Showing posts with label Rockets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rockets. Show all posts

Friday, November 29, 2013

The Sun, a Cure for what Ails Us?

       Everyone knows we have waste management problems.  From  Fatberg to the The Great Pacific Garbage Patch . Even our "clean" nuclear energy leaves us with horrible toxic waste we shove in the ground. It seems that regardless of the skeptics, shooting the worst of our waste into the sun might be our best option.
Dispose of nuclear waste in the Sun.

They say the costs are just to high, I don't even understand this concept. we are talking about stuff that if left will kill us all eventually. We even keep making more of it.  With current conceptions of space travel and rockets I'll admit the idea seems a bit implausible.  Though I'm thinking that we set up our current launch facilities based on our destinations. If we want a disposal point it's all about getting out of earth gravity, and being reasonable sure it will have a clear path into the sun eventually.  I'd think a polar launch site would be best to eliminate as much of our rotation as possible.  A boost to break earths gravity well, and we have roughly a year before we'd see it again. Done correctly it will be well on it's fall toward the sun.  I'm fairly certain we have the ability to even calculate the optimal times for launch to use the moon, and inner planets as nice gravity slingshots to accomplish the feat with elegant energetic efficiency.  We don't need to rush to get rid of it all yesterday, we just need to begin to get rid of more then we make in a defined period.
         I know the effort seems monumental, but I guess we should thought about how to get rid of the stuff before we started making it.


Monday, July 29, 2013

Why Rockets work in a Vacuum

Today I'm gonna give my take on part of a conspiracy theory.
This one deals with the idea of if rockets work in the vacuum of space.

Here are a couple of links for background

The basic idea for the doubters is this.
Space being a virtual vacuum offers nothing for a force to be applied to, as the expanding gas can expand infinitely with no resistance. This makes a situation where no work can be done.
Offered as rebuttal are newtons laws of motion. if you are unfamiliar with these.'s_laws_of_motion

While I agree it is newtons laws of motion being applied, the only thing I found that gave me a reasonable picture of what is happening was the idea of a balloon being inflated, and released. Rockets are a series of explosions, the combustion chamber can be thought of as the balloon. As the gases expand inside the chamber they exert pressure or force on the walls of the chamber. When the chamber is vacated the force is given direction creating trust. So no work is being done against the vacuum, and newtons laws are still being adhered to.
