I was saying that it's likely it's not a part of our government.
This is a big leap for most people, I get that, so I don't really expect anyone to believe me.
Actually I expect people to be highly resistant to most of the ideas I have.
What I found I could not except was the switch from attacking the idea to attacking me.  
I found myself very frustrated by this. Not that the idea wasn't accepted but that I was on something, or crazy for even entertaining it.
Don't misunderstand, I am fully aware how many of my thoughts can construed as "crazy".
I just don't expect it to be the recourse of people close to me.

At the point when discussion turned from the idea to me, none involved were listening anymore.  They had decided that this particular line of thought was to beyond the pale to even be considered. I on the other hand was stung by an attack on my reasoning abilities. So I backed away as quickly as possible.

I didn't handle it as well as I would have liked.
Live and learn


Friday, June 21, 2013

Seeing, Is it Believing?

Recently I was asked by a friend how we see color.  This turned into a discussion on how we see in general, and I realized how many people don't really understand how their senses function.

So how do we see?
We see a reflection, What we actually are seeing is the light that was not absorbed by the object we are looking at.
So nothing we see is actually how we see it.
When we see a certain color, it's because the other colors of the spectrum were absorbed, and the color we see was reflected.

This leads me to the idea of our own time.

We don't really share the same moment. The closer we get in physical space the closer to the same moment we become. I guess I should qualify that.
What I mean is due to the time delay, regardless of how small it is. I am in my own time. The things I sense have already happened.
The same can be said of other senses.

Whats the point?
For me it's handy to keep in mind, so I remember my senses are by design lying to me.


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Centers of Perception

How am I going to define centers of perception?
By one view we each have a higher/middle/lower self, or maybe you'd prefer the labels id/ego/superego, how about reptilian/mammalian/neo-cortex. Why not expand that a bit. How about the chakra points? Couldn't they be perceptions centers?  Each of these centers think, maybe not in the way we generally qualify thinking. Perhaps a more accurate statement would be they perceive and react to stimulation in their environment. Many people can understand this quite easily in the in the phrase "the heart wants, what the heart wants".
This is all well and good, everything working as intended. What I am interested in is the integration of these centers as a whole. I constantly about people saying they want to overcome their "lower nature", or They have moved out of "lower vibrations". All that is happening in these instances is, you ignore the perceptions you are uncomfortable with, or that conflict with another center you view in a more positive way. Just because you ignore, repress, or a deny a perception center, doesn't make it poof and go away. More often it finds expression in ways becoming increasingly out of harmony with the centers you are paying attention to.

Yes once again I am talking about awareness. Becoming aware of how each center operates. Denying or repressing a center often will cause that center to spin out of balance, causing problems that if not attended to will manifest in a physical way.
These uncontrolled discharges are often detrimental.

Listen to the messages, be able to apply your discernment to all your centers.
Become one.

aka PanseyBard

Friday, June 14, 2013

Hierarchies and You

When I mention the word Hierarchy many of you will think of power structures, and the many Hierarchies in your own life. Some will rail against the very idea of something, or someone having power over them.
Simple idea, all Hierarchical structures started with intent of bringing equality.
It many have been a narrow vision of what equality means, but this was the intent.
The true job of any Hierarchy is to make itself obsolete. Raise it's members to the level of the highest.
This is all well and good, sounds like a pretty idea.
There is a flaw, this idea starts from a place of everyone having the same potential. It is very idea of equality in physical existence gumming up the works.
We all come in with our own expressed potentials. We are all crazy super computers doing on the fly calculations of amazing complexity. Does this mean we are equally capable of becoming mathematicians?  We all could, but some would be going counter to their soul true expression within the context of this incarnation.

So how does this change the Hierarchy equation?
It makes the role of the Hierarchy to raise each in accordance to their abilities.
Looks like it's not at all.

More questions then Answers


Monday, June 10, 2013

A Couple of Questions about Dark Matter

Heya Folks, I've been thinking alot about mass, gravity, and of course dark matter.
As always take everything I write with a grain of salt.

When you start to read about dark matter, you come across two major reasons for it's creation.

