Friday, October 11, 2013

The Layman's Guide to whats Happening.

To get a clear picture we have to start at least as far back as 1913. The Federal Reserve Act is signed into law.

What this did was allow for a private group to skim off every dollar created.

After WWII the Bretton Woods agreement was signed in 1944 to rebuild world trade.

This had the effect of allowing the The Fed to now skim off all international trade.

Forward to 1971 and Nixon removes the dollar from the gold standard.

When this was done the petrodollar took over.

Jumping ahead to more current events.

Afghan war is more about a pipeline and who will control it.

check out where U.S. bases are.

Iraq war more about oil for euros

Libya was the gold dinar

Syria is about a pipeline

Currently Russia supplies most of the natural gas to Europe, it also has a navel base in Syria.

The world has been making new trade agreements cutting the dollar out of the loop. For 50 plus years we have been exporting our inflation, and importing the wealth of the world. It seems the world has had enough, the brics nations have already formed a bloc that signaled the end of the dollar as the world reserve currency. In 2008 we entered the end of the dollar, QE infinity, and interest rates kept artificially low. I can only see this as buying time to allow for the new system to be introduced, and the impact of the transition to be lessened. The desire for war by the U.S. is due to it being the last tool of what has become an empire.
Lucky for the world it seems other leaders are aware of this. Avoiding the all out conflict, and allowing the U.S. to die of it's own devices.

We as citizens should be paying attention.


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