Monday, May 26, 2014

Energy, Space, and Time

         By now most people are at least aware of the fact that time is not the immutable thing tick away like a clock. Ideas of that motion, and mass warping time/space are fairly well substantiated, here is a quick break down of the concept  Slightly less well known is stored energy effects mass, this has been shown in loaded, and unloaded springs, check out if this is something new to you.
        Quick and to the point, with these being true, time would have to run differently in high population density areas, in relation to lower population areas.  Yes I'm aware the difference would be ever so slight, but the difference would have to be there.  This realization has me pondering the idea that is it possible that our conception of time/space needs to account for energy, as without energy there is no motion, or matter. There is no change, rendering time/space irrelevant, and beyond notice.  I little bit odder questions arise in my sci/fi exposed brain.  Things like would it be possible to exploit this effect in cities, by directing the paths people take in their everyday movements?  Some fun ideas to ponder and play with.


Saturday, May 17, 2014

$15/hr Minimum Wage, and Automation

          So many of you may have heard, or read about the fast food workers push for higher minimum wages, and unionization.  Many reports have come out showing this movement as being pushed from unions, not by the workers themselves.  If your not up on these connections here are a few links to get you up to speed.

        This as I stated when the push began, raising the minimum wage would lead to adoption of automation for many low wage service positions.  I envisioned fully automated fast food joints, with an AI tied into huge data bases allowing for greatly increased efficiency, and profit margins.  I could never have realized how fast this innovation would progress, so fast it's left me wondering.  Could it be that this is a push instigated by the fast food companies themselves, to lend legitimacy to automation of public sector service jobs.  When I look at the idea of greater automation one of the sticking points is the majority still believe people need jobs, while I agree people need to be productive, and contribute, that isn't the same as jobs.  This belief will lead people to protest more machines taking more jobs, unless their is a situation that can be used to justify the automation.  So what makes me see these connections, a few related articles.

As you can see, cashiers are already obsolete, what has been keeping the change over at bay has been the cost benefit,  potential doubling of the cost of each cashier has for sure altered that equation.

So how about the back end? they will still need people to cook the food right?

Well, not so much

check out, if you are honest with yourself you can more then likely already see a fast food place with no visible employees.

while innovation and automation have been shown to create more jobs then they replace, these jobs are of a different skill set, with few if any of the current employees having the education to fill these positions.

I called this year to be when smart machines would make their presence known, this is a step in that direction



Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Double Slit Mystery is a Function of Space/Time

         I've been distracting myself with many crazy documentaries lately, several of which have been on quantum mechanics. So much is made of the double slit experiment, and how weird it supposedly seems when compared with our everyday world.  For those of you that don't know anything about the double slit experiment check out this video to get the basic idea.
Now from this you get the idea that quantum particles are waves, and particles. Can be in multiple places at once, and defy our rational understanding.
      I would say most of our confusion stems from not understanding what we are actually doing when we conduct this experiment.  This is a spacetime/timespace misunderstanding.  When we do this experiment we are actually creating an artificial space/time continuum.  The start point, or big bang moment is the spot where our particle enters our space/time. The screen is our end of space/time point. With the slit being an arbitrary rule set being placed on our space/time.  Now lets take a closer look at each of our main defined points in our newly created space/time.
     Firstly we have our big bang point, this is the point we shot our subatomic particle from. The screen is the end of our space/time, This is the point where we are measuring the effects our start, and rule set.  The rule set is the slits themselves. It is a defining point part way between our big bang, and our end or space/time.
     So why do I say this experiment is falsely confusing?   Easy, Experimenters are measuring multiple moments in space/time as if they are taking place at once.   They are measuring the first moment, the last moment, and a moment between as if they are the same moment.  Using this understanding you can then accurately predict the effects noticed in this experiment.  So the interference pattern we see is the representation of all possible outcomes of our space/time given our other defined points, and directional nature of our defined space/time.
     In an attempt to make this a bit clearer let me break down some of whats taking place, and explain it as close to how I see it as I can.  To start with, we define our experiment, this creates our space/time and rule set for our continuum. An important idea here is seeing the area between where our subatomic particle enters, and the screen as being our space/time continuum. So all of our space/time is predefined and every possible location a particle can be within our space/time has been defined by the nature of our experiment. We by definition are outside the space/time continuum of our experiment, as such we can see any moment or, the whole of our defined space/time continuum. Our particle enters our space/time and creates a ripple in the fabric, and even as we hold this moment of time the presence of the particle has rippled through the entire space/time.
    As always I reserve the right to be wrong.


Thursday, May 1, 2014

In Absentia

       For those of you who are unaware in January I had my top teeth extracted, and am currently healing before being fitted for permanent dentures.   Since that day I have been what I can only think of as depression.  Sleeping has become a major past time, as it's the only state I feel comfortable in.  Honestly I was boarder line on what I thought of this life before.  To be fair I have for most of my life held this world in contempt.   Most of what people have presented to me as important, I have seen as trivial.  What others have labeled human nature, I see as learned behavior.  Where people see constants I see tendency.  So I was already at odds with the prevailing view of what we are, and what we are doing here.  From the time I was a kid I have felt this place was intended to be a theme park, a vacation hot spot for eternal being, so they can forget being eternal.  This being the case I have not understood why people cling to life at all costs, I've maintained the idea that once my physical parts begin to break down, it's time to let go and move on. For me it's always been a quality of life question, not just alive.   Most have a difficult time understanding my position, as so many seem to have little to no problem with dentures, and to be fair I have had little physical trouble with using the appliance itself.  My trouble is with the very idea of living with the everyday reality.  In all likely hood I have extended my life, my teeth were already effecting my health before the extractions.  I had several abscesses, with at least a few days every couple of weeks where swelling would flair up and I'd be in significant pain.  So here I am healthier then I've been in years, and feeling I've made a huge mistake. It's like some animalistic  predatory part of me feels fundamentally broken.