First is there must be something holding things together as the outside edges of solar systems, and galaxies rotate at the same rate as the inner edge. Leading to the idea that they should spin themselves apart.
Ok this makes sense to me if our solar system looks like this

When the center is stationary, and all the other bodies whirring around it, sure. I can buy we should fly apart. that the pull of gravity would weaken as you went outward on a plane from the sun.
The problem is, this image is only accurate from a certain perspective.
This takes no account of the suns movement, a more accurate version would look like this

This changes what would have to be taking place. The sun moves really fast, 486,000 mph or 782,000 kph roughly.
What does this mean?
it means our local gravitational center is moving, this movement through the fabric of space/time is what causes gravity. The mass of the sun warps this fabric as it pass through, causing an effect I've come to think of as "it's always downhill to the sun". It's important to take note that the suns direction of movement is close to a 90 degree angle to the planetary orbits. So essentially we are falling toward a point that is itself moving.
That changes everything, no longer is there any reason for a solar system or galaxy to spin itself apart, as all the parts are falling toward a center point, not spinning around one.

Now for the second reason we are told dark matter was invented, The Missing Mass problem.
We are told we can seem to find most of the mass of the universe, some numbers put the missing amount as high as 96%. We are finding some of it in celestial bodies we previously lacked the understanding to detect.
I'd say much of the missing mass is in the motion. There is a fabric of space/time this fabric would make up more of the universe then what we think of as matter. All matter is moving through this fabric, as it does so it picks up energy from this fabric, Much like throwing a baseball causes it to pick up energy, effectively increasing it's mass as long as it keeps moving.

So dark matter?
if it didn't exist before it does now

there is so much more this leads me, like polarization, a big concept for me is currently fractal recursive geometry.

Lol like my minds not warped enough.

aka PanseyBard

Flower Of Life T-Shirt (Google Affiliate Ad)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Odds and Ends

Heyas, gonna hit a few ideas today, the first has to do with opposition. Take a look at this image
This isn't a new image, but there is an idea here that I feel a pull toward. If you imaging yourself as any of the rays that extend off the central pentagon. It's pretty easy to notice that you would never be in direct opposition to anyone else. To take this concept a step farther, imagine this as a round table set up. With mirrors set up so you would see yourself as being opposite yourself, we are the only ones standing in our way. The less obvious would be showing you as one of the points forming a trinity, pointing out your role for your cross table neighbors.

As a tie in, I'd like to switch over to the Laws of Attraction, and how our verbal, and mental, emotional syntax effect how this law is working in our lives. The law is working regardless, it's working for everyone, regardless of individual awareness. Creation, God, all that is, whatever you want to call it, is a yes machine. Try this for me, I've posted this before, but it's such an easy illustration I'll reuse it here. Do a search on "not red shoes" or "not anything you want" what your going to notice is this. It's all red shoes, the search engine isn't actually designed to handle negatives, creation works much the same.
This is part of the syntax of Law of Attraction. When you start paying attention to what your putting out into creation really is saying, it starts to clear up some of the less desired effects people get from the application of this law. 
Check out this one, your friend asks you where, and what you'd like to have for lunch. Your response is "I don't care". You just really opened up the range for what you could find yourself putting in your mouth.

Self programming, We have an aspect of us that is very much machine logic running on auto pilot. Some of you may balk at this idea, I'd ask you if you ever drove home, and really couldn't account for the drive. Maybe you were thinking about that party on Friday, or the deadline at work. So the driver knows it job, and did it more or less without your supervision. This opens a can of worms up most western thought generally avoids, that your not your body, or even your mind, or heart. These are aspects of some greater whole we have only begun to see, and even than usually through inference. So the driver learned to drive, and is then more or less able to handle the task, with less then your full attention. It's making choices based on it's programming. Seeing this programming is happening all the time, and the only true way to stop it is isolation. You can mitigate the effects through your awareness of them. Be aware of the messages your taking into the self.

as always make up your own mind

aka PanseyBard

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Be the Story

I wanna bring in a slightly different twist to creating your life from the perspective of storytelling.
Depending on who you listen to people will tell you there are X number of different story plots.
I really liked this article on the topic How many stories are there. I agree the divisions are arbitrary, we create the divisions. This is harmony with my understanding that we create duality by creating divisions.
Even the idea of there being one story doesn't fit quite right for me. I see the one story weaving through every life I examine. I've come to the point where I still know nothing, understand even less, and sit in stunned awe.
When I look for the story, what I see is potential, when I look into the void of spaces between spaces I see potential. Where ever I look I see potential. For me, with the vista I'm ready to see. Beyond being creator, and dictating my experience of a potential I've admitted I have yet to understand. This space outside of the drama, dharma, maya, Whatever you have labeled it as, is where I find my true comfort. It's the place where I can see you for you. Not be in the state where I'm forcing you to play a role in drama. This is the space where your divinity becomes clear to me. I see the role you desire me to play in your creation. When I'm especially transparent I even see the roles your willing to play in a drama of my making.
This space is the space of wonder, this space is the potential from which story springs. It doesn't exist other then in fleeting moments stolen by those brave, crazy, lucky, or stupid enough to stumble into it.
This is the space where dreams are made, funny thing is while your there it's not where your dreams are made. This is the space reserved for the mystic, the shaman, king maker. From this no space, all potential, perfect zero sum null, there is no projection. Dreams are plucked from space, like lighting is pulled by the earth from the potential in the sky. The space where I am you, for I no longer exist. I lose myself, give myself over to your journey through OZ. I get to play the parts you allow me in the unfolding of the story only you can tell. By my surrender to your will I get a glimpse of my own nature, reflected in the roles you assign me.
These are only roles, costumes I don at your pleasure. When I am able to sustain this space within me, This blank slate approach, or being the un-carved block, doesn't define me. I've already defined myself by finding this space. This place where nothingallthingsomethingneverthing, I become limitless potential, I am nothing because you haven't given me a role. I heard once that Kanye West said something to the effect, if the bible was being written today I'd be in it. He of course got slammed by many. I saw the over inflated ego. I also see that as a healthy ego, creating a mythic experience. It's the go big, or go home mentality taken to the global scale. The context is of course very different. People don't remember the teachings of Jesus because of what he said about himself. People remember the teachings because they are worth remembering.
Seems to me the line from Star Wars A New Hope would fit here in twisty sort way

"Sand People are easily Frightened, but They will soon be Back, and in Greater Numbers"

Thank you all for the stories.

Friday, November 30, 2012

DreamTime, or as I like to call it, Internal, and External realities.

From Australia Via What we have called the Aborigines, another culture almost decimated by western domination we get the idea of dreamtime. This is a very cool concept based on the idea of bringing your dream life, and waking life into a seamless whole. Overall this idea has be labeled mystic, or outlandish.
Some I'm will to bet have called people who subscribe to this understanding crazy. Well I am a bit crazy, I freely admit that, though I would debate the point that understanding of the truth behind this idea has anything to do with me being crazy..

From a western point of view we might need to take another look at this wild idea from the aussie outback.
Many of the western "experts" on psychology would agree with me, when I make the statement we all have a subjective internal reality, and an objective external reality. I would challenge just how accurate that statement is. If we all have our own internal subjective reality, that's the one in your head, where your the star of the show. If that is what is happening internally, how do we then come together, externalize these two internal subjective realities and come up with something objective. By myself I have no objective reality, so how could I add another being that also by themselves have no objective reality, and between the combination come up with something subjective. The very definitions we have set forth for subject, object relationship would preclude such an outcome. In order to have an objective view you can't be a subject, this isn't limited to being a subject in the drama being viewed. This would mean you couldn't be the subject ever.
It's the idea of who watches the watchers? The answer can only be no one, when you define things as subject/object. 
Now that I've rambled through some of my twisted logic to get to the point of what is driving me to post this blog.
The concept of Dreamtime is so simple most of us have missed it, we all practice it to some degree or another. It's the bleed through, or the blending of your internal, and external realities. Taken to it's ultimate they become one seamless whole. In the movie the matrix, they talk about dreams, and how if you were in a dream that was so real you couldn't distinguish it from your waking reality, How would you know.
When you merge your internal, and external subjective realities you become something different then you were. It's not that you outwardly change, though that can happen. For me this merging is odd, I was so far in physical appearance from my core image of who I am the change has been fairly dramatic if I judge by other subjective views shared with me.
Another aspect of this that won't be ignored ties to the brain hemispheres. I've worked on balancing the hemispheres of my brain for over 20 years off and on. I really can't even take credit for that. Yes I used the tools I could get my hands on, it was western mass media that made it so easy to get. I'm talking here about those stereo-gram pictures, you know the ones that look like a bunch of dots till you kinda zone out.
What they didn't tell us was what physiologically was happening that allowed our focus to shift to see the picture of the sailboat (mallrats reference). To see the image your brain hemispheres have to come into closer alignment, operating simultaneously then we had normally been doing in the past. Yes I'm saying we are being programmed. Sometime back in lsd hazed days I understood what the effect of these were and started using them proactively. This combined with Dreamtime leads to an ever deepening pool of understanding to draw from.

Writing this has actually opened up new connections my discovery of self.
So I can't thank you enough for that.
I hope you are able to pluck your strings of understanding from my crazy mess.

aka PanseyBard